Raquel Baldwinson

Raquel Baldwinson is a Liu Scholar at the Liu Institute for Global Issues and a doctoral candidate in the Department of English at the University of British Columbia. Through the support of the Killam Doctoral Scholarship and the Friedman Award for Scholars in Health, Baldwinson completed a four-year Visiting Fellow appointment in the Department of History of Science at Harvard University. 

Global health doubt: Belief and the grammars of global health

Global Health Doubt: Belief and the Grammars of Global Health,” tells the story of how, at the turn of the new millennium, societies were presented with a new grammar for social action called “global health”—but publics did not “believe” in it. Baldwinson theorizes that, just as global climate change efforts have been obstructed by a condition of denial, global health efforts have been obstructed by a condition of doubt. 


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