There are more than sixty members of the Centre. We carry out research on a wide range of topics, including evolution, systematics and phylogeny, population and community ecology, fisheries management, conservation biology, and theoretical modeling.
Affiliated UBC Faculty & Postdocs
Name | Role | Research Interests |
Adams, Keith | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Molecular evolution, genome evolution, and gene expression |
Aitken, Sally | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | forest genetics, climate change, Climate change, conservation, ecology, genetics, genomics |
Angert, Amy | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Plant biology; Zoology; Biodiversity and Biocomplexity; biogeography; biological responses to climate change; Conservation Biology; Ecological and Ecophysiological Processes; evolutionary ecology; population biology |
Auger-Methe, Marie | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Fisheries sciences; Statistics; Zoology; Animal movement; Polar ecology; Statistical Ecology |
Aviles, Leticia | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Community ecology (except invasive species ecology); Animal behaviour |
Brauner, Colin | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Gas exchange, ion regulation and acid-base balance in fish, Evolution and comparative physiology |
Burton, Cole | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Forestry sciences; Ecology and Quality of the Environment; Ecological Trends; Animal; Biodiversity and Biocomplexity; Landscape and Restoration; Environment Management and Protection; Biodiversity conservation; Ecological Monitoring; Landscape ecology; Mammal Ecology; Population and Community Ecology; Wildlife Management |
Carrillo, Juli | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Plant-insect interactions; Agroecology; Invasive species; evolution; Ecology; community ecology; Environmental Change; Plant evolution; Population Ecology |
Chan, Kai | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Natural environment sciences; Human Ecology; Ecology and Quality of the Environment; Social and Cultural Factors of Environmental Protection; Applied Ethics; Values and Lifestyles; Sustainable Development; conservation finance; Conservation science; cultural ecosystem services; Ecosystem services; environmental assessment; environmental values; incentive programs; payments for ecosystem services; resilience; social-ecological systems; sustainability science |
Christensen, Villy | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Fisheries management; Global change biology; Ecosystem function; Ecosystem modelling |
Coops, Nicholas Charles | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Forestry sciences; Telemetry (Remote Sensing, Radar); Space Techniques; Forestry Technology and Equipment; Plants and Forests |
Cronk, Quentin Charles | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Plant biology; botany; taxonomy; systematics; genomics |
Davies, Jonathan | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Phylogenetics & Biodiversity. Development and application of phylogenetic methods in ecology and conservation biology |
Dempsey, Jessica | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | wrestle with the theoretical and historical-geographical complexities of environmental politics as it shapes and is shaped by the entanglement of state, economy, science, and culture |
Doebeli, Michael Walter | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Mathematical ecology and evolution, evolution of diversity, adaptive speciation, evolution of cooperation, game theory, experimental evolution in microorganisms |
Fast, Naomi | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Genomics, single-celled organisms |
Gergel, Sarah | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Aboriginal forestry, biodiversity, climate change, communities and livelihoods, conservation, ecology, remote sensing, sustainability |
Germain, Rachel | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Ecology; evolution |
Graham, Sean | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Plant phylogenetics; Plant systematics; Plant evolution; Organelles; Phylogenomics; Land plants; Mycoheterotrophs |
Hardisty, David | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Marketing; consumer behaviour; sustainability; decisions about the future; product attribute framing |
Harley, Christopher | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Fisheries sciences; Zoology; climate change; community ecology; Ecology and Quality of the Environment; marine algae; marine invertebrates |
Hunt, Brian | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Marine ecology (including marine ichthyology); Biological oceanography; Biodiversity; Ecosystem function; Ecological impacts of climate change; Community ecology (except invasive species ecology); marine food webs; ecosystem oceanography; plankton dynamics; open ocean; Coastal Ecosystems; climate change impacts on the ocean; salmon ecology; food web nutrition; microplastics; stable isotopes; forage fish; zooplankton; Urban oceans; Thiamine defficiency; Stormwater |
Irwin, Darren | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Zoology; evolutionary genetics; genomic differentiation; hybridization; ornithology; seasonal migration; speciation |
Jankowski, Jill | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Ecology |
Johnson, Bernadette | Postdoctoral Fellow | Zoology; Evolutionary Genomics; Sexual Selection; Sexual conflict; biodiversity; evolution; genomics; Bioinformatics |
Keeling, Patrick John | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Molecular evolution and cell biology of eukaryotes |
Kremen, Claire | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Natural environment sciences; Zoology; agroecological farming systems; Reconciliation of agricultural land use with biodiversity conservation; sustainable landscapes |
