David Meola

Archived Content

This student profile has been archived and is no longer being updated.

German-Jewish publicness in the early nineteenth century
Faculty of Arts
Prof. Christopher Friedrichs
East Windsor, NJ
United States of America
Why did you decide to pursue a graduate degree?

I always knew I wanted to pursue a graduate degree, the question was when. After working for five years after my bachelor's degree, I decided it was time to leave the corporate world and do something that I enjoy.

Why did you decide to study at UBC?

I came to UBC for two main reasons: one, my wife is from British Columbia, and two, the reputation of the school and its European Studies MA Degree, which I completed in May 2007.

What are your future career goals?

I would like to have a career working in Academia and hope to attain a tenure-track position shortly after completing my degree. More importantly, though, I want to be a great father, and I believe that this career will allow me that opportunity.

What has been your most memorable Vancouver experience so far?

I cannot decide between the following, so I will list them both: First, getting married at Burnaby Lake in 2004; and second, the birth of my son in 2007. Should I really have to decide between them?

What advice do you have for new graduate students?

Enjoy one of the most beautiful campuses anywhere. You really can't get many better views of the wonderful BC landscape from campus. Also, while you're here, you should make sure to get out of Vancouver and explore the province—there are many great towns in the Interior and on the Island.


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