Killam Fellowship Travel and Research Allowance


Likely in December 2025

Annual Value

Doctoral - $2,000; Postdoctoral - $4,000


Permanent Resident

Degree Level


The UBC Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Fund for Advanced Studies provides continuing Killam Doctoral Scholars and Postdoctoral Research Fellows with an allowance to promote travel for research and to attend and/or present at academic meetings. Recipients of doctoral and postdoctoral funding offers made in 2024 onward are not eligible for the allowance; instead, those recipients receive a higher annual stipend. 

Travelling outside of Canada: When students are planning travel outside of Canada for university purposes, they have obligations under UBC’s Student Safety Abroad Policy (SC12). Students are required to have adequate travel medical insurance, to register their travel on UBC’s Safety Abroad Registry, and to use the resources provided by UBC to support safe travel planning and risk management. In locations where the Government of Canada has official travel advisories in place, students are required to request High-Risk Authorization before travelling. For more information, see: or email



Only continuing Killam Postdoctoral Research Fellows and Killam Doctoral Scholars are eligible for the Killam Allowance. Recipients of Killam doctoral and postdoctoral funding offers made in 2024 onward are not eligible for the allowance; instead, those recipients receive a higher annual stipend. 

Non-Killam doctoral students may seek assistance from the Graduate Student Travel Fund.

Eligible travel expenses are as follows:

  • Airline or other public carrier travel (at economy fare)
  • Mileage (includes fuel cost)
  • Accommodation
  • Conference registration
  • Meals

Please review UBC Policy FM8 "Travel and Related Expenses" for a full list of allowable expenses and related requirements.

Additional expenses reimbursed for Killam Postdoctoral Research Fellows are as follows:

  • one-time relocation expenses to Vancouver
  • minor research-related expenses

Evaluation Criteria

Applications that are complete and meet the eligibility requirements will be reimbursed.

Application Procedures

Complete and submit a Killam Fellowship Travel Expense Form to apply for reimbursement of eligible expenses.

Killam Doctoral Scholars:

The allowance has a value of $2,000 over the 24-month tenure of the Killam Doctoral Scholarship.

Killam Doctoral Scholars may also apply for funding from the Graduate Student Travel Fund once they have exhausted their Killam Allowance. The Graduate Student Travel Fund provides one-time travel support to a maximum of $500 per graduate student who presents a paper or poster at an official conference or symposium (student workshops are not eligible).

Killam Doctoral Scholars should apply for the Killam Allowance before applying separately for the Graduate Student Travel Fund.

Killam Postdoctoral Research Fellows:

The allowance has a value of $4,000 over the 24-month tenure of the Killam Postdoctoral Research Fellowship.


  • For research-related travel, please submit claim within 30 days of the return date.
  • For discretionary research expenses, please submit claim within 30 days of incurring the expense.
  • For one-time relocation to Vancouver, please submit claim within 60 days of the fellowship start date. Please note that relocation expenses must have been incurred within 60 days before and/or after the commencement date of the fellowship.

Nomination Procedures

Supervisor’s signature must be obtained and the completed form with original receipts/boarding passes delivered to the Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies.

Adjudication Procedures

A six week time period is necessary for processing reimbursements once submissions are received by the Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies.

Further Information

Reimbursements will be issued via direct deposit by UBC Financial Services. Cheques will only be issued if the recipient is not on direct deposit or if the expense is in a foreign currency. Cheques will be mailed to the department address provided on the claim form.


Killam Research and Travel Allowance Claim Form
Graduate Student Travel Fund Application


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