
Bioinformatics combines computational and biological disciplines.


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Faculty Members in Bioinformatics

Name Research Interests
Munzner, Tamara Human-centered computing; visualization; information visualization; visual analytics; data science
Murphy, Michael Bacteriology; Enzymes (including kinetics and mechanisms, and biocatalyst); Alternatives to antibiotics; Bacterial pathogenesis; Biological and Biochemical Mechanisms; Functional and Structural Proteomics; Microbial metal metabolism
Ng, Raymond Tak-Yan Data mining and analysis, health informatics, text summarization, text mining
Otto, Sarah evolution, mathematical modeling, population genetics, genomic evolution, evolution of sex, yeast experimental evolution, Population genetics and evolutionary biology, yeast
Overall, Christopher Mark Basic medicine and life sciences; protease; Viral Protease; Inflammation; Immunodeficiency; one health; Proteomics; Terminomics; Human Proteome Project
Park, Yongjin Other basic medicine and life sciences; High dimensional data analysis; Biostatistical methods; Bioinformatics; single-cell genomics; Computational Biology; Causal inference; Bayesian machine learning
Pavlidis, Paul Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Engineering and technology; genomics; Bioinformatics; cellular and molecular neuroscience; Genetics; disorders of the nervous system; single-cell genomics; Computational Biology; Gene regulation
Plotkin, Steven Biophysics theory and computation
Rieseberg, Loren Bioinformatics; Genomics; Plant biology; adaptation; crops; invasive plants; plant evolutionary biology; speciation; weeds
Roth, Andrew Bioinformatics; Cancer Evolution; Cancer omics data; computational statistics; Computational Biology; computational methods for studying clonal population structures and tumour evolution; Evolutionary cancer biology; genomics; Machine Learning; Methodological work in computational statistics; Molecular Oncology
Singh, Amritpal Other basic medicine and life sciences; single cell multiomics; single cell spatial multiomics; data integration; Machine Learning; Biomarkers; heart and lung disease; High dimensional data analysis; Bioinformatics
Steidl, Christian Hematological tumours; Cancer; Cancer biology; Pathology; lymphoma; tumor microenvironment; Precision Medicine; genomics
Steif, Adi Bioinformatics; Algorithms and computational genomics; Genomics; Cancer genetics; Mechanisms of carcinogenesis; Cancer progression and metastasis; Statistical methods for high throughput data; High dimensional data analysis; Computational Biology; Machine Learning; Cancer Genomics; Single cell sequencing; Tumour evolution; Genomic technology development
Suttle, Curtis Bioinformatics; Fisheries sciences; Immunology; Microbiology; Oceanography; Plant biology; Biological Oceanography; Environmental Virology; Marine Environment; Marine Microbiology; Microbial Diversity; Phage; Viral Discovery; Viruses
Swindale, Nicholas Vaughan Bioinformatics; Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Eye and Visual System Diseases; Neuronal Modeling; Neuronal Systems; Visual System
Takei, Fumio Molecular immunology, cancer, cell-cell interactions
Talhouk, Aline Human reproduction and development sciences; Computer Science and Statistics; Epidemiology; Bioinformatics; Cancer of the Reproductive System; diagnostic models; Digital health; Machine Learning; personalized medicine; prevention; Privacy
Tam, Roger Machine learning; Biomedical signal processing; Biomedical Design and Innovation; Biomedical Technologies; Computer Science and Statistics; Data Analytics; Medical Imaging; Machine Learning; Neurodegenerative diseases; Precision Medicine; Radiology
Tang, Xin Bioinformatics; Artificial intelligence (AI); Cell biology; Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Mathematical biology; Genetics; Medical and biomedical engineering; Cancer; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Explainable and Interpretable Learning, Representation Learning, Knowledge Distillation; Biologically Informed Neural Network, Physically Informed Neural Network; Knowledge Distillation, Biological LLM, Biomedical Image Processing; Computational Cell Biology, Single-cell Biology, Multi-omics, Virtual Cell, Spatial Omics; Brain-Computer Interface, Neuroscience, Brain Mapping; Cancer Genomics, Development, Aging
Tokuyama, Maria Virology; Endogenous retroviruses (ERVs); Chronic interaction between viruses and the immune system
Tremlett, Helen Epidemiology (except nutritional and veterinary epidemiology); multiple sclerosis; Neuroepidemiology; Pharmacoepidemiology; prodrome,; Drug safety and effectiveness; Pharmacogenomics; comorbidities; health administrative data; Gut microbiome; prodromes
Tropini, Carolina Microbiology; Medical and biomedical engineering; Physical sciences; Bacteria; Bacteriophages; Bioengineering; Bioinformatics; Biological and Biochemical Mechanisms; Biophysics; Gut microbiota; Inflammatory bowel disease
Vallance, Bruce Enteric bacterial pathogens, innate immunity, instestinal inflammation, host defense, inflammatory bowel disease, immunity in health and disease
Velenosi, Thomas Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences, n.e.c.; Cancer drug development and therapeutics; Cancer molecular targets; Metabolomics; Lipid biology (including lipidomics); Pharmacometabolomics; Pharmacology; Lipidomics; mass spectrometry; Cancer; Stable isotope tracing; Bioinformatics
Wang, Zhen Signal processing theory and applications, bioinformatics
Wasserman, Wyeth Medical, health and life sciences; Medical and biomedical engineering; Creation of computational methods for the analysis of genome sequences (bioinformatics); Study of cis-regulatory elements controlling gene transcription; Applied analyses of genome sequences (genomics); Indigenous genomics
Weng, Andrew Molecular biology
Woodward, Todd Cognitive neuropsychiatry and functional neuroimaging



Student & Alumni Stories in Bioinformatics

Eric Lee

Doctor of Philosophy in Bioinformatics (PhD)

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