The applied sciences – architecture, landscape architecture, engineering, nursing, and planning – change society's conception of what is possible as a matter of course. Applied scientists make dreams real, turn ideas into practice. We embody the interface between present and future.

The Faculty of Applied Science comprises a unique constellation of professional disciplines including; Architecture & Landscape Architecture, Engineering, Nursing and Community & Regional Planning. The core purpose shared across all of our four disciplines is to discover, create and apply knowledge, provide unwavering top-tier education and champion a community of responsible professionals devoted to serving a thriving, sustainable and healthy society. Our work and the professions which our graduates represent span the entire human-centred built environment. 

The disciplines within the Faculty of Applied Science are celebrated for the scope, strength and impact of their research activities. Our Faculty claims the spotlight in the global arena for our research in clean energy, communication and digital technologies, health and health technology among many others. We offer disciplinary-specific research based graduate programs as well as a range of professional graduate programs and pride ourselves on our ability to open doors of opportunity to students beyond their time within our Faculty.

We shape the people and the professions that shape the world.

Graduate Degree Programs

Recent Publications

This is an incomplete sample of recent publications in chronological order by UBC faculty members with a primary appointment in the Faculty of Applied Science.


Recent Thesis Submissions

Doctoral Citations

A doctoral citation summarizes the nature of the independent research, provides a high-level overview of the study, states the significance of the work and says who will benefit from the findings in clear, non-specialized language, so that members of a lay audience will understand it.
Year Citation Program
2008 Dr Li investigated groundwater seepage in soils like those used in embankment dams. He established a method to assess the onset of internal instability. The method is a new decision-support tool for engineering practice that is now being used by BC Hydro in dam safety evaluation. Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering (PhD)
2008 Dr. Li developed a numerical tool to optimize the distribution of tidal current turbines in a farm, and the energy cost of the farm, by formulating a new analytical method to study the hydrodynamic interaction between turbines. This research sheds light in several different disciplines and received a number of awards. Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering (PhD)
2008 Dr Caron studied the interaction between cooling water and light metal (aluminum and magnesium) surfaces at elevated temperatures. His results can be used as boundary conditions in a mathematical model of the direct-chill casting process. Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Engineering (PhD)
2008 Dr. Baumbusch examined the organization of long-term residential care in BC. Her findings illustrate the consequences of a decade of restructuring along with multifaceted demographic factors on the day to day interactions between those who live and work in this complex sociopolitical milieu. Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD)
2008 Dr Zhou developed a novel numerical toolkit for simulating interfacial dynamics in complex fluids. This diffuse interface-based algorithm opens numerous problems previously considered intractable to numerical simulations. Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical and Biological Engineering (PhD)
2008 Dr Quinton developed a new infrastructure for diagnosing and correcting functional defects in complex integrated circuits. This infrastructure has the potential to substantially decrease the time required to develop new integrated circuits and reduce the need for expensive design corrections. Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering (PhD)
2008 Dr. Aras studied tool intersections in machining. He developed analytical methods for calculating the cutting area in machining operations such as milling. The methods he developed will allow more accurate simulation of the cutting process. Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering (PhD)
2008 Dr. Koduru examined a new method of assessing earthquake risks to concrete buidlings. The novel method includes consideration of the uncertainties in modelling the earthquake ground motions, damage, and losses. It improves the transparency of decision-making processes for earthquake rehabilitation and retro-fit. Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering (PhD)
