
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Adapting to sensorimotor delay in the control of standing balance 07 January 2024
The roles of plasticity and adaptation in response to environmental change across temporal scales in fishes 07 January 2024
A day-of-surgery, intraoperative image guided system : micro-positioning of fibula segments for use in mandibular reconstruction surgery 07 January 2024
Development of a multi-contrast small animal retinal imaging system for the investigation of retinal degenerative diseases 07 January 2024
Coronary revascularization and timing of treatment : comparative effectiveness of PCI and CABG in British Columbia 07 January 2024
Asynchronous dynamic graph processing with real-time analysis 07 January 2024
Identification and characterization of suppressors of anp2/anp3 07 January 2024
Corticosteroid-binding globulin shapes the sexual dimorphism of adrenal, hepatic, and neuroendocrine responses 07 January 2024
Mapping anomalous subiculum excitatory neurons across circuits and behavior 07 January 2024
The characterization of stream and riparian features of importance for fish habitat using laser scanning 07 January 2024
Experimental investigation of the connection and system behavior of 3-panel BEHLEN Frameless panel under monotonic and cyclic loads 07 January 2024
Microscopic agent-based modeling and simulation of cyclists on off-street paths 07 January 2024
Providing a choice : individual dogs’ preferences for activity-based environmental enrichment in an animal shelter 07 January 2024
Concentration-dependent effects of diesel exhaust exposure on the human proteome and airways : a double-blinded, crossover study 07 January 2024
Constructing an effective ecological network structure to restore ecosystems in Vancouver, Canada 07 January 2024
The influence of sub-lethal zinc exposure on olfaction of alarm cues and associated alarm behaviours in juvenile coho salmon 04 January 2024
The role of illness perceptions in mental health treatment-seeking and outcomes after mild traumatic brain injury 04 January 2024
Health and wellness for Métis youth involved with Métis family services : exploring cultural connection through Métis beadwork using photovoice 04 January 2024
Understanding children’s object choice and play in an outdoor setting : the embedded learning and meaning of playing with sticks 04 January 2024
Simulation-based inference of micelle geometry from 2D cryo-EM images of membrane proteins 04 January 2024
Wavefunction parameterizations using the atomic cluster expansion 04 January 2024
Neural networks in application to dolphin whistle detection and generation 04 January 2024
Competing without parties : voter mobilization in Peru 03 January 2024
Negotiating gender in crisis : global norms and state power in South Sudan 03 January 2024
Image-based characterization of low-plastic silt matrix for fabric quantification using x-ray micro computed tomography 03 January 2024
Exploring tongue, lip, and hand function in healthy aging 03 January 2024
Biomaterials-mediated blood stem cell engineering 03 January 2024
Establishing the kinetics of Escherichia bacteriophage T4 and its target bacterium within the intestinal mucosa of a gnotobiotic mouse model 03 January 2024
Fixing for change : information practice and stories of aspiration in community-based repair initiatives 03 January 2024
Characterization of novel stripe rust resistance in wheat relatives 03 January 2024
Effects of honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) on the structure of plant-pollinator networks 03 January 2024
Populist memory politics and partisan immigration agendas in contemporary Germany 03 January 2024
Aquatic ecosystem metabolism as a control of carbon transport in a managed forest 03 January 2024
The effects of trophic interactions and climate change on the space use of an Arctic marine mesopredator 03 January 2024
Exploring tongue, lip, and hand function in healthy aging 03 January 2024
Exploring tongue, lip, and hand function in healthy aging 03 January 2024
Topics in numerical relativity 02 January 2024
Mediation within a moral economy : fan and industry tensions in the localization of Japanese video game series Ryū Ga Gotoku/Yakuza 02 January 2024
The intergenerational transfer of nikkei memory : museums facing the absence of “witness” founders 02 January 2024
The genome of black spruce : genome annotation & analyses 02 January 2024
Lactate measurement using molecularly imprinted polymer and carbon quantum dots 02 January 2024
Lost in transition : aquatic carbon dynamics along a pacific maritime headwater stream network 02 January 2024
Signaling pathways : the driving force behind lineage plasticity in treatment resistance prostate cancer 02 January 2024
From growth to TR-ARPES of C₆₀ : a prototypical OPV system 01 January 2024
The fate of the somatotype: examining the afterlives of a body classification system 01 January 2024
Floral strips support ecosystem services in pepper production 01 January 2024
Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) isohydricity and its relationship with berry growth and metabolite contents during progressive drought 01 January 2024
Detecting DNA methylation using nanopore sequencing : from genome-wide analysis to haplotype-resolved and parent-of-origin phasing 01 January 2024
A personalized approach in clinical practice to identify goals and priorities of each individual patient : the personally meaningful outcomes-assessment process (PMO-AP) 01 January 2024
Early life history interactions of White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) with substrates and predaceous invertebrates 20 December 2023
