The applied sciences – architecture, landscape architecture, engineering, nursing, and planning – change society's conception of what is possible as a matter of course. Applied scientists make dreams real, turn ideas into practice. We embody the interface between present and future.

The Faculty of Applied Science comprises a unique constellation of professional disciplines including; Architecture & Landscape Architecture, Engineering, Nursing and Community & Regional Planning. The core purpose shared across all of our four disciplines is to discover, create and apply knowledge, provide unwavering top-tier education and champion a community of responsible professionals devoted to serving a thriving, sustainable and healthy society. Our work and the professions which our graduates represent span the entire human-centred built environment. 

The disciplines within the Faculty of Applied Science are celebrated for the scope, strength and impact of their research activities. Our Faculty claims the spotlight in the global arena for our research in clean energy, communication and digital technologies, health and health technology among many others. We offer disciplinary-specific research based graduate programs as well as a range of professional graduate programs and pride ourselves on our ability to open doors of opportunity to students beyond their time within our Faculty.

We shape the people and the professions that shape the world.

Graduate Degree Programs

Research Supervisors in Faculty

or browse the list of faculty members in various academic units. You may click each unit to view faculty members appointed in that unit. View the full faculty member directory for more search and filter options.
Name Academic Unit(s) Research Interests
Oya, Simon Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Privacy-enhancing technologies; Cybersecurity and privacy technologies; Signal processing for security and privacy; Encryption and cryptography; Mathematical optimization; Privacy; Computer Security; Anonymous communications; Machine learning security and privacy; Searchable encryption; Statistical analysis
Pattabiraman, Karthik Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Software Reliability, Computer Security, Fault-tolerant computing, Software Security, Computer System Reliability, Computer Failures, Safety-critical computer systems, software failures, software faults, hardware faults, hardware failures
Pawlik, Marek Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering Surface chemistry, Adsorption of polymers and surfactants, Process water and reagent chemistry, rheology of mineral suspensions, interparticle and interfacial phenomena
Phani, Srikantha Department of Mechanical Engineering Dynamics of multiscale materials, structures and devices, Applied Mechanics, Micromechanics
Phinney, Alison School of Nursing Capacities of older people for successfully coping with the functional consequences of aging and disease
Ponga de la Torre, Mauricio Department of Mechanical Engineering Spallation in Metals; Sub-linear scaling methods for calculating crystal defects using DFT;
Poole, Warren Department of Materials Engineering Advanced aluminum alloys, High strengths, high formable steels, Metal matrix composites, Microstructure/property models
Poursartip, Anoush Department of Materials Engineering Polymer matrix composite materials
Rahmani, Mona Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering Multiphase and Density Stratified Fluid Mechanics, Fiber Suspensions, Renewable Energy, Hydrodynamic Instability, Mixing
Ramsay, Scott School of Nursing impact of neurological disorders on children and youth, their families, and the health care system; health inequities; health and wellbeing of children and youth
Ranger, Manon School of Nursing Neurodevelopment; Clinical nursing, secondary (acute care); neurodevelopment; Early-adversity; Biomarkers of early stress exposure; Brain development; pain; Prematurity
Ripeanu, Matei Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering; Computer Systems; Data Analytics; distributed systems; Graph Analytics; High performance computing; Social Networks; Storage Systems
Roecker, Inge School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture Social Equity, sustainable forms of urban habitation, social and cultural entities, urban living and communities, comtemporary programming, cultural context, sustainable building
Roehr, Daniel School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture Sustainable communities, sustainable design, materials and construction, landscape architecture, integration of living roofs as holitstic system for stormwater management
Rogak, Steven Department of Mechanical Engineering Natural sciences; Aerosols, air pollution and climate
Rohling, Robert Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering; Medical biotechnology; ultrasound; Robotics
Rojas, Orlando Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, Department of Chemistry, Department of Wood Science Nanopolysaccharides (based on cellulose, chitin, starches and others); Bacterial nanocelluloses; Cellulose derivatives; Lignins, colloidal lignins, nanolignins and their uses; Renewable biopolymers (hemicelluloses, proteins, chitin and chitosan, alginates and others); Multiphase systems (emulsions, foams, dispersed systems), gels, aerogels; Films, filaments and hybrid materials; Nanocomposites; Bioactive systems; Fiber processing; Pulp and paper
Rubin, Julia Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Computer engineering; Programming languages and software engineering; Computer Systems; software engineering; Software quality, security, and robustness; program analysis; Adversarial robustness, explainability, and interpretability of ML-based systems; Mobile and cloud software
Russolillo, Angela School of Nursing Health services research; health services use among individuals with psychiatric and substance use disorders
Rysanek, Adam School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture Environmental Systems
Saewyc, Elizabeth School of Nursing Homeless or street involved youth, sexual minority youth, sexual exploitation of youth, discrimination, trauma and resilience., Youth health issues, stigma, violence, trauma, adolescent health, protective factors, sexual minority, homeless, immigrant, indigenous
Salcudean, Tim Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, School of Biomedical Engineering Biomedical technologies, Haptic interfaces, teleoperation and simulators, medical robotics, imaging and interfaces, optimization-based design, prostate cancer
Salfi, Joseph Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Quantum Physics; Quantum Information; Solid State Physics; Electronic Transport; Mesoscopic Physics; Nanoelectronicx; Micro Technologies; Nano Technologies; Quantum information science and technology; Quantum computers; Quantum Simulators; Machine Learning; Information security
Satterfield, Blair School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture use of second stream materials in construction, providing designers and the community with greater access to digital design and fabrication processes, and the design and application of energy and material efficient methods for construction
Sayed, Tarek Department of Civil Engineering transportation engineering, Transportation, Full Bayes safety models, Automated safety analysis using computer vision techniques, Safety evaluations, Traffic conflicts techniques, Pedestrian modeling, and ITS


