Forms Centre

Form Name Short Description
Change to Supervisory Committee Please use this form to notify G+PS of changes to master's and doctoral supervisory committees. To check if the change has been made, please go to the Supervisory Committee screen in SISC.
Doctoral Dissertation Approval A student's examination committee must sign this form to confirm that the thesis is ready for final submission. The student submits the completed form to their program, who will verify the signatures and content and then forward the form to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Further Information
Master's Thesis Approval A student's examination committee must sign this form to confirm that the thesis is ready for final submission. The student submits the completed form to their program, who will verify the signatures and content and then forward the form to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Further Information
Permission to Use Copyrighted Material in a Thesis Students can use this form to obtain permission to use material in their theses/dissertations that is copyrighted to another.
Recommendation for Non-G+PS Member to Join Supervisory Committee The Graduate Program Advisor or Head of the graduate program submits this form to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies along with the required information. If you are sending the recommendation electronically, please scan and send to
Recommendation for Supervision of Graduate Student by Non-G+PS Member The Graduate Program Advisor or Head of the graduate program submits this form to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies along with the required information. If you are sending the recommendation electronically, please scan and send to  
Request for Delay in Publication (Embargo) of Thesis/Dissertation Students must complete this form and obtain the approval signatures of their supervisors and graduate program advisors.  
Request to Extend Delay in Publication (Embargo) of Thesis/Dissertation Please complete and obtain approval signatures in order to request an extension to an embargo. The normal maximum length of an embargo on a thesis/dissertation is two years. Embargoes in excess of two years require substantial justification, and an annual confirmation of the continued need for the embargo.   
Thesis / Dissertation Submission Cover Sheet Students must complete this form and submit it to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies with their final, post-defence thesis or dissertation.