AJung Moon

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AJung Moon is the CEO and Co-Founder of Generation R, an AI ethics consultancy that used proprietary methods to assess Technical Safety BC’s new initiative and develop the ethics roadmap. Together with Technical Safety BC, Generation R completed the first ethics roadmap for a software-based decision support system.

Human Robot Interaction and Roboethics
Korea, Republic of
Vanier Scholarship

Moon's ethics roadmap for a software-based decision support system uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data analytics to improve the prediction of technical safety hazards, thereby enhancing public safety in British Columbia. Moon's work was highlighted on November 16, 2017 at a United Nations Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) event called ‘Entrepreneurial Perspectives on Emerging Technologies in the Field of AI and Autonomous Systems’ as the first example of how ethical risks inherent in AI and data analytics can be proactively managed in industries today. The outcomes of the project are published in a case study on Generation R’s website entitled, Predictive Algorithm to Support Frontline Worker Decisions.

Generation R delivered five actionable recommendations highlighting how Technical Safety BC can effectively engage employees in their new data analytics initiative while encouraging the development of communication and monitoring practices to minimize the risks of using AI-based decision support systems. In addition, Generation R provided 31 critical business, policy and design decisions that Technical Safety BC can consider in order to understand tradeoffs of using AI and data analytics as part of their operations.

“It is much harder to revert negative effects of AI and data-driven systems once they are already deployed in an organization. It is wise to understand ethical risks inherent in the system and mitigate them as you design and deploy new technology,” she explained.

Why did you decide to pursue a graduate degree?

I've been passionate about roboethics issues since my undergraduate degree, but I didn't know how I could make a difference in the field. My mentors advised me that if I want to have an impact in ethical, legal, and societal issues pertaining to robotics, I need to have an in-depth understanding of the technology. Dr. Van der Loos demonstrated to me how robotics research can help pursue my passion, and then a graduate degree became an obvious option.

Why did you decide to study at UBC?

While I was pursuing my master's degree at UBC, I started an international organization called the Open Roboethics initiative (ORi) that aims to raise public awareness of roboethics issues (i.e., ethical, societal, and legal issues pertaining to robotics technology) and to better incorporate stakeholder discussions into design. I've decided to stay at UBC for my PhD in order to continue to work with the world class roboethics experts and roboticists who helped start the organization.

What was the best surprise about UBC or life in Vancouver?

I was surprised to find that I've become much more athletic and outgoing after having moved to Vancouver, although my life as a graduate student is a very busy one. I used to dislike exercise, and prefer indoors to outdoors. With the UBC campus as well as the province of British Columbia offering easy access to hiking trails, mountains, ski slopes and much more, it is easier to establish a healthy lifestyle.

What do you hope to accomplish with your research?

I hope to contribute to the field of human-robot interaction and roboethics (study of ethical, legal, and societal issues pertaining to robotics) by introducing a new paradigm of interaction that allows flexible, shared decision making. This will provide a critical path to advancing interactive robotics by helping to address the question of what a robot should do in human-robot conflict situations.

What has winning a major award meant to you?

My decision to pursue a career in very young fields of research - human-robot interaction and roboethics - means that I carry a lot of risks of failure with me. Winning the award has been a strong reassurance that my work is valuable and that the risks are worth taking.

What advice do you have for new graduate students?

Make friends, inside and outside the lab. I quickly found that the pursuit of new knowledge can feel like a very stressful and lonely journey. Whenever I get stressed about something, it really helps to know that I have friends here who are my support network, even if they can't help solve any of my problems. Getting to know people outside of my immediate research community helped establish valuable opportunities to learn and collaborate as well.


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