Recent Publications

This is an incomplete sample of recent publications in chronological order by UBC faculty members with a primary appointment in the Faculty of Applied Science.


Recent Thesis Submissions

Doctoral Citations

A doctoral citation summarizes the nature of the independent research, provides a high-level overview of the study, states the significance of the work and says who will benefit from the findings in clear, non-specialized language, so that members of a lay audience will understand it.
Year Citation Program
2023 Dr. Masjoudi demonstrated the potential of vacuum-UV advanced oxidation processes as a viable treatment for elimination of micropollutants in potable water reuse. Her research enhances the quality of recycled water, making the reuse strategy more feasible for water-scarce communities. Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical and Biological Engineering (PhD)
2023 Dr. Yirgu studied departure airport choices and their emissions implications. He spatially showed how airports differ in attracting passengers, and determined that aviation emissions cannot be directly reduced through higher airfares. His work improves air service planning and our understanding of price-based environmental policies on aviation. Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering (PhD)
2023 Dr. Li studied the overall segregation and settling behavior of mine tailings suspension, illustrating various settling modes and revealing the mechanisms behind particle segregation in the sedimentation process. His findings can assist mining industries in developing advanced techniques for tailings dewatering. Doctor of Philosophy in Mining Engineering (PhD)
2023 Dr. Trudel's research investigated causes of wellbore leakage in western Canada. The findings of her research will contribute to protection of groundwater and reduction of methane emissions to the atmosphere. Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering (PhD)
2023 Dr. Courteau-Godmaire advanced simulations used in composites manufacturing. These structures begin as soft stacks of carbon fibre sheets. When heat and pressure are applied, they solidify, but can also wrinkle. His mechanistic model captures the slippery behavior of these layers, streamlining simulations for better design. Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering (PhD)
2023 Dr. Soltani examined the behavior of materials at the atomistic scale. He used computer simulation of atoms and machine learning algorithms to understand how the dynamic processes derive the evolution of micro-structure of materials and how these processes determine the properties of materials like glasses and metals. Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Engineering (PhD)
2023 Dr. English developed new electrodes for use in the demanding conditions required for the electrochemical treatment of industrial wastewater. This contribution enriches our understanding of how such materials behave, providing insights into how to design more resilient technologies. Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical and Biological Engineering (PhD)
2023 Dr. Moynihan tested the theoretical framework of a nursing intervention designed to reconnect sexually exploited runaway adolescents to supportive family and school relationships. Findings suggest the intervention works as theorized. Promoting supportive relationships may improve health problems, such as emotional distress and substance misuse. Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD)
2023 Dr. Yiting Tsai developed a Deep Learning model to extract latent features for clinical and bio-engineering problems. He applied the method to two cases involving COVID-19 and Scleroderma patients, which resulted in significantly improved diagnosis accuracy, as well as discovering key biomarkers associated with main disease pathways. Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical and Biological Engineering (PhD)
2023 Dr. Jain studied the application of low-cost air quality sensors, using them as a tool to improve our understanding of how air pollution varies in space and time. Her research also included assessments of how these variations could impact exposure estimates for humans. Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering (PhD)
