Research Projects

Faculty Members Recruiting Students

This list shows a selection of faculty members who are currently looking for new graduate students. They may have specified particular projects they wish to fill. Please ensure to review the departmental profile of each faculty member to learn more about their research interests and to ensure a good fit to your intended studies at UBC.

Last namesort descending First name Research Interests Desired start dates: Project areas
Gustafson Stephen James Mathematics and statistics; Mathematical Analysis; Differential Equation; Global and Non-Linear Analysis; Mathematical physics; Nonlinear partial differential equations; Nonlinear waves; Topological solitons Any time / year round

Mathematical analysis of fundamental properties (e.g. stability and dynamical behaviour) of topological solitons in physical systems such as ferromagnets.

Haas Kurt Medical and biomedical engineering; Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Autism; Brain Circuit Development; Dendritogenesis; Epilepsy; Genetics of Neurological and Psychiatric Diseases; Neurodevelopmental disorders; Neurological diseases; Neuronal Communication and Neurotransmission; Neuronal Computation; Neuronal Modeling; Neuronal Systems; Neuronal and Synaptic Activity; Plasticity / Neuronal Regeneration; Synaptic Plasticity Any time / year round

Understanding neuronal integration of information. Development of neuronal encoding properties. Developmental epiletogenesis. Metaplasticity. Genetic and molecular mechanisms of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Haase Kristen Nursing, n.e.c.; oncology; Older Adults; Geriatric oncology; Health systems research; Mixed Methods Research; Qualitative research; Self-management; E-health Any time / year round, 2021, 2022

Currently my research focuses on supporting older adults and their caregivers as then engage in managing cancer treatment and survivorship. I am looking to develop patient-oriented research partnerships in BC.

Hach Faraz Cancer; Algorithms and computational genomics; Computational Genomics; biomolecular sequence analysis Any time / year round
  • sequence analysis
  • algorithm design
Haji Faizal Health care safety and quality improvement; Surgical Education; Global Surgery; Simulation in Healthcare; Health Professions Education; Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Any time / year round

Global Surgery (multiple topics)

Health Professions Education (multiple topics)

Surgical Education (multiple topics)

Healthcare Simulation (multiple topics)


Hallam Steven Microbiome; Microbial ecology; metagenomics; Biological engineering; Synthetic biology; Bioinformatics; Machine Learning; Entrepreneurship Any time / year round

We have ongoing opportunities for highly motivating individuals to work at the interface of microbial ecology, biological engineeing and bioinformatics across a range of basic and applied science projects. 

Hallas Alannah Condensed matter experiments; Solid state chemistry; Quantum materials; Materials design and discovery; magnetism; Disorder; superconductivity Any time / year round

Materials innovations have sparked most of the major technological advances across the millennia – from the stone, bronze, and iron ages through to the current silicon age. Science now stands on the precipice of a new era: the age of quantum materials – materials with extraordinary electronic and magnetic properties that rely on quantum mechanical effects. In the Hallas group, we use state-of-... Read More

Hallensleben Markus Transcultural Studies; Artistic and Literary Theories; Literary or Artistic Works Analysis; Migrations, Populations, Cultural Exchanges; German Language Cultures and Literatures; Transnational Literatures; Visual Arts and Literature; European Studies; Literature and Sciences; Literature and Migration; Narratives of Belonging Any time / year round

Literature and migration; literature and Visual Arts; critical European Studies; gender, race, ethnicity; diversity and super-diversity; sociographic approaches to literatures; postmigrant condition; narratives of belonging; avant-garde arts, literature and theories; art and bioart performances; biopolitics; images of the body;

Hamlin Kiley Psychology and cognitive sciences; Cognitive development; Moral Judgement and Duty or Obligation Morals; Infant / Child Development; Foundations of Religious, Mystical, Mythical and Moral Thoughts; Infant moral cognition; infant social cognition Any time / year round

Our work focuses on the early development of moral cognition and action in infancy.

