Resources for Thesis Preparation and Checking

Workday Student Support

Graduate students can find "how to" guides and support information on our Workday support page.

These resources are designed to help you check the presentation and formatting of the PDF portion of your thesis.

Important: It is your responsibility to proofread your thesis. Grad Studies checks the content and formatting of the preliminary pages but does not proofread. You cannot make changes to your thesis after it has been accepted into cIRcle, so you will not be able to correct any errors after your final thesis has been approved.


Committee page examples:

Committee page templates:

For all Committee Pages:

  • Please include all committee members. For supervisory committee members who were not part of the examining committee, please include them under "Additional Committee Members".
  • Please remove any lines you do not need.

Thesis Preparation Quick Links

Thesis Submission Quick Links

Webinar Recordings

These webinars provide information and advice on preparing and submitting the text-based components of your thesis.

Other Resources