
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Asymmetric synthesis from solid state photochemical asymmetric induction to catalytic asymmetric hydrogenation 09 June 2009
Ethnocultural dimensions of the university adviser/advisee relationship 09 June 2009
The interaction of liposomes with complement proteins and protein s 09 June 2009
Models and characterizations of 1-way quantum finite automata 09 June 2009
Collaborative instructional design using internet-based tools and resources 09 June 2009
Mechanical response of highly gap-graded mixtures of waste rock and tailings (paste rock) 08 June 2009
Influence of diet fat saturation on rates of cholesterol synthesis and esterification in healthy young men 08 June 2009
An empirical model of exceptional teaching 08 June 2009
Application of multi-element geochemical methods to identify sediment sources and trace the transport of sediment in small (s4) streams before and after watershed disturbance 08 June 2009
Analysis and expression of Leishmania surface proteinase and glycoproteins 08 June 2009
A serial analysis of gene expression and an in vitro based approach to understanding mouse definitive endoderm development 07 June 2009
A lower jurassic ammonite image database and its applications 05 June 2009
Turbulent swirling combustion of premixed natural gas and air 05 June 2009
Development of a knowledge-based hierarchical control structure for process automation 05 June 2009
Energy measurements and correlations of the standard penetration test (SPT) and the becker penetration test (BPT) 05 June 2009
Effects of chronic ozone exposure and estimated flux on plant growth and conductance under field conditions 05 June 2009
The Japanese university club and the hierarchical notion of gender role reproduction 05 June 2009
The two faces of championship: an examination of the behavioral and individual-differences characteristics of the champion 05 June 2009
Moral climate and the development of moral reasoning: the effects of dyadic discussions between young offenders 05 June 2009
A study of dress through artistic inquiry : provoking understandings of artist, researcher, and teacher identities 05 June 2009
Translating and writing processes of adult second language learners 05 June 2009
Application of stable isotope labeled diphenhydramine to study the pharmacokinetics and metabolism of diphenhydramine in pregnant, non-pregnant, and fetal sheep 05 June 2009
Sustainability of Leucaena leucocephala fallows in shifting cultivation on the Island of Mindoro, Philippines 05 June 2009
Factors which influence the performance of alkylammonium compounds as wood preservatives 05 June 2009
Development and examination of sequential approaches for applicability testing of tree volume models 05 June 2009
Ut pictura poesis: Keats, anamorphosis, and Taoism 05 June 2009
The anatomy of Charles Dickens: a study of bodily vulnerability in his novels 05 June 2009
Modelling power transfer in electron beam heating of cylinders 05 June 2009
Transportations and efficient parallel execution of loops with dependencies 05 June 2009
Performance of transmission strategis in multihop packet radio networks 05 June 2009
Longitudinal study of lung structure and airflow limitation in smokers using computed tomography and spirometry 05 June 2009
Expression of the cell adhesion molecule, L-selectin, on polymorphonuclear leukocytes during and after their release from the bone marrow 05 June 2009
Cost/revenue allocation on networks 05 June 2009
On Jones knot invariants and Vassiliev invariants 05 June 2009
Microbial degradation and determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 05 June 2009
NMR studies of solutes in nematic liquid crystals: understanding the nematogens 05 June 2009
The city as theme park and the theme park as city: amusement space, urban form, and cultural change 05 June 2009
Aryl and amido nitrosyl complexes of molybdenum and tungsten 05 June 2009
The labour market implications of job quality 05 June 2009
Experimental investigation of the design and testing capabilities of the tolerant wind tunnel 04 June 2009
Liquefaction induced deformations of earth structures 04 June 2009
A heuristic system for environmental risk assessment of mercury from gold mining operations 04 June 2009
Changing images of self : the efficacy of retirement preparation programmes for women 04 June 2009
Pattern and process in old-growth temperate rainforests of southern British Columbia 04 June 2009
Federal policies on cultural diversity and education, 1940 - 1971 04 June 2009
One university, two universes : the emergence of Alaska native political leadership and the provision of higher education, 1972-85 04 June 2009
Adult literacy and development in Sierra Leone : ideals and realities 04 June 2009
In situ forage protein degradability characteristics in ruminants 04 June 2009
Cognitive and behavioural responses to illness information in health anxiety 04 June 2009
Genetic parameters and breeding plans for Pacific salmon 04 June 2009
