About GPS

Workday Student Support

Graduate students can find "how to" guides and support information on our Workday support page.

The Graduate Pathways to Success program was launched in 2008. Graduate Pathways to Success was made possible through the vision of former dean, Barbara Evans, and was founded on the Professional Development Initiative (PDI) first introduced in 2002 in the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Under the leadership of Associate Dean, Dr. Susan Porter and Dr. Elizabeth Wallace, the Graduate Pathways to Success program quickly gained acceptance and recognition. In 2011, it received UBC's Helen McCrae Award for excellence in providing student support. 

Graduate Pathways to Success is designed to complement academic programs and enable graduate students to develop some of the personal, professional and academic competencies critical to success in their program and future careers.  The aim is to help students develop the capacity to make a difference for good in the world.  Like other Pathways systems, our program aims to help graduate students to map a successful route through their journey at UBC and beyond.

For general information about the Graduate Pathways to Success program, or to ask specific questions about the program, contact:

Jacqui Brinkman, Director, Graduate Student Professional Development

Estefanía Milla-Moreno, Manager, Student Development and Support


TBC, Program Assistant, Graduate Pathways to Success

or send an email to:



The Graduate Pathways to Success team is housed at:

Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
6371 Crescent Road
Point Grey Campus, University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z2