Seismic analyses of Wappapello Dam |
25 February 2009 |
A technique for the study of factors influencing sodium excretion in the rabbit and its use in examining the role of cephalic sodium concentration in the control of renal sodium excretion |
25 February 2009 |
Growth management : preserving livability in Greater Vancouver |
25 February 2009 |
Broadcast archives: a diplomatic examination |
25 February 2009 |
Linking pleasure with health: the development of health resorts as venues for health promotion |
25 February 2009 |
Facing the future: the function of planning in the Cayman Islands |
25 February 2009 |
Charting the voyage of "The Bravest Boat": an examination of Malcolm’s Lowry’s manuscript |
25 February 2009 |
Telecommuting: a municipal government perspective |
25 February 2009 |
Making homes not houses: a community economic development approach to tourism planning on Haida Gwaii/the Queen Charlotte Islands |
25 February 2009 |
Getting to the table: making the decision to negotiate comprehensive land claims in British Columbia |
25 February 2009 |
Let’s pretend: an investigation of the language used during children’s collaborative pretend play |
25 February 2009 |
The immodest eye : liminality and the gaze in Joseph Strick’s The balcony |
25 February 2009 |
The assimilation and impact of information technology on logistics in Canada |
25 February 2009 |
A structure conduct performance assessment of alternative Canada-United States Air Services Agreements |
25 February 2009 |
Anxiety scale for pregnancy: development and validation |
25 February 2009 |
The effect of coal composition upon gas sorption and transmissibility of bituminous coal |
25 February 2009 |
Profit and production : Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice on film |
25 February 2009 |
Directed mutational analysis of the Rhodobacter capsulatus puha gene and downstream open reading frames |
25 February 2009 |
Bounded-curvature motion planning amid polygonal obstacles |
25 February 2009 |
The effects of seed-storage lipid emulsion sprays on the interactions between plants and their fungal pathogens |
25 February 2009 |
Detection of malignancy associated changes in cervical cell nuclei using feed-forward neural networks |
25 February 2009 |
"Public opinion," appeasement, and The Times : manipulating consent in the 1930s |
25 February 2009 |
[Mu]⁺SR measurement of the temperature dependence of the magnetic penetration depth in YBa₂Cu₃O₆ 95 single crystals |
25 February 2009 |
Adult learning in school-age care: child care workers as reflective practitioners |
25 February 2009 |
The pathway to friendship: Mexico-US trade relations, 1934-1940 |
25 February 2009 |
Korean vowel harmony: an optimality account |
25 February 2009 |
The effects of valgus bracing on the 3D kinematics of gait in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee |
25 February 2009 |
Processing and analysis of seismic reflection and transient electromagnetic data for kimberlite exploration in the Mackenzie Valley, NT |
24 February 2009 |
Structure and expression of GP63 genes in Leishmania major |
24 February 2009 |
Large-signal spice models for heterojunction bipolar transistors and lasers |
24 February 2009 |
The face of death : prints, personifications and the great plague of London |
24 February 2009 |
An evaluation of the state of nitrate/nitrogen contamination of the Abbotsford-Sumas acquifer |
24 February 2009 |
Cost and benefits of improving water quality by composting livestock wastes: a contingent valuation approach |
24 February 2009 |
Effects of oxidized low density lipoprotein on endothelin secretion by cultured endothelial cells, monocytes and macrophages |
24 February 2009 |
The experiences of nursing students caring for persons with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) |
24 February 2009 |
Intramuscular injections : a comparison of two teaching strategies |
24 February 2009 |
Computer control of a hydraulic press brake |
24 February 2009 |
A sliding wear model and its application to heat exchanger tube wear |
24 February 2009 |
Analysis of damped linear dynamic systems and application of component mode synthesis |
24 February 2009 |
Mechanisms of wear particle formation and detachment |
24 February 2009 |
Residual stress measurement using cross-slitting and ESPI |
24 February 2009 |
"Green Acres" or "Gotham"? : rural job selection by UBC Pharmacy graduates |
24 February 2009 |
Bifurcation of a square plate twisted by corner forces |
24 February 2009 |
Seeing things from different corners: a story of learning and culture |
24 February 2009 |
Turbulent natural convestion boundary layers in an absorbing and emitting gas |
24 February 2009 |
A study of college registrars in British Columbia |
24 February 2009 |
Sonochemical reactor design based on electrostatic film transducers |
24 February 2009 |
Learning with peers: a descriptive study of Hope Cancer Health Centre |
24 February 2009 |
Observation of laminar-turbulent transition of a yield stress fluid in Hagen-Poiseuille flow |
24 February 2009 |
An investigation of teaching/learning strategies for extending adolescent responce to literature and the role of the teacher in encouraging response |
24 February 2009 |