Laurel Stothers

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Laurel Stothers was a participant in the 2017 UBC Three Minute Thesis competition, with her presentation, “Medical Imaging for Radiation Therapy”.

Optimizing a multi-detector CdZnTe Compton camera for real-time proton range determination in proton radiotherapy
Why did you decide to pursue a graduate degree?

I chose to pursue a graduate degree in science because it is one of the few opportunities in life which gives you the freedom to tackle an interesting problem from infinitely many self-driven angles.

Why did you decide to study at UBC?

Joining the Medical Imaging Research Group (MIRG), lead by Dr. Anna Celler, was my main reason for studying at UBC. MIRG is a team of excellent physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists who do one of a kind research on diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine procedures, and who I am humbled to join.


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