Katie Morton

Archived Content

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Transformational parenting and adolescent health promotion
Dr. Mark Beauchamp
United Kingdom
Why did you decide to pursue a graduate degree?

Like many students who have completed their undergraduate degree, I had no idea at first about what I wanted to do. I had a passion for physical activity and sport and also enjoyed research and learning in order to understand how to help people become physically active. I felt that a graduate degree allowed me to combine all of my interests in this field with my passion surrounding physical activity and health promotion in youth.

Why did you decide to study at UBC?

Following the completion of my Undergraduate degree and Masters at Loughborough University in the UK, I wanted to continue with research in exercise and health psychology, understanding how and why people choose to adopt physically active lifestyles (or not) and developing programs and interventions to help foster physical activity behaviours in youth. I felt that the opportunities at UBC were outstanding for this type of research and my supervisor caame highly recommended from the UK. I also thought that moving to a new country would be a great challenge, and when I visited Vancouver I knew that it would be a great place to live nd I wasn't wrong!

What do you hope to accomplish with your research?

It is envisioned that my research will develop a firm understanding of how (i.e., through specific psychological mechanisms) parenting behaviours and strategies influence adolescent self-confidence and motivation, and the impact this has upon physical activity and dietary behaviours. The results of my research will be used to inform future large scale intervention trials in order to equip parents with a range of behaviours and strategies to help them to foster healthful behaviours in their adolescent children.

What are your future career goals?

Following the completion of my PhD I hope to pursue a career in research, focusing on obesity prevention and youth health promotion, maybe back in the UK, maybe Canada—who knows!

What has been your most memorable Vancouver experience so far?

There are so many, but it has been amazing to pursue so many outdoor activities in Vancouver—skiing at Whistler at weekends and completing the West Coast Trail on Vancouver Island this summer have been wonderful experiences.

What advice do you have for new graduate students?

Try to get involved with as many extra-curricular activities as possible to make as many new friends as you can; remember that everyone is in the same boat as you! Also it's a good idea at grad school to try and become involved in as many research opportunities as possible, maybe volunteer in a research lab or help a professor with data collection—it's all about making good connections!

Personal Interests / Hobbies

Skiing, hiking, badminton, tennis, biking, climbing, youth sport coaching


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