Andrew Nord Fellowships in Rheumatology


Likely in May 2025

Annual Value



Permanent Resident

Degree Level


Fellowships totalling $552,750 have been endowed through a bequest from the Estate of Andrew Nord. Andrew Nord suffered from the effects of arthritis from the age of 15 and the goal for his bequest is "to prevent the disease from its devastating onslaught, to find better ways to live with the disease, and to find the cause, leading to a cure once and for all." Doctoral students engaged in rheumatology research in any faculty at UBC are eligible to apply for the fellowships. Recommendations are made by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.  Fellowship offers are $25,000/year for up to four years (first 48 months of doctoral study).


Application Procedures


Follow these steps to apply to UBC Graduate School!