Leveraging your Strengths to Strategize for Success

Date & Time

Tuesday, November 26, 2024
11:00 am to 12:30 pm


Thea Koerner House

Offered by

Graduate Pathways to Success and UBC Career Centre

Registration Closed / Past Event


Quick – tell us the top five things you are good at! Can you do it? Or would it be easier to tell us the things you’re not good at? The truth is many of us spend more time focused on (and trying to fix) what we’re not good at, instead of discovering, appreciating, and cultivating our strengths. In this session, using the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment (www.gallupstrengthscenter.com), you will learn more about your particular top strengths, how they interact with each other, how they shape your perspective, and how they can be leveraged for success in grad school and beyond. The Top 5 Strengths Assessment is included in this workshop.

In this workshop, you will:

  • reflect, interpret, and articulate your unique strengths and specify what they mean to you
  • discuss and share next ideas about how your strengths inform your degree and your future career plans
  • learn about opportunities to discuss and describe your strengths (interviews, Linked In profile, and more)

Please note the event will not be recorded so you must attend live and in-person. Handout maybe available to share after the session.


Rebecca Dirnfeld, MA, is a Career Educator who works with the UBC Career Centre to support graduate students at UBC. She has a Career and Work Counselling Diploma from George Brown College. Her past experience includes leading the graduate student career education portfolio for graduate studies and managing the MBA careers team at Toronto Metropolitan University, and in providing career advising to business students as a team member of SFU’s Beedie Career Management Centre. Rebecca is also a part-time graduate student in UBC’s EDST MA program.

Kimberley Rawes is the Manager, Career and Professional Development at UBC Career Centre. She has the joy of leading a team of talented Career Educators that design programs and learning that helps students explore their possibilities and take strategic steps. She has been a career development professional for over 15 years in Higher Education and is the first Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach in Canada.

Registration Information

General registration is open on Tuesday, November 12th at 9 am.

Registration is open to current UBC graduate students. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email at the e-mail associated with your community.grad.ubc.ca account. If you experience any difficulty using the online registration tool, please e-mail us at graduate.pathways@ubc.ca.

Please email us if you are registered and are no longer able to attend this event.


If you have a disability or medical condition that may affect your full participation in the event, please email graduate.pathways@ubc.ca, 604-827-4578, well in advance of the event.