Leander, Brian | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Plant biology; Zoology; Comparative organismal biology; Evolutionary morphology; Evolutionary protistology; Marine biodiversity; Marine invertebrate zoology; Phylogenetic biology; Species discovery |
Mank, Judith | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | evolution; How selection acts on males and females within a species; How the genome responds to contradictory selection to encode sexually dimorphic traits; Sex chromosomes; Gene regulation; Sexual conflict |
Mansfield, Shawn | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | plant metabolism, cellulose biosynthesis, lignin biosynthesis, wood formation, wood quality, cell wall biochemistry, tree biotechnology, transgenics, Tree biotechnology |
Marshall, Katie | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Animal physiology, environmental stress; Environmental Change; Marine biodiversity; Population Ecology; invertebrates and temperature adaptation |
Martone, Patrick | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Plant biology; Protist; Plants; Physiology; Taxonomy and Systematics; Ecology and Quality of the Environment; Evolution and Phylogenesis; Biomaterials; Solid Mechanics; Fluid mechanics; biomechanics; Ecology; evolution; Intertidal Zone; Macroalgae; Phycology |
Matthews, Benjamin | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Genomics; Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Zoology; Aedes aeygpti mosquitoes; Arboviral pathogens; Chikungunya; Comparative Physiology; Dengue fever; Genome of mosquitoes; Yellow fever; Zika |
Michaletz, Sean | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Plant physiological ecology; Plant biology; Surface processes; Natural hazards; Ecophysiology; Ecosystem ecology; climate change; macroecology; Geophysics; Scaling; Fire |
Mitchell, Matthew | Faculty (non-G+PS member) | Terrestrial ecology; Forest ecology; Agricultural ecology; Ecosystem services; urban ecology; Biodiversity conservation; social-ecological systems; Landscape ecology; Agroecosystems |
Moore, Alex | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Community ecology (except invasive species ecology); Plant-animal interactions; Global change biology; Ecological restoration (except bioremediation); Applied community and ecosystem ecology; impact of predator-prey interactions on the health and functioning of coastal wetland ecosystems; role of cultural values and knowledge in ecosystem restoration conservation; Global change impacts on coastal environments |
O'Connor, Mary | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | climate change, ocean, seafood, seagrass, eelgrass, invertebrate, ecology, environment, |
Otto, Sarah | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | evolution, mathematical modeling, population genetics, genomic evolution, evolution of sex, yeast experimental evolution, Population genetics and evolutionary biology, yeast |
Parfrey, Laura | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Microbial ecology, microbial diversity, microbiome, protists |
Pauly, Daniel | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | World fisheries; Marine life; Global catch; Management of fisheries; Fish growth and ecophysiology |
Richards, Jeffrey | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Adaptive significance of the mechanisms coordinating cellular responses to stress |
Rieseberg, Loren | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Bioinformatics; Genomics; Plant biology; adaptation; crops; invasive plants; plant evolutionary biology; speciation; weeds |
Sayer, Jeffrey | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Forestry sciences; biodiversity; Communities and Livelihoods; Forest policy; Forest conservation in Indonesia; Land-use Change; Reconciling conservation and development in tropical forest landscapes; sustainability; Tropical Landscapes and Livelihoods; Tropical forest conservation |
Schluter, Dolph | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Biological adaptation; Speciation (evolutionary processes); Natural selection and sexual selection; evolution; Origin of species; evolutionary genetics; Adaptive radiation |
Schwartz, Naomi Beth | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Social and economic geography; community ecology; Ecosystem Services and Conservation Policy; Environmental Change; GIS; remote sensing; Tropical forest landscapes |
Srivastava, Diane | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Community ecology (except invasive species ecology); community ecology, food webs, tropical conservation, metacommunities, open science, data syntheses, |
Suttle, Curtis | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Bioinformatics; Fisheries sciences; Immunology; Microbiology; Oceanography; Plant biology; Biological Oceanography; Environmental Virology; Marine Environment; Marine Microbiology; Microbial Diversity; Phage; Viral Discovery; Viruses |
Trites, Andrew | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | marine mammals, seals, sea lions, whales, dolphins, fisheries competition, population biology, ecology, Marine mamals research centre, biology of marine mammals, population dynamics, bioenergetics, fisheries |
Tseng, Michelle | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Population ecology; Community ecology (except invasive species ecology); Evolutionary impacts of climate change; Biological adaptation; Ecological impacts of climate change; Insect & plankton ecology; Community and evolutionary ecology; Community responses to warming; Urban biodiversity |
Whitton, Jeannette | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Speciation (evolutionary processes); Plant developmental and reproductive biology; Plant evolutionary ecology; Evolution of asexuality; Evolution and consequences of polyploidy; Speciation/ diversification; Species at risk in Canada; Conservation policy |