Hikmet Goekhan Himmetoglu

Archived Content

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Human Computer Interaction and artifical intelligence
Why did you decide to pursue a graduate degree?
I wasn't sure about what to expect from computer science education when I was a freshman. But I was sure that I wanted to continue my education, as I reached my last year. Nevertheless, my professors' motivation and encouragement were also important factors in my decision to pursue a graduate degree.
Why did you decide to study at UBC?
I was an exchange student at UBC, during my third year of undergraduate education. That was my first time meeting both Vancouver and UBC. My first UBC experience as an undergrad was a great experience of discovery and learning. After finishing my studies at Koc University, I chose to come back to UBC to have much more.
What are your future career goals?
I want to specialize in intelligent computers where humans can be treated like living beings.
What advice do you have for new graduate students?
For sure, Canada is a beautiful country like Turkey. But Canada has a distinct feature that separates itself from any other country. Canada, especially British Columbia, is a unique melting pot of diverse cultures. This distinct property provides creativity and clemency. I suggest that everyone coming to Canada be open-minded and make use of this rich community.
Personal Interests / Hobbies
Cooking, movies, snowboarding, travelling

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