Hansson Gunnar Linguistic structures (including grammar, phonology, lexicon and semantics); Cognitive sciences; theoretical phonology; morphology-phonology interface; phonological typology; historical linguistics (language change); locality relations; Icelandic Any time / year round
  • theoretical phonology
  • phonological typology
  • segmental phonology (esp. harmony/dissimilation processes, locality)
  • morphology-phonology interface (e.g. allomorphy, paradigm gaps, construction-specific phonology)
  • diachronic phonology and "morpho-phonology (e.g. sound change, phonologization, lexicalization/morphologization, "analogical change")
  • ... Read More
Harris Leila Critical identity, ethnic and race studies; Gender, sexuality and education; Human rights, justice, and ethical issues; Africa; Development Policies; Drinking Water; Environmental justice; equity and social justice; Ethics and Fundamental Issues of Law and Justice; Fresh Water; Gender Relationship; gender and social difference; Ghana; International development; participatory resource management; Resources Management; Social Contract and Social Justice; Social and Cultural Factors of Environmental Protection; South Africa; Turkey and Middle East; Water; water governance; water politics

Please see and for ongoing research efforts. There are currently funded research opportunities with the project on Indigenous water governance issues (in Canada and elsewhere) and there may be upcoming support for analysis of non material dimensions... Read More

Hayden Michael Genetic medicine; Health counselling; Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Diabetes; Disease progression; Drug development; Gene Therapy; Genetic Diseases; Huntington disease; Neurodegenerative diseases; Neurodegenerative disorders Any time / year round

Hayden Lab Research Projects

Huntington Disease (HD) is a devastating incurable neurodegenerative disease that affects about 5,000 Canadians. Inheriting a single mutant copy of the Huntingtin (HTT) gene from either parent is sufficient to cause HD. The mutated HTT gene codes for production of the toxic, mutant huntingtin protein (mHTT) that is responsible for killing... Read More

Hearty Christopher Particle physics, experimental; Experimental Particle Physics; e+e- collider; Physics beyond the Standard Model; Dark sector; dark matter 2024, 2025


Hermiston Nancy Jane Performing arts, n.e.c.; Other medical sciences; opera, voice, theatre, interdisciplinary work with a diversity of fields and opera; Opera training and its effect on sculpting the brain - Wall Opera Project, Hermiston/L/Boyd/J Werker Any time / year round, 2023

Wall Opera Project - Does Opera Training sculpt the brain. Does the study of opera performance change the brain function for students with learning disabilities ? Does it have positive effects for all students studying opera. If there are positive effects to be found how could this help people who have other brain disfunctions or have succombed to diseases or stokes affecting the brain?

Hirsh Elizabeth Sociology; Law; Structures and Organization; Inequality, Gender and Race Discrimination, Work Organizations, Law Any time / year round
  • Analzying the impact of diversity policies on gender and race workplace diversity
  • Case studies of employment discrimination and human rights complaints
Hodges Nicola Sport and exercise psychology; Behavioural neuroscience of learning and memory; action anticipation and observation; coaching and motor skill expertise; skill acquisition; Motor learning; observational learning and instruction; sports skill development Any time / year round

Sport development pathways, women's and men's soccer, action observation and prediction, observational learning of perceptual motor skills, optimizing practice conditions through practice manipulations and instructions, motor skill expertise and associated processes

Hodgson Antony Image guided surgery systems; computer assisted orthopaedic surgery; Medical Imaging; surgical navigation; orthopaedics; biomechanics; surgical robots; Image Processing; Machine Learning Any time / year round

Computer-assisted orthopaedic surgery

Ultrasound image acquisition and processing

Surgical navigation systems

Hohl Corinne Emergency Medicine; Epidemiology; Pharmacoepidemiology; Health Information Systems; Health Care Organization; Decision Making; Patient Safety; Medication Safety; Adverse Drug Events; Drug safety and effectiveness; Health Information Technology; Clinical Decision Making; Health services research; Adverse Event Reporting

My research group is working with Ministry to develop, implement and evaluate a new provincial medication safety information technology we have developed. This work will provide multiple opportunities for graduate students to be involved in. With the implementation of this technology more robust data will become available on adverse drug events experienced by patients. Future projects include... Read More

Holsti Liisa Medical, health and life sciences; premature infants; neurodevelopment; stress; pain; measurement; technology transfer; sucrose; rehabilitation; pediatrics Any time / year round

neonatology, pediatrics, occupational therapy, measurement, rehabilitation

Huan Tao Bioinformatics, n.e.c.; Analytical spectrometry; Metabolomics; Separation science; Cancer progression and metastasis; Human nutrition and metabolism; Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry; Machine Learning; Bioinformatics Any time / year round

