Canadian Immigration Updates

Review details about the recently announced changes to study and work permits that apply to master’s and doctoral degree students. Read more


The D.M.A. program is designed for composers who have already reached a high level of proficiency and artistry in their fields and who may wish to teach at the university level. This program offers an opportunity to bring creative and performance achievement to a high level while enriching individual backgrounds with academic studies, including specialized training in music history and theory, and other areas. Graduate student composers work closely with faculty in composition and music theory, and are expected to compose major works for public performance in addition to fulfilling course requirements.

What makes the program unique?

Considered one of the finest programs of its kind in Canada, the UBC Composition Division provides an array of opportunities for the creation, exploration and performance of contemporary music.In addition to a variety of course offerings, the division sponsors numerous composition events, including regularly scheduled Student Composer Concerts, seminars, workshops and collaborations with local professional ensembles, performances by the Contemporary Players ensemble, and annual readings sessions by the UBC Symphony Orchestra and the UBC Symphonic Wind Ensemble. The Composition Division also frequently hosts world-renowned guest composers and performing ensembles from across Canada and abroad. The School houses a state-of-the-art electronic music studio for students interested in creating works which involve sound synthesis, digital audio editing, or interactive computer music.

Graduate student composers have occasions to hear their works in regularly scheduled concerts as well as in their degree recitals. The UBC Symphony performs or reads students' orchestra pieces annually and the choirs are all active in presenting student works. The computer music studio is of considerable scope and is open to students on a 24-hour basis. Visit the compositions division page for more information about the program.


Program Enquiries

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Contact the program

Admission Information & Requirements

Program Instructions

Supply a brief statement of intent that outlines your professional goals as a composer and your reasons for applying to this program at UBC. Submit a term paper (not less than ten pages in length). Submit hard-copy scores of at least five (5) works for varied media. Submit corresponding audio/video of these works.

1) Check Eligibility

Minimum Academic Requirements

The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies establishes the minimum admission requirements common to all applicants, usually a minimum overall average in the B+ range (76% at UBC). The graduate program that you are applying to may have additional requirements. Please review the specific requirements for applicants with credentials from institutions in:

Each program may set higher academic minimum requirements. Please review the program website carefully to understand the program requirements. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission as it is a competitive process.

English Language Test

Applicants from a university outside Canada in which English is not the primary language of instruction must provide results of an English language proficiency examination as part of their application. Tests must have been taken within the last 24 months at the time of submission of your application.

Minimum requirements for the two most common English language proficiency tests to apply to this program are listed below:

TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language - internet-based

Overall score requirement: 90









IELTS: International English Language Testing System

Overall score requirement: 6.5









Other Test Scores

Some programs require additional test scores such as the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or the Graduate Management Test (GMAT). The requirements for this program are:

The GRE is not required.

Prior degree, course and other requirements

Prior Degree Requirements

M.Mus degree in composition, or acceptable equivalent

Course Requirements

i. Outstanding ability in composition ii. M.Mus. degree in composition, or acceptable equivalent

Document Requirements

A portfolio of PDF scores and corresponding audio/video of least five (5) works for varied media. Submission instructions will be emailed to applicants after the application deadline. Upload deadline is January 3. 

2) Meet Deadlines

Application open dates and deadlines for an upcoming intake have not yet been configured in the admissions system. Please check back later.

3) Prepare Application


All applicants have to submit transcripts from all past post-secondary study. Document submission requirements depend on whether your institution of study is within Canada or outside of Canada.

Letters of Reference

A minimum of three references are required for application to graduate programs at UBC. References should be requested from individuals who are prepared to provide a report on your academic ability and qualifications.

Statement of Interest

Many programs require a statement of interest, sometimes called a "statement of intent", "description of research interests" or something similar.


Students in research-based programs usually require a faculty member to function as their thesis supervisor. Please follow the instructions provided by each program whether applicants should contact faculty members.

Instructions regarding thesis supervisor contact for Doctor of Musical Arts in Composition (DMA)
Applicants should browse faculty profiles and indicate in their application who they are interested in working with. No commitment from a supervisor prior to applying is necessary, but contacting faculty members is encouraged.

Applicants may contact the division chair, Dr. Keith Hamel ( or the composition professor of your choice with questions about the program.

Citizenship Verification

Permanent Residents of Canada must provide a clear photocopy of both sides of the Permanent Resident card.

4) Apply Online

All applicants must complete an online application form and pay the application fee to be considered for admission to UBC.

Research Information

Research Facilities

The 1200-seat, world-class Chan Centre for Performing Arts, one of North America's premier musical venues, the historic Old Auditorium and the intimate Roy Barnett Recital Hall form the core of UBC Music’s performing venues. The UBC Computer Music Studio is a teaching studio for the use of students in the electroacoustic music, computer music, and film scoring courses. The ICICS Computer Music Studio is available for students interested in pursuing research in Digital Audio or Interactive Computer Music.

