Effectiveness of picture communication symbols in the acquisition of specific American sign language vocabulary by deaf students with intellectual disabilities |
16 June 2009 |
Broadline 1H and 2H nuclear Magnetic resonance studies of binary lipid mixtures containing docosahexaenoic acid |
16 June 2009 |
Black hole solutions with torsion |
16 June 2009 |
Physical and chemical zonation in the Emerald Lake pluton, Yukon Territory |
16 June 2009 |
Dining out : bourgeois anxiety in nineteenth century Paris |
16 June 2009 |
The effect of functional knee bracing on medial compartment osteoarthritis |
16 June 2009 |
Journaling as an instructional tool for nursing students |
16 June 2009 |
Fishers’ attributed causes of accidents and implications for prevention education |
16 June 2009 |
An event-based robot control architecture |
16 June 2009 |
A three-tiered java application for secure transactions over internet |
16 June 2009 |
A comparison of glottalized resonants in Sänčatän and St’át’imcets |
16 June 2009 |
Laryngeal phenomena in Tahltan |
16 June 2009 |
Connecting amidst chaos : a teacher’s first year |
16 June 2009 |
Behaviour of lactating stellar sea lions (eumetopias jubatus) during breeding season : a comparison between a declining and stable population in Alaska |
16 June 2009 |
Heritable risk sensitive foraging in juvenile fish : potential implications for the dynamics of harvested populations |
16 June 2009 |
Respiratory neuron activity in the urethane anaethetized ground squirrel : responses to changes in respiratory drive |
16 June 2009 |
A phenotypic and neuropathological assessment of the impact of fetal and secondary adult re-exposures to steryl glucosides in mice |
16 June 2009 |
The response of periphyton chlorophyll a and invertebrate drift to the end of nutrient enrichment |
16 June 2009 |
Selective attention in object substitution masking |
16 June 2009 |
The role of neutrophils in the response of solid cancers to photodynamic therapy |
16 June 2009 |
Piezoelectric tool actuator for precision turning |
16 June 2009 |
Identification of proteins that interact with the N-terminal domain of the androgen receptor |
16 June 2009 |
The role of Alveolar macrophages in defense of the lung against Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
16 June 2009 |
Adsorption of human serum albumin to polystyrene latex grafted with n,n- dimethylacrylamide |
16 June 2009 |
Perspectives on the process of recovery from depression by older adult clients : a grounded theory study |
16 June 2009 |
Evaluation of a telephone intervention in community health nursing postpartum care |
16 June 2009 |
Comparison of surimi and solubilized surimi for kamaboko production from farmed chinook salmon |
16 June 2009 |
Microsatellite DNA variation in domestic ratite populations |
16 June 2009 |
Uncertain risk, causation and precaution in toxic tort litigation |
16 June 2009 |
Much ado about (almost) nothing: the youth criminal justice act: paradigms & paradoxes within Canadian youth justice philosophy |
16 June 2009 |
Does size really matter? : a theoretical and empirical analysis of the argument that middle powers are qualitatively different from other states in the system |
16 June 2009 |
For the more easy recovery of debts in His Majesty’s plantations : credit and conflict in Upper Canada, 1788-1809 |
16 June 2009 |
The gender gap toward foreign policy : a cross-national study |
15 June 2009 |
"People" and "minority" from theory to reality |
15 June 2009 |
The intention of tradition : contemporary contexts and contests of the Kwakwaka’wakw Hamat’sa dance |
15 June 2009 |
A mystory [sic] about Wilson Duff : northwest coast anthropologist |
15 June 2009 |
The Tufuga’s fale tele : constructing social relations in the samoan built environment |
15 June 2009 |
The dream of enlightenment : an essay on the promise of reason and freedom in modernity |
15 June 2009 |
Duct optimization for a ducted vertical axis hydro current turbine |
15 June 2009 |
Evaluating the effect of the 1980 trawl ban in the Java Sea, Indonesia |
15 June 2009 |
Negotiating restoration : integrating knowledges on the Alouette River, British Columbia |
15 June 2009 |
Putting the cart behind the horse : using interface driven modeling to help regional stakeholders craft an understanding of sustainability |
15 June 2009 |
A food-based habitat-selection model for grizzly bears in Kluane National Park, Yukon |
15 June 2009 |
Archie comics, literacy and pre-teen identity : a case study of L1 and L2 elementary students |
15 June 2009 |
Forest development, First Nations and distributive justice in Mackenzie Forest District |
15 June 2009 |
A study of acorn feeding insects : filbert weevil (Curculio occidentis (Casey)) and filbertworm (Cydia latiferreana (Walsingham)) on Garry oak (Quercus garryana) (Dougl.) in the southeastern Vancouver Island area |
15 June 2009 |
Function-based records classification systems : an exploratory study of records management practices in central banks |
15 June 2009 |
Parametric modeling and project management systems |
15 June 2009 |
Dynamic modelling for foreign exchange rates |
15 June 2009 |
Water and material balance at mine tailings impoundments : software program development and risk analysis |
15 June 2009 |