Jade Shiller

Archived Content

This student profile has been archived and is no longer being updated.

Characterizing phytoplankton communities to better understand the recent decline in salmon populations in Rivers Inlet, BC
Dr Maria Maldonado
San Diego
United States of America
Why did you decide to pursue a graduate degree?

I want specialized research experience in order to be a more effective environmental professional.

Why did you decide to study at UBC?

I fell in love with Vancouver the very first day I was here. In addition to UBC's great location, it also offers the chance to work with top researchers and take part in exciting programs.

What do you hope to accomplish with your research?

I hope that my research will help reveal underlying causes in salmon population decline that can be applied to salmon populations and other fish populations around the world. This knowledge will hopefully facilitate population recovery, which is critical to the future of our oceans.

What are your future career goals?

After I finish my masters, I want to work in environmental consulting. I also want to incorporate public outreach into my career. It is critical that everyone, not just scientists, understand our environment in order to help conserve it.

What has been your most memorable Vancouver experience so far?

Getting to see wild orcas while doing field work!

What advice do you have for new graduate students?

Take advantage of everything UBC and Vancouver have to offer. While your research is important, make sure you explore the city and surrounding areas (there aren't many places where you can surf one day and ski the next!). UBC also offers a wide variety of extra-curricular activities and is full of absolutely amazing people from widely varied backgrounds, so get out of your lab/office, try new things, and meet new people!

Personal Interests / Hobbies

Swimming, playing ultimate frisbee, and volunteering at the Vancouver Aquarium


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