
Develop excellence in teaching and sharing your disciplinary knowledge as a TA, future faculty, or in a community or professional setting.


Title Description Provider
Effective Teaching Online, Workshop Recordings

CIRTL's Effective Teaching Online playlist on YouTube includes pre-recorded versions of two 2020 workshops: one designed to give instructors a brief introduction to online, evidence-based, inclusive teaching strategies; the other designed to share top-level recommendations on how to effectively support online instructors during temporary distance learning. Related workshop materials are provided in video descriptions. Workshops address:

Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning
Certificate Program in Advanced Teaching and Learning

The Certificate Program in Advanced Teaching and Learning is a year-long teaching development program that supports graduate students seeking future roles as faculty. Learn more.

Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology
Teaching and Learning, Past workshop and panel session recordings

Catch up on previous Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology (CTLT) workshops and panel discussions on their YouTube channel.

Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology