
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Testosterone-dependent vascular arachidonic acid metabolism in the regulation of insulin resistance and blood pressure 03 June 2009
Flow dynamics in high density circulating fluidized beds 03 June 2009
The regulation of intracellular calcium in cultured hippocampal neurons and the influence of calcium buffers 03 June 2009
The trickster shift : a new paradigm in contemporary Canadian Native art 03 June 2009
Efficacy of secondary biosolids fertilization in a managed Douglas-fir forest in the coastal western hemlock zone of British Columbia 03 June 2009
Cloning, characterization, and localization of an ABC transporter in the rod photoreceptor rims implicated in Stargardt's and age-related macular distrophy 03 June 2009
Essays in banking 03 June 2009
The effects of regulatory changes on insider trading and price movements during corporate takeovers 03 June 2009
Redistributing union power to women : the experiences of two women’s committees 03 June 2009
Competition and corporate tender offer contests 03 June 2009
Measuring the business value of information technology: the case of financial electronic data interchange (EDI) in Canada 03 June 2009
A goal-based requirements gathering approach to detect and understand business-IT misalignments 03 June 2009
Rational and irrational agency 03 June 2009
Determination of the influence of growth front angle on freckle formation in superalloys 03 June 2009
Piano Concerto 03 June 2009
Renal pharmacology of calcitonin gene-related peptide 03 June 2009
Molecular modulation of the lymphohaemopoietic system 03 June 2009
Identification of Annexin II as a carbohydrate associated novel mediator of airway epithelial would repair 03 June 2009
Spoken word recognition as a function of lexical knowledge and language proficiency level in adult ESL learners 03 June 2009
A lift of the Chern-Simons functional and its application to equivariant Floer homology 03 June 2009
Culture, economic structure, and the dynamics of ecological economic systems 03 June 2009
Shadows beneath the wind : Singapore, world city and open region 03 June 2009
Antibacterial factors in cows’ milk and colostrum : immunoglobulins and lactoferrin 03 June 2009
Precision measurement of pion-proton absolute differential cross sections at energies spanning the delta resonance 03 June 2009
Reactivity of molybdenum nitrosyl alkyl complexes 03 June 2009
L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase: epimerisation through carbon-carbon bond cleavage 03 June 2009
Structural and dynamic analysis of oligosaccharide binding by CBDn1 03 June 2009
Studies towards the synthesis of photosensitizers with improved biodistribution and light-absorbing properties 03 June 2009
The relationship between elementary classroom collections and the school library resource centre program 03 June 2009
Endoglucanase A from Cellulomonas fimi : determination of the amino acids directly involved in catalysis and their function 03 June 2009
Investigation of the transcription activating properties of Spo0A from Bacillus subtilis 03 June 2009
A study of a membrane-associated protease of porphyromonas gigngivalis W83 03 June 2009
Some coordination problems 03 June 2009
Letters from Lacan : reading and the matheme 03 June 2009
Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method and its application in solid mechanics 02 June 2009
Performance of twin-pontoon floating breakwaters 02 June 2009
Microfiller effect on rheology, microstructure, and mechanical properties of high-performance concrete 02 June 2009
Constitutive modeling of fiber reinforced cement composites 02 June 2009
Nitrogenous nutrition of phytoplankton from the Northeastern subarctic Pacific Ocean 02 June 2009
A Cone Penetration Test (CPT) based assessment of explosive compaction in mine tailings 02 June 2009
Specificity at the b mating type locus of ustilago maydis 02 June 2009
The isolation and molecular characterization of a 2S albumin gene from Picea glauca 02 June 2009
Life history and population dynamics of western flower thrips, Frankliniella Occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera:Thripidae) in Nectarine Orchards in the Dry Central Interior, British Columbia 02 June 2009
What is the meaning of disengagement as lived by students who left school without graduating 02 June 2009
Seasonal dynamics of tetracycline resistance genes and antibiotics in a British Columbia agricultural watershed 02 June 2009
A description of practising Christians’ experience of profound sexual and spiritual encounters 02 June 2009
Assessment and management of multispecies multigear fisheries : a case study from San Miguel Bay, the Philippines 02 June 2009
Changes in aboriginal property rights : a chronological account of land use practices in the Lil’Wat Nation 02 June 2009
Leaf area distribution and alternative sampling designs for hybrid spruce tree crowns 02 June 2009
Photobiology, photochemistry and chemical ecology of thiarubrines from the asteraceae 02 June 2009
