The applied sciences – architecture, landscape architecture, engineering, nursing, and planning – change society's conception of what is possible as a matter of course. Applied scientists make dreams real, turn ideas into practice. We embody the interface between present and future.

The Faculty of Applied Science comprises a unique constellation of professional disciplines including; Architecture & Landscape Architecture, Engineering, Nursing and Community & Regional Planning. The core purpose shared across all of our four disciplines is to discover, create and apply knowledge, provide unwavering top-tier education and champion a community of responsible professionals devoted to serving a thriving, sustainable and healthy society. Our work and the professions which our graduates represent span the entire human-centred built environment. 

The disciplines within the Faculty of Applied Science are celebrated for the scope, strength and impact of their research activities. Our Faculty claims the spotlight in the global arena for our research in clean energy, communication and digital technologies, health and health technology among many others. We offer disciplinary-specific research based graduate programs as well as a range of professional graduate programs and pride ourselves on our ability to open doors of opportunity to students beyond their time within our Faculty.

We shape the people and the professions that shape the world.

Graduate Degree Programs

Recent Publications

This is an incomplete sample of recent publications in chronological order by UBC faculty members with a primary appointment in the Faculty of Applied Science.


Recent Thesis Submissions

Doctoral Citations

A doctoral citation summarizes the nature of the independent research, provides a high-level overview of the study, states the significance of the work and says who will benefit from the findings in clear, non-specialized language, so that members of a lay audience will understand it.
Year Citation Program
2016 Dr. Ge investigated opportunistic scheduling to meet the growing demand of mobile data service with limited radio resources in wireless networks. Her work will benefit the appealing feature of "anywhere, anytime" wireless communication access, while making the most of the distributed architectures to maximize spectral efficiency. Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering (PhD)
2016 Dr. Zhu is recognized internationally as an outstanding researcher in next-generation wireless communications. He proposed a ground-breaking secure massive MIMO architecture, which substantially improves throughput/energy-efficiency/security of wireless systems. His revolutionary research will find vast applications in the 5G wireless industry. Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering (PhD)
2016 Dr. Alsubaie studied electrical and computer engineering. He developed a resilience assessment framework for interdependent infrastructure systems, such as power and water networks. He used this framework to optimize the operations of critical infrastructure systems aimed at helping emergency responders during disasters. Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering (PhD)
2016 With the rise in the number of people charging their electronics without cables, Dr. Cove characterized a highly effective technique for improving the quality of transmitters for wireless power transfer systems. His technique has improved transfer efficiency from 70% to 90% in low power applications, thereby decreasing charging times costs. Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering (PhD)
2016 X-ray computed tomography is a central tool in medicine. A continuing concern is that the radiation can be harmful to the patient. Dr. Karimi showed that new mathematical techniques can be used to produce high-quality computed tomography images while reducing the radiation. His findings can benefit the health of the general public. Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering (PhD)
2016 Dr. Fok developed a new circuit model to simulate the behaviour of lithium ion batteries. He applied this model to predict the performance of commercial batteries when used in static and dynamic loading conditions. Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering (PhD)
2016 Dr. Khoshaman devised models to better understand a promising class of solar cells called nanostructured thermionic converters. These devices have the potential to be more efficient than current solar cells. His theoretical and experimental contributions can help overcome some of the long-lasting issues in the field of solar energy. Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering (PhD)
2016 Dr. Gustafson applied mechanical engineering to investigate bone properties. She used digital image correlation to measure the displacement on the surface of human vertebral bones. Her research improves our understanding of vertebral mechanics, which is useful for evaluating patients at risk for vertebral fracture and reducing spinal fractures. Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering (PhD)
2016 Dr. Mohammad has further developed a methodology to efficiently sort particle suspensions. His work was mostly theoretical in which he studied the layering of visco-plastic fluids in spiral pressure-driven flow. He demonstrated the conditions in which this process will work and the information will now be used by another PhD work to test this concept. Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical and Biological Engineering (PhD)
2016 Dr. Reilly developed a unique approach to photocatalytic water splitting - a valuable means for storing solar energy. He demonstrated a remarkable 44% increase in efficiency and derived a mathematical model for predicting performance. His work opens a new doorway for clean energy, impacting both the economic viability and design of future systems. Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical and Biological Engineering (PhD)