Our research interests include:

  • Integration of metabolomics with other ‘omics’ (epigenomics, genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics) data for the systems-level interrogation of biological problems
  • Application of state-of-art metabolomics technologies in various biological challenges, such as mechanistic understanding of cancer metabolism and disease biomarker discovery... Read More
Huberman Isabella Indigenous literatures; Environment, space and place; Quebec literatures; Indigenous Literature; Cinema of Quebec; Francophone Indigenous narrative arts; Environmental Humanities; Archives and cinema studies; Quebec-Indigenous studies; Decolonial and anticolonial theory; Research creation 2023, 2024

Indigenous literatures of Quebec

Quebec Studies

Cinema studies of Canada

Environmental humanities of Quebec and Canada

Franco-Canadian Cultural Studies

Huddart Emily Sociology; Environment and Society; Social and Cultural Factors of Environmental Protection; Gender; social class; Sustainable consumption 2025, 2027
  • Cultural impacts and barriers of decarbonization
  • Sociological study of emotions and polarization over climate change
  • Understanding how engagement in environmentalism is related to social class, political ideology, and gender
Hudson Zachary Synthesis of materials; Functional materials in materials chemistry sciences; Organic chemical synthesis; Optical properties of materials; Luminescent materials; Organic electronics; Polymer chemistry; Organic chemistry; Organic light-emitting diodes 2021, 2022

1) Luminescent materials design for applications in organic electronics.

2) Fluorescent polymer nanoparticles for biological sensing with high sensitivity.

3) Ultrastable fluorophores for catalysis, electroluminescence, and two-photon fluorescence.


Hung Lillian Geriatric nursing; Medical and biomedical engineering; Impact of technology and environment on the care experiences of persons with dementia; dementia education; quality improvement; Participatory action research 2021

Robotics and digital health for dementia care

Huot Suzanne Occupational therapy; Human geography; asylum seekers; bilingualism; community-engaged research; critical theory; francophone minority communities; francophones; french; Gender; immigration; intersectionality; Migration Studies; Migrations, Populations, Cultural Exchanges; occupational science; Qualitative research; refugees; social inclusion; social integration; Platform economy 2024

global migration, occupational science, francophone minority communities

Hurd Laura Sociological methodology and research methods; Sociology and social studies of health, health systems and health care; Aging; Gender; health; ageism or age-based discrimination; sociology of aging; sociology of health; embodiment or embodied experience; body image; chronic conditions or chronic illness; disability; Assistive technology; qualitative methods; media representation; LGBTQ+ aging; intersectionality; information and communication technology 2025

I supervise students with backgrounds in sociology or socio-cultural studies. Students under my supervision typically conduct research in the areas of aging, gender, health, illness, body image, embodiment, disability, physical activity, sexuality, and assistive or information technologies.

Irwin Darren Zoology; evolutionary genetics; genomic differentiation; hybridization; ornithology; seasonal migration; speciation Any time / year round

Please see:


Iurascu Ilinca Comparative literatures; Theories of cultural studies; Media, visual and digital culture; German literature; Comparative Literature; Cultural Studies; media theory; Media history; critical theory; film studies Any time / year round

German studies; comparative literature; cultural studies; media theory; media history; critical theory; film studies 

Jan Eric Biochemistry; Virus; Nucleic Acids; Proteomics; Antiviral innate immunity; Zika; coxsackievirus; enterovirus; Innate immunity; molecular biology; picornavirus; protease; Protein synthesis; RNA; RNA structure function; RNA virus; ribosome; SARS; tRNA; translation; Virology; virus host interactions; mRNA therapeutics Any time / year round, 2025

Projects include

  • elucidating virus host interactions such as antiviral innate immunity and viral proteins that modulate cellular processes
  • identifying host protein substrates by viral proteinases
  • non-canonical protein synthesis mechanisms used by viruses and cellular mRNAs
  • mRNA therapeutics

