Public Scholars Initiative welcomes new researchers

Now entering its ninth year, UBC's Public Scholars Initiative (PSI) has announced 43 new doctoral students for the 2023/24 academic year.

How can a PhD student change the world for the better? The latest PSI cohort of doctoral students are doing research that extends beyond the traditional approach - doing work for the public good, in collaborative, interdisciplinary ways.

The Public Scholars Initiative (PSI) was launched in 2015 to support UBC doctoral students whose research extended beyond the academy, and beyond traditional disciplinary approaches, to have a tangible impact for the public good through collaborative, action-oriented, and/or creative forms of scholarship in their dissertation work. With more than 300 Public Scholars accepted into the program over the last eight years, the program has worked with more than 150 different partners in all societal sectors in more than 40 countries.

In 2022, the program was expanded to include doctoral students from the Okanagan campus, adding seven UBCO scholars. And for 2023, in partnership with UBC Health, the PSI program has created a health equity stream for doctoral students. This year's recipients include five doctoral students from the Okanagan campus, and nine students who are doing work in the health equity stream.

Congratulations to the new 2023/24 cohort! Learn more about their research areas and profiles below. Note: ** indicates researchers in the health equity stream.

UBC Vancouver

Name Research topic Faculty Department/Unit
Heather Rogers Anholt
A One Health approach to investigating the ecology of East African trypanosomiasis in Malawian wildlife
Medicine    Population and Public Health
Arthuso Arantes Faria Rodrigo
Maxakali systems of law, state practices of justice: an investigation into the criminalization of native modes of being in Brazil
Arts  Anthropology
Michelle Baron
Code-switching for Trilinguals - The Hawaiian Context 
Arts  Linguistics
Gabrielle Berry
[♪♪♪]: The Sonic Resonances of Captions
Arts  Cinema and Media Studies
Mahashewta Bhattacharya
Homing Cities, ‘Unhoming’ Identities: Tracing the materialities and sensorialities of multi-sited homes among rural to urban women migrants of Eastern India
Arts  Anthropology
Kennedy Borle **
Investigating the unmet need for clinical genetic services in Canada and identifying strategies to improve equitable access to care
Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies Program
Tara L. Brown
Comparing Guided and Self-Guided Forest Bathing in Metro Vancouver Parks: A Seasonal Longitudinal RCT Examining Health Impacts and Environmental Factors
Forestry Forestry
Allison Campbell **
Parenting Behind Bars: Maternal-Child (Connection and) Separation in BC's Prisons Designated for Women
Arts Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice
Hallie Dau
The Social and Economic Impact of Cervical Cancer on Women and Children in Uganda
Medicine     Public Health
Nicole Davies
Revitalizing Indigenous Seed and Agricultural Food Systems through Community-Led Restorative Research
Land and Food Systems Land and Food Systems
Jonathan Easey **
Harnessing Queer community- and adult-learning to increase PrEP access and prevent HIV in Vancouver
Education Educational Studies
Daniel Gallardo
Dragging education to imagine otherwise: cultivating learning environments for Indigenous queer belonging.
Education Educational Studies
Orkhon Gantogtokh
Strengthening the Research Capacity of Mongolia through Doctoral Education Reform
Education Educational Studies
Ilke Geladi
Understanding interactions between farmers and birds in the agricultural zone of Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos
Science    Resources, Environment and Sustainability
Miah Godek
Fire, fungi, and cultural plants in the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia
Forestry     Forest & Conservation Sciences
Katherine Hastings **
Co-designing a youth suicide care framework using a learning health systems approach
Medicine     School of Population and Public Health
Hsuan-Che Huang
The Allyship Gap: True or Performative Allyship from Organizational Leaders?
Sauder    Business Administration in Organizational Behaviour
Andrea Kampen
The work of art: Understanding research-creation interventions in social science research
Arts Library, Archival & Information Studies
Mai-Lei (Maggie) Woo Kinshella
Investigating the relationship between maternal diet and pregnancy hypertension in sub-Saharan Africa
Medicine     Women+ and Children’s Health Sciences
Jennifer McDermid **
Exploring the social and structural impacts of the unpredictable and criminalized drug supply among women and gender minorities in Vancouver, BC
Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies   Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies Program
Charlotte Milne
Canada's flood mapping, what’s really at risk?
Science  Resources, Environment and Sustainability
Zankhna (Zana) Mody
Counting Blue Carbon for Coastal Communities: Comparative Global Analyses for Nature Based Solutions and Traditional Mangrove Management Methods
Science  Resources, Environment and Sustainability
Julia Nakamura
Volunteering with the Canadian Red Cross: Recruiting, Training, Engaging, and Promoting Health
and Well-Being of Canadian Volunteers
Arts  Psychology
Titilope Onolaja
Power and Policy in West African Museums: A Comparative Analysis of Nigeria and Senegal
Arts  Art History
Stephen Oppong
21st Century Receptions of Classical Greek Theatre in Africa
Arts  Theatre Studies
Jennie Pearson **
Building digital “Communities of care” under sex work criminalization and beyond: Exploring how digital community mobilization supports health, safety and wellbeing among sex workers in Vancouver, Canada
Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies Program
Dane Pedersen
Seeing the forest through the trees: Collaborative climate-informed forest governance in Quesnel, British Columbia
Forestry Forestry
Deborah Pierce
The impacts of land markets, access and land use on women's livelihoods in the Colombian Amazon
Forestry Forestry
Himani Prajapati
Co-creation of Tailored Online Yoga Intervention to Improve Well-being in People with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI-Yoga)
Medicine Rehabilitation Sciences
Wesley Regan
From Agenda 21 to 15 Minute Cities: Advancing Urban Climate Action in the Infodemic
Applied Science     School of Community and Regional Planning
Starr Sandoval
Documenting Speaker Attitude in Ktunaxa
Arts     Linguistics
Neha Sharma-Mascarenhas
End-of-life Outcomes of Electronics | Repair, Reuse, Recycling
Science Resources, Environment and Sustainability
Leah Shipton
Governing the Global Covid-19 Response: The Dynamics of Multistakeholder Governance of Medical Technologies
Arts Political Science
Sabina Staempfli **
Long-term care reform in action: A realist review and evaluation of care delivery to improve quality of life for Canadian long-term care residents
Applied Science Nursing
Michael Stefanuk
Fire Regimes from Past to Future in the Dry Interior Forests of the Carboo Region, British Columbia
Forestry Forestry
Risa Renée Tonita
The Pianist’s Self: Political Action in Piano Performance as a Relational Practice
Arts Music
Zeina Waheed
Pharmacogenomic testing for people with major depression: identifying and developing implementation strategies
Medicine Population and Public Health
Almira Zhantuyakova
Comprehensive Approach to Ovarian Cancer: From Equity-oriented Prevention to Novel Therapeutics
Medicine Women+ and Children’s Health Sciences   

UBC Okanagan

Name Faculty Department/Unit
Lauren Airth   ** Faculty of Health and Social Development School of Nursing
Denica Dione Bleau Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Department of Community, Culture, and Global Studies
Andrea Burrows  ** Faculty of Health and Social Development School of Nursing
Donna Langille Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Anthropology, Department of Community, Culture, and Global Studies
Allison Kooijman  Faculty of Health and Social Development School of Nursing


Learn more about the Public Scholars Initiative on their website.


Monday, 25 September 2023