Andrew Nelson

Archived Content

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Historical placer mining impacts on the Fraser River
Michael Church
United States of America
Why did you decide to pursue a graduate degree?
I wanted to receive training that would allow me to contribute to scientific research.
Why did you decide to study at UBC?
I was impressed by the beauty of the country, the reputation of the Geography program, and the intrigue of my particular research topic.
What do you hope to accomplish with your research?
I hope to provide data that will inform management decisions related to the Fraser River. Additionally, I hope to increase our understanding of human-environment-human interactions over long timescales and large spatial scales.
What are your future career goals?
I hope to work as an academic who seeks study topics that are of both academic interest and practical need for the interests of developing nations and NGOs working for human and environmental welfare in the developing world.
What has been your most memorable Vancouver experience so far?
The great public transportation (and my hour and forty five minute commute on it).
What advice do you have for new graduate students?
Vancouver is a beautiful city, with many diverse ethnic communities. The key drawback in living here while studying as a graduate student at UBC is that the cost of living is very high.
Personal Interests / Hobbies
Mountineering, Birding, Backpacking, Mountian Biking, Kayaking, Gardening

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