Leye Adeboye

Archived Content

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Effect of coal mineralogy, composition and fabric on coal permeability and diffusivity
Dr. R. Marc Bustin
Why did you decide to pursue a graduate degree?

I decided to pursue a graduate degree because I felt I hadn't fully exploited the subject area of organic petrology at the undergraduate thesis level; To also get into the energy sector, at least a master's degree is required so these two reasons are why i decided to pursue grad studies right after completing my bachelor's degree.

Why did you decide to study at UBC?

I chose to come to the University of British Columbia because it is a world class research university and also because the Earth and Ocean Sciences Department, which houses the Geological Science program, is the largest department of its kind in Canada and one of the largest in terms of research opportunities and industry collaboration in North America; furthermore, the chance to work with a world renowned research scientist in Dr. Marc Bustin made UBC my top choice for graduate studies.

What do you hope to accomplish with your research?

I hope my research will further shed light on the potential of Canadian coals, especially those from the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan, when it comes to coal bed methane generation and eventually, the abundant resource stored in coals from these provinces will be exploited and made available to Canadian industry and Canadian society.

What are your future career goals?

My future career goals after grad school involve working in the energy sector with an emphasis on promoting locally available, relatively cheap sources of abundant energy and perhaps some move into management in the sector at some point after i might have obtained an MBA.

What has been your most memorable Vancouver experience so far?

The variety of things available to do in and around the city of Vancouver have been quite fascinating especially my visit to the Capilano suspension bridge in North Vancouver and just walking on Robson Street window shopping or sitting in one of the numerous restaurants there having a good meal.

What advice do you have for new graduate students?

For students coming from Nigeria, I would encourage them to consider Canada for a world class education that is value for money and that would make them prepared to make a meaningful impact wherever they find themselves; I would especially strongly recommend UBC as this university is one of the top 35 research universities in the world and the best university in Canada where all their research aspirations can be fulfilled.

Personal Interests / Hobbies

Reading books, playing drums, sleeping


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