Approaches include biochemical, molecular and cell... Read More

Jean Francois Medical virology; Protein trafficking in cell biology; Proteomics; Enzymes (including kinetics and mechanisms, and biocatalyst); Organelle function; Virology; Systems biology; Cellular virology; Emerging human viruses; COVID-19; Host-virus interactions; Broad-based antiviral agents; Antiviral agents; Natural products as antiviral agents; Lipid-modulating drugs; Cellular protease inhibitors; Viral protease inhibitors; Human coronaviruses; SARS-CoV-2; Human flaviviruses; Dengue virus; Zika virus; West Nile virus; Influenza A virus; Human microRNAs; Therapeutic microRNA; Viral and cellular biomarkers; Molecular diagnostics for detecting viral infection; Circulating exosomes; Exosomal microRNAs; Proteomics-based technologies; Multiplexed and Mass Spectrometric quantitation assays Any time / year round
  1. Antiviral strategies and antiviral therapeutics

  2. Comparative phenotypic profiling and genomic analysis of circulating SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern

  3. Discovering broad-spectrum therapeutics  for human viral diseases

  4. Discovering novel broad-spectrum antiviral agents from natural product libraries

  5. Unraveling the... Read More

Jelovica Jasmin Civil engineering; Mechanical engineering; Finite element analysis; Machine Learning; Metals and Alloys; Production and Process Optimization; Sandwich structures; Solid Mechanics; Stress Analysis; Structural optimization; Ultimate, fatigue and impact strength; Welding and joining of metals Any time / year round

1) New finite element analysis techniques for advanced structures;

2) Development of optimization algorithms for structural optimization; 

3) Machine/deep learning methodology for reduced order modeling of mechanical systems.

Jenstad Lorienne Other health sciences; hearing aids; Aging; audiology; hearing health; amplification Any time / year round

New ways of assessing hearing aid outcomes; encouraging older adults to seek and use hearing health care services; acoustic and behavioural assessment of hearing aid processing.

Communication between audiologists and patients.

Jin Xiaoliang Mechanical engineering; Manufacturing Processes; Solid Mechanics; Machining Mechanics and Dynamics; Manufacturing Processes for Advanced Materials; Material Characterization; Surface Integrity; Vibration Assisted Machining

Surface integrity in vibration assisted machining process.
Surface texturing process.
Chip formation stability in high-speed machining process.

Jones Steven J Bioinformatics, genome science, mutations, cancer progression Any time / year round

Bioinformatics Cancer Genomics

Kalia Sunil Skin Cancer; Optics and Photonics; Skin Disorders; Epidemiology; optics; photobiology; dermatoepidemiology; Cancer Any time / year round

Dermatoepidemiology; Examining the epidemiology of skin cancer in the general population and identifying high risk population groups Skin cancer prevention; Using national surveys conducted by Statistics Canada, I have examined skin cancer prevention behaviours practiced by Canadians; Spectoscopy; Using imaging to differentiate skin cancer from benign lesions. Photobiology to study properties... Read More

Kamat Vinay Ramnath Anthropology; Global Health and Emerging Diseases; Dispossession; East Africa; ethnography; Extractive Industry; Global Health; India; Malaria; marine conservation; Medical Anthropology; Outsourcing of Clinical Trials; political ecology; Tanzania

Politics of marine conservation and natural gas extraction in East Africa; Behavioral Aspects of Tuberculosis and Dengue in India.

Karsan Aly Hematological tumours; Cancer molecular targets; Leukemia; Hematopoiesis; Genomics and epigenomics; Noncoding RNAs; Aging Any time / year round

The major research focus of my lab revolves around acute myeloid leukemia, and preleukemias referred to as myelodysplastic syndromes. Within this context we are interested in various posttranscriptional mechanisms that drive these cancers, how aging increases the risk of developing leukemias, and how to potentially target genomic and epigenomic vulnerabilities.

