
Workday Student Support

Graduate students can find "how to" guides and support information on our Workday support page.

The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies can review the PDF (or the PDF portion) of your thesis early in its preparation to ensure that you're on the right track. It's a good idea to get a pre-review when your thesis is nearly ready for examination, so that you have time to make any formatting changes in advance of corrections required by your committee or examiners.

IMPORTANT: Please compare the PDF (or the PDF portion) of your thesis with the Sample Thesis at Resources for Thesis Preparation and Checking on our website before submitting for pre-review. This will assist you with proofreading and with identifying basic formatting errors. You will not receive detailed feedback on errors that can be identified by comparing your thesis to the Sample Thesis.

NOTE: The Sample Thesis shows the preliminary and end pages that are required for all theses. The main body of the Sample Thesis shows usual formatting requirements for text-based theses.

There are additional resources for checking your thesis at Resources for Thesis Preparation and Checking. We highly recommend you use them before submitting, as the more errors you can correct in advance, the faster your submission will be approved.

Theses are only reviewed in PDF format, and they are reviewed in the order in which they're received.

UBCO students: For pre-reviews and information, please contact:

Theses are reviewed electronically:

Email a PDF of the text-based portions of your thesis to

  • Include your name and student number
  • Tell us whether you're requesting a review of a thesis in progress or immediately prior to submission for external examination
  • Confirm that you have compared the text-based portions of your thesis with the Sample Thesis

We will respond by email.

If the PDF is too large for you to send by email, please send using FTP, Dropbox, or similar file transfer system.

It is your responsibility to submit your thesis for review well in advance of deadlines in order to allow yourself time to make changes if necessary. Please allow a minimum of five business days for a response after you submit for pre-review.

Important: It is your responsibility to proofread your thesis carefully. The thesis team checks theses to ensure they meet the formatting requirements, focusing on the preliminary pages. If staff notice egregious mistakes elsewhere in a thesis they may require them to be corrected in the interest of ensuring a professional presentation of the work.