Sara Hosseinirad

Automated Closed-Loop System of Anesthesia
Why did you decide to pursue a graduate degree?

A graduate study, for me, is the combination of curiosity, determination, and leadership to reach a solution to a complex problem. I have a great interest in tackling challenges in problem-solving by continually learning new ideas and new skills and implementing them to develop a novel technique. Research and academia allow me to be a member of the great problem-solvers’ community and to pursue what I enjoy the most.

Why did you decide to study at UBC?

Being one of the most prestigious universities in Canada and the world and having a vibrant research environment convinced me twice to choose UBC for my graduate studies. UBC also has a great system of support for graduate students, which assists students in every step of their journey so that students will maintain their focus on their research.

What is it specifically, that your program offers, that attracted you?

I gained an interest in control engineering when I was an undergraduate student in Aerospace Engineering. Here at UBC, my supervisors and their research group are one of the pioneers in control engineering, and I believe involving in their outstanding research projects on the closed-loop system for anesthesia will create a lot of opportunities for me in the future. Researching under the supervision of Prof. Dumont allowed me to meet many great researchers and engineers and learn from their experiences.

What was the best surprise about UBC or life in Vancouver?

The best surprise for me was how everything involved in living in Vancouver is environmentally friendly. I learned to enjoy nature around me and to respect the mother earth.

Being one of the most prestigious universities in Canada and the world and having a vibrant research environment convinced me to choose UBC for my graduate studies. UBC also has a great system of support for graduate students, which assists students in every step of their journey so that students will maintain their focus on their research.
What aspects of your life or career before now have best prepared you for your UBC graduate program?

My experiences in research projects and teaching assistantship during my undergraduate studies prepared me for graduate studies and made me realize that research is the right path for me to pursue.

What do you like to do for fun or relaxation?

I sometimes go cycling, kayaking, or camping around the Vancouver area with my friends, and from time to time, I enjoy playing board games.

What advice do you have for new graduate students?
  1. Be flexible and accept the fact that you may not know everything and learning and gaining some skills take time
  2. Be patient and persistent to be able to reach your goals and meanwhile
  3. Find a right community to get involved in and learn how to enjoy your spare time

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