Kassam Rosemin Medical, health and life sciences; Child Health, Malnutrition, Adult Chronic Disease, Geriatrics Any time / year round

Global Health - Improving child malnutrition in low-resource countries

Keenan Harper Curriculum, pedagogy and didactics; Gender, sexuality and education; Inter-disciplinary, trans-disciplinary learning and education; Colonialism; early childhood and elementary education; Educational Context; Gender; race; sexuality; teacher education; childhood; Transgender Studies; LGBT Studies; queer studies 2023

I am currently working on projects in multiple areas:

- Gender self-determination in early childhood and elementary education

- Trans pedagogy as practiced by trans educators outside formal schooling environments

- The experiences of transgender workers in PK-12 schools

I am most interested in working with students whose scholarship would contribute to or expand... Read More

Kim Kwang Ho Other engineering and technologies; Forest Bioproduction and the BioeconomyTechnology and Innovation; Biomass conversion engineering Any time / year round, 2025

Biomass conversion; Lignin chemistry; Green solvents

Klein Peter Media Types (Radio, Television, Written Press, etc.); Video and New Media; Global Health and Emerging Diseases; Large International Projects; Media and Democratization; Global Journalism; Innovation in Journalism; Documentary Production; Investigative Reporting Any time / year round

Investigative reporting on global supply chains

Klein Geltink Ramon Pathology (except oral pathology); Metabolism; Immunotherapy; Cell Signaling and Infectious and Immune Diseases; Auto-Immune Diseases; Cell Therapy of Cancer; Adoptive cellular therapy; Immunometabolism; T cell function Any time / year round

My research program at UBC/BCCHRI aims to better understand how the immune system can be used to treat childhood diseases. In children with cancer, the immune system is no longer able to rid the body of cancerous cells. In children with autoimmune diseases the immune system gets rid of healthy cells of the body. We are particularly interested in the metabolism of immune cells. 

Cellular... Read More

Klonsky Elisha Clinical psychology; Suicide (theory, motivations, transition from suicidal thoughts to attempts); emotion; personality. 2022

The lab's primary focus is suicide (including theory, motivations, warning signs, improved measurement of key risk and protective factors). Secondary lab interesets include classification and assessment of emotion and personality.

Koehle Michael Systems physiology; Other clinical medicine; Musculoskeletal biology and physiology; Exercise Physiology; air pollution; Sport and Exercise Medicine; Environmental Physiology; Altitude 2025, 2026

Interaction between exercise and air pollution.

Kontogiorgos Vasileios Food colloids, gels, foam and emulsions; Food chemistry (including fermentation); Food rheology, food texture and sensory evaluation; Nutraceuticals, functional foods and bioactive; food chemistry; Physical chemistry of foods; Food colloids; Food emulsions; Food polysaccharides; food proteins Any time / year round

Food colloids

Food rheology

Food emulsions

Food polysaccharides

Plant proteins for food

Kronstad James Bioinformatics; Immunology; Microbiology; Plant biology; Mycology; Fungal diseases of plants; Genomics and Proteomics; Medical Mycology; Molecular Genetics; Pathogenesis of infectious diseases; Plant-Microbe Interactions Any time / year round
  • Characterization of iron uptake and regulatory functions in Cryptococcus neoformans
  • Analysis of virulence factor export to the cell surface in Cryptococcus neoformans
  • Characterization of the chloroplast as a target of fungal attack
  • Analysis of nutrient acquisition during fungal pathogenesis
Kubota Ryuko Specialized studies in education; critical applied linguistics; culture and language; Language Rights and Policies; language education; language ideologies; multicultural education; race and language teaching Any time / year round

Antiracist and justice-oriented language education

Kuo Calvin Biomechanical engineering; Medical devices; Biomedical instrumentation (including diagnostics); Sensing human motion; How humans make sense of their own motion; Sensorimotor Neutrophysiology; Wearable Sensing; Musculoskeletal Modeling

Cardiac arrest sensing and emergency response.

Kwakkel Erik Archival, repository and related studies; Library science and information studies; Codicology; History of Libraries; History of the Book; Medieval Manuscripts; Paleography; History of Reading 2025

Manuscript studies; History of the Book; History of Reading; History of Libraries; Materiality of Information (Book Design); Digital Humanities where it intersects with the History of the Book.

Laffin Christina Humanities and the arts; premodern Japanese literature; medieval Japanese history; women's writing; Japanese women's history; travel writing; autobiography; Japanese poetry; Literacy; socialization; wet nursing; narratology Any time / year round

Heian and Kamakura-era literature, late Heian and medieval women's history
