Cell and Developmental Biology

Cell and Developmental Biology courses provide a thorough understanding of the scientific fundamentals and methodologies of contemporary cell and developmental biology.


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Faculty Members in Cell and Developmental Biology

Name Research Interests
Accili, Eric molecular mechanisms responsible for cellular pacemaking behavior
Allan, Douglas Nervous system
Auld, Vanessa Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Zoology; Cell; Cell Biology; Development; Developmental Genetics; epithelia; Genetics; glia; in vivo imaging; Molecular Genetics; nervous system; Neurogenesis and Gliogenesis; permeability barriers
Bamji, Shernaz Medical and biomedical engineering; Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; neurodevelopmental disease; primary neuronal cultures; synapse biology; transgenic mouse models
Beristain, Alexander Guillermo Healthy Starts; cellular and molecular processes that direct trophoblast cell biology in early placental development; Examining the A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase (ADAM) family in trophoblast biology; Examining the effects of obesity-associated inflammation on the maternal-fetal interface; Identifying gene expression differences in subpopulations of trophoblasts in normal and pathological pregnancies
Bruce, Heather Evolution of developmental systems; Evolutionary developmental biology (evo devo); Arthropods; Novel structures; Production of morphological diversity by genetic networks; Evolution of genetic networks over hundreds of millions of years; Evolution of morphology over hundreds of millions of years; Appendages
Cembrowski, Mark Steven Molecular neuroscience; Mathematical modelling and simulation; Mechanisms of memory in the brain; Anxiety; Big Data; Bioinformatics; Cell types; Computation; Fear; Genetics; modeling; Neural circuits; neuroscience; Neuroscience of memory; PTSD; RNAseq
Conibear, Elizabeth Other basic medicine and life sciences; Protein trafficking in cell biology; Molecular genetics; Functional genomics; Membranes; Enzymes and Proteins; Vesicle Trafficking; Molecular Genetics; Neurodegenerative diseases; Protein Palmitoylation; Cell Signaling and Cancer
Coombs, Daniel Mathematical biology; Cellular immunology; Complex physical systems; Epidemiology (except nutritional and veterinary epidemiology); Cell Signaling and Infectious and Immune Diseases; Cell biophysics; Disease models; Epidemiology; Immune cell signalling; Mathematics
Dong, Xuesen Cancer progression and metastasis; Gene and molecular therapy; Prostate Cancer; Drug development; RNA splicing and Gene Regulation; Hormone Dependent Cancers; Endocrine Regulation
Gold, Michael understanding cell signaling, morphology, trafficking, and effector function of immune cells and tumour cells
Gordon, Michael Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Zoology; Chemosensation; Drosophila; Feeding; Gustation; Neural circuits; Neuronal Systems; neuroscience; Sensory systems; Taste
Graf, Daniel Bone, skin and cartilage science; Cell differentiation, proliferation and death; Developmental genetics (including sex determination); Developmental and degenerative pathologies associated with cartilage, bone, and teeth
Greenblatt, Ethan
Haas, Kurt Medical and biomedical engineering; Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Autism; Brain Circuit Development; Dendritogenesis; Epilepsy; Genetics of Neurological and Psychiatric Diseases; Neurodevelopmental disorders; Neurological diseases; Neuronal Communication and Neurotransmission; Neuronal Computation; Neuronal Modeling; Neuronal Systems; Neuronal and Synaptic Activity; Plasticity / Neuronal Regeneration; Synaptic Plasticity
Hakkinen, Lari Dentistry and oral health; Cell signaling; Cell therapy; Cell to cell communication; Connective Tissue; Extracellular matrix; Fibroblasts, MSC; Oral mucosa and skin; Tissue regeneration; Wound Healing
Hilton, Brett Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; neuroscience; neuroplasticity; Axon regeneration; Spinal cord injury
Hoffman, Bradford Understanding how the genes critical to endocrine pancreas development, as well as ?-cell function and proliferation are regulated is essential for the development of novel strategies for the production of insulin-secreting cells, and for improving the efficacy of available transplantable material.
Hoodless, Pamela Computational cell biology; Cancer; Genomics; Medical and biomedical engineering; Nucleic acids studies; Developmental Genetics; Embryology; Embryonic Development; Epigenetics; Heart Valve / Valvular Diseases; Heart valve formation; Liver; Liver development; Stem Cells and Organogenesis; transcriptional regulation
John Peter, Arun Lipid transport, Membrane contact sites, Organelle homeostasis, Lipid quality control, Synthetic biology, Lipidomics
Johnson, James diabetes, hormones, cell biology, signal transduction, apoptosis or programmed cell death, heart failure, heart disease, calcium signalling, pancreatic cancer, obesity, longevity, imaging, Causes of type 1 and type 2 diabetes at a molecular level discovery of genes and associated gene networks linked to diabetes risk and by known risk factors that predispose individuals to diabetes