Tuition & Financial Support


FeesCanadian Citizen / Permanent Resident / Refugee / DiplomatInternational
Application Fee$116.25$168.25
Tuition *
Installments per year33
Tuition per installment$1,875.34$3,294.66
Tuition per year
(plus annual increase, usually 2%-5%)
Int. Tuition Award (ITA) per year (if eligible) $3,200.00 (-)
Other Fees and Costs
Student Fees (yearly)$1,144.10 (approx.)
Costs of livingEstimate your costs of living with our interactive tool in order to start developing a financial plan for your graduate studies.
* Regular, full-time tuition. For on-leave, extension, continuing or part time (if applicable) fees see UBC Calendar.
All fees for the year are subject to adjustment and UBC reserves the right to change any fees without notice at any time, including tuition and student fees. Tuition fees are reviewed annually by the UBC Board of Governors. In recent years, tuition increases have been 2% for continuing domestic students and between 2% and 5% for continuing international students. New students may see higher increases in tuition. Admitted students who defer their admission are subject to the potentially higher tuition fees for incoming students effective at the later program start date. In case of a discrepancy between this webpage and the UBC Calendar, the UBC Calendar entry will be held to be correct.

Financial Support

Applicants to UBC have access to a variety of funding options, including merit-based (i.e. based on your academic performance) and need-based (i.e. based on your financial situation) opportunities.

Program Funding Packages

Students admitted to the School of Music’s graduate programs are automatically considered for scholarships under the GSI (Graduate Support Initiative) program. These competitive awards typically range from $1,000 to 12,000 and are guaranteed for two to four years.

Scholarships & awards (merit-based funding)

All applicants are encouraged to review the awards listing to identify potential opportunities to fund their graduate education. The database lists merit-based scholarships and awards and allows for filtering by various criteria, such as domestic vs. international or degree level.

Graduate Research Assistantships (GRA)

Many professors are able to provide Research Assistantships (GRA) from their research grants to support full-time graduate students studying under their supervision. The duties constitute part of the student's graduate degree requirements. A Graduate Research Assistantship is considered a form of fellowship for a period of graduate study and is therefore not covered by a collective agreement. Stipends vary widely, and are dependent on the field of study and the type of research grant from which the assistantship is being funded.

Graduate Teaching Assistantships (GTA)

Graduate programs may have Teaching Assistantships available for registered full-time graduate students. Full teaching assistantships involve 12 hours work per week in preparation, lecturing, or laboratory instruction although many graduate programs offer partial TA appointments at less than 12 hours per week. Teaching assistantship rates are set by collective bargaining between the University and the Teaching Assistants' Union.

Graduate Academic Assistantships (GAA)

Academic Assistantships are employment opportunities to perform work that is relevant to the university or to an individual faculty member, but not to support the student’s graduate research and thesis. Wages are considered regular earnings and when paid monthly, include vacation pay.

Financial aid (need-based funding)

Canadian and US applicants may qualify for governmental loans to finance their studies. Please review eligibility and types of loans.

All students may be able to access private sector or bank loans.

Foreign government scholarships

Many foreign governments provide support to their citizens in pursuing education abroad. International applicants should check the various governmental resources in their home country, such as the Department of Education, for available scholarships.

Working while studying

The possibility to pursue work to supplement income may depend on the demands the program has on students. It should be carefully weighed if work leads to prolonged program durations or whether work placements can be meaningfully embedded into a program.

International students enrolled as full-time students with a valid study permit can work on campus for unlimited hours and work off-campus for no more than 20 hours a week.

A good starting point to explore student jobs is the UBC Work Learn program or a Co-Op placement.

Tax credits and RRSP withdrawals

Students with taxable income in Canada may be able to claim federal or provincial tax credits.

Canadian residents with RRSP accounts may be able to use the Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP) which allows students to withdraw amounts from their registered retirement savings plan (RRSPs) to finance full-time training or education for themselves or their partner.

Please review Filing taxes in Canada on the student services website for more information.

Cost Estimator

Applicants have access to the cost estimator to develop a financial plan that takes into account various income sources and expenses.

Career Outcomes

9 students graduated between 2005 and 2013: 1 is in a non-salaried situation; for 0 we have no data (based on research conducted between Feb-May 2016). For the remaining 8 graduates:

Sample Employers in Higher Education
'Gh. Dima' Academy of Music
University of Alberta
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Sample Employers Outside Higher Education
Cypress Choral Music Inc.
Sample Job Titles Outside Higher Education
Composer (2)
Artistic Director: Jubilate Vocal Ensemble
Music Theory Instructor
PhD Career Outcome Survey
You may view the full report on career outcomes of UBC PhD graduates on
These data represent historical employment information and do not guarantee future employment prospects for graduates of this program. They are for informational purposes only. Data were collected through either alumni surveys or internet research.
Career Options

Many of our graduates hold prestigious appointments at universities, colleges, and public schools. Graduates also work in residence with major symphony orchestras and professional chamber ensembles, and contribute to commercial music internationally. For alumni stories, please explore

Enrolment, Duration & Other Stats

These statistics show data for the Doctor of Musical Arts in Composition (DMA). Data are separated for each degree program combination. You may view data for other degree options in the respective program profile.


