Doctoral Citations

A doctoral citation summarizes the nature of the independent research, provides a high-level overview of the study, states the significance of the work and says who will benefit from the findings in clear, non-specialized language, so that members of a lay audience will understand it.
Year Citation Program
2022 Dr. Esfandiari developed an online self-management program for people with lower limb amputation, called Self-Management for Amputee Rehabilitation Using Technology or SMART. SMART potentially provides accessible, low-cost, education after discharge from hospital for patients in both urban and remote areas. Doctor of Philosophy in Rehabilitation Sciences (PhD)
2022 Dr. Cheung established a technique to measure oxygen levels in the injured spinal cord. She developed an implantable biosensor to monitor the spinal cord in a large animal model before its clinical translation. Her work will advance and improve the current clinical care of patients with spinal cord injury. Doctor of Philosophy in Neuroscience (PhD)
2022 Dr. Qiu addressed the use of antidepressants in the postpartum for those who do not respond to treatment and aimed to understand what biological factors influence efficacy and found it to be affiliated with the immune system. Her work is intended to help postpartum individuals seeking antidepressants in better treatment decision-making. Doctor of Philosophy in Neuroscience (PhD)
2022 Dr. Banerjee proposed a model that combines utility-driven item adoption with the viral network effect helping to propagate adoption of and desire for items from users to their peers. He subsequently applied the model to study influence maximization and filter bubble problem. Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science (PhD)
2022 Across all eukaryotic life, genes contain introns that must be removed for proper expression. This process is thought to occur similarly across species. Dr. Wong, however, discovered unusual features and patterns of this key process in a diverse array of algae, which highlights the importance of expanding our understanding beyond model organisms. Doctor of Philosophy in Botany (PhD)
2022 Dr. Eom studied the role of fish breathing against toxic chemicals in aquatic environments and found that the fish control their breathing by generating various patterns against toxicants, which is beneficial to increase survival rates. This information would help understand how aquatic animals respond to global and local toxicants. Doctor of Philosophy in Zoology (PhD)
2022 Dr. Ploumis studied the properties of human visual system in perceiving light and color. He subsequently applied his findings to develop methods that improve the visual uniformity of High Dynamic Range video content across various viewing environments, ultimately increasing the viewers' quality of experience. Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering (PhD)
2022 Could we use children's various home languages for their school learning? Collaborating with Grade 2-3 children categorized as English learners, and a teacher, Dr. Rajagopal designed practices to include their languages, stories, drawing and photography. Her work highlights systemic inequities and advocates for relational and antiracist pedagogies. Doctor of Philosophy in Language and Literacy Education (PhD)
2022 Dr. Zhang's dissertation revealed that it takes much longer than generally expected for high school students who speak English as a second language to catch up with their peers on academic language competency. It highlighted the importance of the language support offered in the schools for assuring the academic success of these students. Doctor of Philosophy in Audiology and Speech Sciences (PhD)
2022 Dr. Khatami examined the role that exiles play in shaping politics and history. Comparing cases from North America to the Middle East, his study demonstrates how the excluded use artistic means to reconstitute the societies they live in. This research offers a new perspective on democratic thinking and the role of art in political life. Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science (PhD)
2022 Dr. Hu has shown how the protein complexes produced by Salmonella and other similar pathogens infect humans, animals and plants. Bacterial infections are one of the world's most common issues for hospitality and death. This research advanced our understanding of bacterial pathogenicity and aided the development of new drugs and vaccines. Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (PhD)
2022 Dr. Nguyen developed a method to make chemical modifications to drugs that enable formation into nanoparticles for improved drug delivery and efficacy. This research will benefit a spectrum of drugs and identify new formulations that will offer safer and effective therapies for patients battling diseases like cancer and rheumatoid arthritis. Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Sciences (PhD)
2022 Dr. Ingham's work involves the development of drugs based on radioactive metal atoms. He synthesized the metal grabbing components that these drugs require and tested them with several radioactive metals. His components were found to wrap around radioactive metals within minutes at room temperature, making radioactive drugs easier to assemble. Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry (PhD)
2022 Dr. Wu studied the natural resistance mechanisms of plants against microbial pathogens. He found that pathogen recognition and defense activation are fine-tuned and regulated to ensure effective and timely immune responses. Doctor of Philosophy in Botany (PhD)
2022 Dr. Erickson explored the experiences and impact of incarceration among women living with HIV in Metro Vancouver. Findings elucidate opportunities for interventions and policy reforms designed to improve HIV health outcomes, support wellbeing, and redress rates of incarceration for marginalized women. Doctor of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Studies (PhD)
2022 Dr. Perkins studied lignin, a material that makes plants stand strong. He showed how plants move the building blocks of this material from inside cells, to the outside of cells where it is assembled. Instead of using active pumps, cells use passive flow to move vast quantities of lignin. This may help the development of biofuels and bioproducts. Doctor of Philosophy in Botany (PhD)
2022 Dr. Haddock's research advances our understanding of the nature of the relationships between children's theory of mind and social-emotional functioning by providing a comprehensive account of these relationships, and highlighting that complex mental state understanding is of particular importance to children's social-emotional wellbeing. Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (PhD)
2022 Dr. Ramsook examined how neural mechanisms contribute to sex differences in the fatigue of the respiratory muscles. His work contributes to advancing the understanding of human physiology and exercise performance, with an emphasis on the unique qualities of the respiratory system in males and females. Doctor of Philosophy in Rehabilitation Sciences (PhD)
2022 Dr. Forrest examined the health implications of social networking through an investigation of mental and sexual health outcomes associated with app use among gay and bisexual men. His research findings have implications for public health programming in the digital era. Doctor of Philosophy in Population and Public Health (PhD)
2022 Patients with chronic wounds and extensive skin loss injuries have limited therapeutic option. Dr. Pakyari showed that through immune modulation of donated skin grafts and synthetic liquid dermal matrix generation, we can facilitate and accelerate acute and chronic wound healing process. Doctor of Philosophy in Experimental Medicine (PhD)
2022 Dr. Kelly built an ultrasound imaging system for the detection of breast cancer, targeting biomarkers clinically shown to complement mammography, especially in women with dense tissue, for whom such cancers are more common. This technology can help detect cancers sooner, while reducing false positives and callbacks, including unnecessary biopsies. Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering (PhD)
2022 Dr. Bigloo conceived of 'place' as biospheric and historical via autobiographic research adding to the basic structure of currere what she termed cosmo-currere. As a result, curriculum became a terra-didactic text and it was disclosed that without biospheric justice for Here and the Present, neither There, nor any other form of Justice will be. Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum Studies (PhD)
2022 Dr. Anyeko developed a lived justice theory that is holistic, relational and lived in the everyday by northern Ugandan women who survived wartime sexual violence. Lived justice involves compensation, peaceful co-existence, availability of land and basic needs after war. She adds a new meaning of justice beyond legal definitions. Doctor of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Studies (PhD)
2022 Dr. Mayers examined the structural and societal systems that preclude equity-seeking groups from accessing safe environments and services that promote sustainable, healthy living. The purpose of her doctoral research was to examine the process in which decisions are made to propose more equitable city bicycling networks. Doctor of Philosophy in Planning (PhD)
2022 Dr. Lotto assessed cell type diversity during the migratory processes required for mouse liver and heart valve development using single-cell gene expression techniques. His analyses reveal novel cell types and will serve as a genetic atlas of liver and heart valve formation for future studies exploring these processes in normal and disease contexts. Doctor of Philosophy in Cell and Developmental Biology (PhD)
