Wei Shi

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Dr. Lukas Chrostowski
Why did you decide to pursue a graduate degree?

To explore the frontier technologies and learn the necessary knowledge and skills for my future carrier.

Why did you decide to study at UBC?

World-class research, advanced facilities, and beautiful ocean and mountains.

What do you hope to accomplish with your research?

With the demand for communications continuously increasing, optical networks will need to be even more ubiquitous than they are today. Achieving this goal will require integrated photonic and electronic devices and systems that are low cost, small sized and high bandwidth. Such devices will then enable optics to penetrate further into important communication networks: fiber-to-the-home (FTTH), local and wide area networks (LAN, WAN), machine-to-machine connectivity, and wireless signal distribution. Eventually, our devices will find their way into emerging areas where optical interfaces are required: backplane communications (e.g. between CPU and memory) and inter-chip communication (e.g. between the multiple CPU cores).

What are your future career goals?

1. To develop and commercialize new technologies in photonics and electronics. “Scientists have ideas; engineers make them work.” said Nobel Prize winner Jack Kilby. His invention of the monolithic integrated circuit (microchip) at Texas Instruments (TI) in 1958 laid the conceptual and technical foundation for the entire field of modern microelectronics. It was this breakthrough that made possible the sophisticated high-speed computers and large-capacity semiconductor memories of today\'s information age. What I want as my life career is to follow Jack Kilby’s concept – to explore good ideas and develop them into reality. This reality is not only good results in laboratory, but also, more important, is the reality in changing our life. With this belief, I am enthusiastic about commercializing the promising technology in my research. 2. To promote communication and collaboration between Canada and China in both academia and industry. I have been working in an international project of the collaboration between UBC and my previous university in China since 2008. This project is grated by BC Innovation Committee and Chinese government and expected to spawn a sustainable research collaboration and commercial opportunities in optical communications between China and BC. I believe there will be more opportunities for me to contribute to the mutually beneficial development of China and Canada and the friendship of Chinese and Canadian people in the future.

What has been your most memorable Vancouver experience so far?

My first child was born in Vancouver. Although we do not have any other family members living here, our friends gave us family-like love and support. During my wife's pregnancy, we received innumerable helps from our friends, the midwives, doctors, and nurses, and many first-met people. It was an amazing journey full of love and friendship and definitely the most memorable experience in all my life.

What advice do you have for new graduate students?

If you have any questions about study and life in Canada, the advisors at the International House of UBC will be a great help.

Personal Interests / Hobbies

Sports and photography


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