New Registrations12112
Total Enrolment79876

Completion Rates & Times

This program has a graduation rate of 100% based on 6 students admitted between 2011 - 2014. Based on 5 graduations between 2020 - 2023 the minimum time to completion is 4.1 years and the maximum time is 7.85 years with an average of 6.35 years of study. All calculations exclude leave times.
Admissions data refer to all UBC Vancouver applications, offers, new registrants for each registration year, May to April, e.g. data for 2022 refers to programs starting in 2022 Summer and 2022 Winter session, i.e. May 1, 2022 to April 30, 2023. Data on total enrolment reflects enrolment in Winter Session Term 1 and are based on snapshots taken on November 1 of each registration year. Program completion data are only provided for datasets comprised of more than 4 individuals. Graduation rates exclude students who transfer out of their programs. Rates and times of completion depend on a number of variables (e.g. curriculum requirements, student funding), some of which may have changed in recent years for some programs.

Research Supervisors


Students in research-based programs usually require a faculty member to function as their thesis supervisor. Please follow the instructions provided by each program whether applicants should contact faculty members.

Instructions regarding thesis supervisor contact for Doctor of Musical Arts in Composition (DMA)
Applicants should browse faculty profiles and indicate in their application who they are interested in working with. No commitment from a supervisor prior to applying is necessary, but contacting faculty members is encouraged.

Applicants may contact the division chair, Dr. Keith Hamel ( or the composition professor of your choice with questions about the program.

Advice and insights from UBC Faculty on reaching out to supervisors

These videos contain some general advice from faculty across UBC on finding and reaching out to a supervisor. They are not program specific.


Doctoral Citations

A doctoral citation summarizes the nature of the independent research, provides a high-level overview of the study, states the significance of the work and says who will benefit from the findings in clear, non-specialized language, so that members of a lay audience will understand it.
Year Citation
2023 Dr. Pon composed a piece of orchestral music inspired by her early years with her child. Through the musical evocations and structure, she explored the mother-child-bond and related ideas like attachment, interconnection, awareness, time, and transience. Her work makes explicit a process of artistically realizing these human themes.
2023 Dr. Williams' thesis oratorio, Sprinkle Coal Dust on my Grave, is based on the West Virginia Mine Wars. Using a mixture of classical and Appalachian musical styles, Williams depicts a violent period of U.S. labor history, employing texts taken from witness testimony as well as songs and poems of the era.
2023 Dr. Ducharme explored various methods of integrating music composition and music technology. His thesis piece, CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background), leveraged data on the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation of the Universe to create a musical work for chamber sextet, with live electronics and interactive video.
2023 Dr. Sadaka wrote The Book of Ice, a musical composition for flute solo and chamber orchestra, which responds to The White Book, a novel written by the South Korean writer Han Kang. This piece blends pitch-set theoretical techniques and a spectral attitude to orchestration, and it develops original ways of combining music and text.
2022 Dr. Topp explored the intersections between virtual reality technology and music composition and performance. His research resulted in the development of Virtual Reality - Open Sound Control, an open platform for networking virtual reality interactions with modern music creation tools.
2018 Dr. Koenig explored the process of creating a musical representation of the emotions experienced from the perspective of a child who has become lost. The various emotional stages were transformed into musical ideas, motifs, and phrases for full orchestra. The subsequent work was able to express this narrative without specific program notes.
2018 Dr. Kobayashi studied musical composition, theory, and technology. In the themes of embodied virtuality and musical affordance, he developed interactive performance systems and generative programs. His thesis piece Forms, for string quartet and computer, represents the dynamic integrity of phenomena that form the universe harmoniously.
2018 Dr. Kuo completed her DMA degree in music composition. She wrote a large orchestral work, titled Urban Suite, and several pieces of chamber music during her study. Her thesis, Fantasies, is a sixteen-minute suite for a chamber ensemble.

Further Information


In addition to a variety of course offerings, the division sponsors numerous composition events, including regularly scheduled Student Composer Concerts, seminars, workshops and collaborations with local professional ensembles, performances by the Contemporary Players ensemble, and annual readings sessions by the UBC Symphony Orchestra and the UBC Symphonic Wind Ensemble.

Faculty Overview

Academic Unit

Program Identifier



Supervisor Search

Departments/Programs may update graduate degree program details through the Faculty & Staff portal. To update contact details for application inquiries, please use this form.

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