Iain Moyles

Archived Content

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Asymptotic and Numerical Analysis of Industrial Problems
Vanier Scholarship
Why did you decide to pursue a graduate degree?

The answer to this question is similar to what I hope to accomplish. I've never been satisfied with the idea that learning has to have a terminus point. I've always desired to learn more than I knew before and to understand as much as possible. I knew that conducting academic research would provide me the opportunity to learn beyond the classroom and textbooks, offering the opportunity for innovative ideas.

Why did you decide to study at UBC?

I've always been attracted to the west coast of Canada and upon finishing my undergraduate degree in 2009, I knew that I would want to study Applied Mathematics, a topic for which UBC is world renowned. I knew that if I hoped to become the best, I'd need to study under the best.

What was the best surprise about UBC or life in Vancouver?

The best surprise about graduate life was the rapport that is instantly built with other students and faculty; feeling like an equal in an academic community provides motivation and determination to succeed. My biggest surprise about UBC and Vancouver in general was the beautiful scenery. There is no better distraction from frustrations with work than to walk around UBC campus, down to Granville Island, or some other beautiful place the city has to offer!

What do you hope to accomplish with your research?

I've always wanted to actively be involved in a problem that changes either the way people see the world or better helps them understand something about it. Applied mathematics research gives me the venue to assist scientists and engineers trying to invent future technologies by allowing me to analyze the mathematical structure of a physical problem. If I can improve the understanding of a theory or improve an application that benefits society, then I'd feel accomplished.

What has winning a major award meant to you?

Getting the letter of acceptance for the Vanier Canada Graduate Award was something I will never forget. I felt so honoured to be recognized for my research potential in a PhD program; it has only enhanced my desire to succeed. Financially, it has provided me the ability to avoid many of the distractions which would otherwise be associated with a graduate school life and instead allows me to focus more on my work, increasing my productivity exponentially.

What advice do you have for new graduate students?

I recommend attending many orientation events and information nights for UBC and the city of Vancouver. This provides you the chance early on to meet friends and blossom interests in the city. By the time the workload picks up intensely, you've already established yourself in the city and have the opportunity to balance work and leisure.


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