As a leader of independent, policy relevant research and graduate training, UBC’s Centre for Health Services and Policy Research (CHSPR) is dedicated to fostering visionary research within a collaborative and innovative research environment. Our work engages and informs health policy on issues that matter to Canadians.


Affiliated UBC Faculty & Postdocs

Name Role Research Interests
Law, Michael Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Health care administration; Health sciences; Public and population health; Global Health; Global Health and Emerging Diseases; Health Policies; Health Policy; Observational studies; Pharmaceutical policy; Pharmacoeconomics; Pharmacoepidemiology; Program evaluation
McGrail, Kimberlyn Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) aging and health care services use; health care costs; health care financing; primary care; health care policy, Variations in health care services use across patients, providers and regions, and their relationship to population health, Aging and the use of health and social services, Personal, economic, and social factors that produce health at an individual and population level, and the role of the health care system in that process
Sutherland, Jason Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Health care effectiveness and outcomes; Health care administration; Access to care; Healthcare costs; Health systems; Patient-Reported Outcomes; Quality; Surgery