Future Forests Fellowship


Likely in November 2025

Annual Value



Permanent Resident

Degree Level


An annual $70,000 fellowship has been established by a private grant-making foundation. This prestigious fellowship will be awarded to an incoming PhD student in the Faculty of Forestry whose intended studies fit within one of the following areas of excellence within the Faculty: Forest Products Biotechnology; Bioenergy; Forest Genomics; Climate Change; Urban Forestry; Forest Management; Conservation; Forested Landscapes; Salmon Ecology; Forest Health; Forests and Indigenous Peoples; Forests and Human Health. The fellowship holder will receive this funding for up to four years and only one student may be in receipt of the fellowship at a time. The fellowship will be awarded on the recommendation of the Faculty of Forestry in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.


Further Information

Full details regarding eligibility, application process, and evaluation criteria are available at Future Forests Fellowship website.


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