Centre for Climate Justice

Established in 2021, the Centre for Climate Justice at UBC advances the urgent social, political and economic changes necessary to address the climate crisis.

The Centre for Climate Justice works with movements, communities, students, and policy makers to develop research and analysis that addresses climate breakdown in connection with multiple, interlinked, and cascading crises. We believe that climate justice at its best is the labour of repair, redistribution, and world building.


Affiliated UBC Faculty & Postdocs

Name Role Research Interests
Graham, Nicolas Postdoctoral Fellow Social sciences; environmental sociology; Global and Canadian Political Economy; Climate Change Policy; Social Networks
Jorgenson, Andrew Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Sociology and related studies; Social and economic geography; Other social sciences; climate change; environmental sociology; global political economy; Global Environmental Change; sociology of development; Population health; Comparative-International Sociology; sustainability science
Murphy, Enda Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Hydraulic engineering; Marine engineering, n.e.c.; Nearshore processes and coastal oceanography; Estuarine oceanography; Coastal and estuarine system dynamics; Nature-based solutions; Whole system thinking; Coastal systems engineering; Transdisciplinary research; Numerical modelling; Physical modelling; Coastal flood and erosion hazard risk
Nathan, Lisa Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Social relations; Critical studies of technology; climate change adaptation; Indigenous Information Studies; Information Ethics & Policy
Nesbitt, Lorien Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Land use and environmental planning; Environmental justice; urban forestry; Liveable and equitable urban environments; Socio-ecological interactions in cities; climate change; Ecosystem services; Cities
Raker, Ethan Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Social sciences; Social demography; sociology of health; Climate/environmental sociology; Sociology of disasters
Ramana, M. V. Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Public administration; Public policy; Public security policy; arms control; Energy transitions; degrowth; nuclear disarmament; nuclear energy; nuclear policy; political economy of energy; risk of nuclear accidents
Stein, Sharon Rebekah Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Higher education; Environmental education and extension; Comparative and cross-cultural education; Educational theory; Global education; Higher Education; International and comparative education; International education; Pedagogy and education; Post-colonial studies; Race/ethnicity; Social and Cultural Foundations of Education; Social justice; sustainability; climate change; Climate education; Transdisciplinarity
Stickles, Elise Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) English language; Mental Representation; grammar; Pragmatics; Semantics; Syntax; Imagery; Symbolism; Gestural, Verbal Communications; Public Communication; Data mining
Yoon, Liv Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Social sciences; climate change; Social inequities; health; Climate and Environmental justice