Ehsan Mohammadi Zahrani

Archived Content

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Electrochemical Behavior and Corrosion Properties of Advance Materials
Professor Akram Alfantazi
Why did you decide to pursue a graduate degree?

Doing research is the most enjoyable work in my life. This activity gives me the deepest personal satisfaction and it is very difficult for me to find appropriate words to describe this enjoyable personal feeling. I strongly believe that a graduate student can have a great contribution in improving the quality of life of the general public by developing and applying leading-edge knowledge. This is why I decided to continue my education toward the PhD level.

Why did you decide to study at UBC?

I had several opportunities around the world to continue my study toward a PhD, but I selected UBC as my final destination since the Corrosion Research Group of the Materials Engineering Department, led by professor Alfantazi, is one of the most prestigious and leading research groups in the world in the area of corrosion. It has been my golden opportunity to be able to find an outstanding professor in this world-class leading research group to support me in doing research in the area of my interest.

What was the best surprise about UBC or life in Vancouver?

Vancouver is the most beautiful city in the world with great landscapes and stunning nature and living in such an outstanding city could be a nice experience not only for me but also for all graduate students. Also, I found UBC as a place of excellence in research with world-class faculty members and state-of-the-art research facilities. These features of study in UBC and living in Vancouver can provide the best conditions for interested students to have a fruitful academic life.

What has winning a major award meant to you?

Winning major awards showed me that up until now I have followed a true path in my academic life. This success makes me absolutely delighted and encourages me to work harder than ever to fulfill my academic dreams of being a very successful researcher in the future. This is the best way for me to help people of our society in having a more enjoyable life through working on the research topics which are needed by the society and industry sectors.

What advice do you have for new graduate students?

UBC offers an excellent environment for academic and social growth to the student. Therefore, I firmly believe that it is crucial for students to try making contributions not only in academic research work, but also in social and extracurricular activities at this university, in order to grow their leadership ability. Being excellent in academic work and having well-developed leadership skills could be counted as two major important factors for students to be successful in their future life and career.


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