Kieffer, Tim Diabetes
Kopp, Janel Genomics; Modeling cancer; Pancreas; Pancreatic cancer; Pancreatic development
Krentz, Nicole Human development and organogenesis; Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences, n.e.c.; Human physiology, n.e.c.; Diabetes; Developmental biology; Genetics
Lange, Philipp Bioinformatics; Genomics; Pathology (except oral pathology); Cell Signaling and Cancer; mass spectrometry; pediatric cancer; personalized medicine; post translational protein modification; Proteomics
Lansdorp, Peter Genetic medicine; Application of single cell Strand-seq in precision medicine; Applied Genetics; cellular aging; Cellular Degeneration; Cellular Division; Complex Trait Genetics; DNA replication, epigenetics and stem cells; Gene Regulation and Expression; Genetic Diseases; Stem Cells and Organogenesis; telomeres; Telomeres, genomic instability, aging and cancer
Li, Xin Molecules in plants, plants defence against pathogen infection, plant genes
Lim, Chinten James Cancer progression and metastasis; Solid cancer tumours; Hematological tumours; tumour cell biology; mechanisms of drug resistance; integrin cell adhesion and migration; tumour microenvironment; pediatric oncology
Loewen, Christopher Genomics; Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS); Autism; Cancer Cell Metabolism; Cell Biology; Cell polarity; Endoplasmic Reticulum; Genetic Networks; Golgi; Lipid Signalling; Lipid Traffic; Membrane Contact Sites; Membrane Diffusion Barriers; Membranes and Organelles; Super Resolution Microscopy; Systems Biology
Luciani, Dan Cell metabolism; Cell differentiation, proliferation and death; Organelle function; Other basic medicine and life sciences; Diabetes; Pancreatic beta-cell function and failure; Mitochondrial physiology; Lysosomal physiology; Cell calcium signalling; Cell stress signalling; Mechanisms of cell death; autophagy; Cellular senescence; fluorescence microscopy
Lynn, Francis Diabetes; ß-cell development; ß-cell biology; Human pluripotent stem cells; CRISPR/Cas; transcriptional regulation
Matsubara, Joanne Aiko Sensory systems, visual; Cellular interactions (including adhesion, matrix and cell wall); Gene and molecular therapy; Cellular neuroscience; neuroscience; vision; cell and development; cell death pathways; innate immune response; eye disease, retinal degenerations; Alzheimer's disease; neurodegeneration
Matsuuchi, Linda Intracellular signaling, signal transduction, receptor and membrane biology; Cell Biology; Immunology
Maxwell, Christopher Mechanisms of carcinogenesis; Cell differentiation, proliferation and death; Pediatric cancer; Cancer progression and metastasis; Hereditary Cancer; Cell division; Cell migration; Differentiation; Cell polarity
Mizumoto, Kota Cell and Developmental Biology
Moore, Edwin D Cardiovascular
Moritz, Orson Mechanisms underlying genetically inherited forms of blindness
Moukhles, Hakima Muscle cells
Murphy, Timothy Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Autism; brain imaging; depression; Neuronal Systems; stroke
Nabi, Ivan Robert Medical, health and life sciences; Cancer cell biology; Membrane domains; Organelle contact sites; Super-resolution microscopy; Machine Learning
O'Connor, Timothy Identification of small molecules that stimulate neurite outgrowth and regeneration Examination of the role of semaphorins during embryonic development
Pante, Nelly Molecular trafficking pathways within the cell
Plotkin, Steven Biophysics theory and computation
Pouladi, Mahmoud Genetic medicine; Fragile X syndrome; Huntington disease; Neurodegenerative diseases
Ramer, Matthew Pain, Plasticity, Regeneration, Sensory neurons, Sympathetic neurons
Rankin, Catharine Effects of experience early in development on adult behaviour and the nervous system, adult learning and memory
Raymond, Lynn Huntington's Disease
Richman, Joy Marion Dentistry and oral health; Evolution of developmental systems; Pedodontics; Congenital Anomalies; craniofacial development; chicken embryo limb development; Developmental biology; Embryonic Development; Evo-Devo; Growth Factors; orofacial clefting; reptilian tooth development; Cell signaling
Rideout, Elizabeth Sex differences; Metabolism; Cell Signaling Pathways; Development; Lifespan and Aging; Stress responses; Drosophila melanogaster
Rosin, Jessica Neurodevelopment; Glial cell studies; Bone, skin and cartilage science; Developmental biology; neuroscience; Craniofacial Sciences; Maternal Stressors; Immune Cells; Inflammation



Student & Alumni Stories in Cell and Developmental Biology

Kodee Bao

Master of Science in Cell and Developmental Biology (MSc)

Geoffroy Noel

Doctor of Philosophy in Cell and Developmental Biology (PhD)

Perveen Biln

Doctor of Philosophy in Cell and Developmental Biology (PhD)

Gina McNeill

Doctor of Philosophy in Cell and Developmental Biology (PhD)

Stephanie Xie

Doctor of Philosophy in Cell and Developmental Biology (PhD)

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