Biodiversity frontiers in a rapidly changing world

The most remarkable feature of our planet is the diversity of its life forms, but this biodiversity is threatened by anthropogenic impacts, including climate change and ocean acidification. The Biodiversity Research Cluster will identify global change impacts on biodiversity and suggest ways in which such changes can be ameliorated.


Affiliated UBC Faculty & Postdocs

Name Role Research Interests
Adams, Keith Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Molecular evolution, genome evolution, and gene expression
Aitken, Sally Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) forest genetics, climate change, Climate change, conservation, ecology, genetics, genomics
Angert, Amy Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Plant biology; Zoology; Biodiversity and Biocomplexity; biogeography; biological responses to climate change; Conservation Biology; Ecological and Ecophysiological Processes; evolutionary ecology; population biology
Auger-Methe, Marie Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Fisheries sciences; Statistics; Zoology; Animal movement; Polar ecology; Statistical Ecology
Aviles, Leticia Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Community ecology (except invasive species ecology); Animal behaviour
Brauner, Colin Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Gas exchange, ion regulation and acid-base balance in fish, Evolution and comparative physiology
Burton, Cole Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Forestry sciences; Ecology and Quality of the Environment; Ecological Trends; Animal; Biodiversity and Biocomplexity; Landscape and Restoration; Environment Management and Protection; Biodiversity conservation; Ecological Monitoring; Landscape ecology; Mammal Ecology; Population and Community Ecology; Wildlife Management
Carrillo, Juli Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Plant-insect interactions; Agroecology; Invasive species; evolution; Ecology; community ecology; Environmental Change; Plant evolution; Population Ecology
Chan, Kai Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Natural environment sciences; Human Ecology; Ecology and Quality of the Environment; Social and Cultural Factors of Environmental Protection; Applied Ethics; Values and Lifestyles; Sustainable Development; conservation finance; Conservation science; cultural ecosystem services; Ecosystem services; environmental assessment; environmental values; incentive programs; payments for ecosystem services; resilience; social-ecological systems; sustainability science
Christensen, Villy Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Fisheries management; Global change biology; Ecosystem function
Coops, Nicholas Charles Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Forestry sciences; Telemetry (Remote Sensing, Radar); Space Techniques; Forestry Technology and Equipment; Plants and Forests
Cronk, Quentin Charles Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Comparative genomics, molecular developmental biology and evolutionary biology to study plant form
Davies, Jonathan Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Phylogenetics & Biodiversity. Development and application of phylogenetic methods in ecology and conservation biology
Dempsey, Jessica Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) wrestle with the theoretical and historical-geographical complexities of environmental politics as it shapes and is shaped by the entanglement of state, economy, science, and culture
Doebeli, Michael Walter Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Mathematical ecology and evolution, evolution of diversity, adaptive speciation, evolution of cooperation, game theory, experimental evolution in microorganisms
Fast, Naomi Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Genomics, single-celled organisms
Gergel, Sarah Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Aboriginal forestry, biodiversity, climate change, communities and livelihoods, conservation, ecology, remote sensing, sustainability
Germain, Rachel Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Ecology; evolution
Graham, Sean Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Plant phylogenetics; Plant systematics; Plant evolution; Organelles; Phylogenomics; Land plants; Mycoheterotrophs
Harley, Christopher Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Fisheries sciences; Zoology; climate change; community ecology; Ecology and Quality of the Environment; marine algae; marine invertebrates
Hunt, Brian Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Marine ecology (including marine ichthyology); Biological oceanography; Biodiversity; Ecosystem function; Ecological impacts of climate change; Community ecology (except invasive species ecology); marine food webs; ecosystem oceanography; plankton dynamics; open ocean; Coastal Ecosystems; climate change impacts on the ocean; salmon ecology; food web nutrition; microplastics; stable isotopes; forage fish; zooplankton; Urban oceans; Thiamine defficiency; Stormwater
Irwin, Darren Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Zoology; evolutionary genetics; genomic differentiation; hybridization; ornithology; seasonal migration; speciation
Jankowski, Jill Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Ecology
Keeling, Patrick John Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Molecular evolution and cell biology of eukaryotes
Kremen, Claire Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Natural environment sciences; Zoology; agroecological farming systems; Reconciliation of agricultural land use with biodiversity conservation; sustainable landscapes
Leander, Brian Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Plant biology; Zoology; Comparative organismal biology; Evolutionary morphology; Evolutionary protistology; Marine biodiversity; Marine invertebrate zoology; Phylogenetic biology; Species discovery
Mank, Judith Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) evolution; How selection acts on males and females within a species; How the genome responds to contradictory selection to encode sexually dimorphic traits; Sex chromosomes; Gene regulation; Sexual conflict
Mansfield, Shawn Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) plant metabolism, cellulose biosynthesis, lignin biosynthesis, wood formation, wood quality, cell wall biochemistry, tree biotechnology, transgenics, Tree biotechnology
Marshall, Katie Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Animal physiology, environmental stress; Environmental Change; Marine biodiversity; Population Ecology; invertebrates and temperature adaptation
Martone, Patrick Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Plant biology; Protist; Plants; Physiology; Taxonomy and Systematics; Ecology and Quality of the Environment; Evolution and Phylogenesis; Biomaterials; Solid Mechanics; Fluid mechanics; biomechanics; Ecology; evolution; Intertidal Zone; Macroalgae; Phycology
Matthews, Benjamin Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Genomics; Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Zoology; Aedes aeygpti mosquitoes; Arboviral pathogens; Chikungunya; Comparative Physiology; Dengue fever; Genome of mosquitoes; Yellow fever; Zika
O'Connor, Mary Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) climate change, ocean, seafood, seagrass, eelgrass, invertebrate, ecology, environment,
Otto, Sarah Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) evolution, mathematical modeling, population genetics, genomic evolution, evolution of sex, yeast experimental evolution, Population genetics and evolutionary biology, yeast
Parfrey, Laura Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Microbial ecology, microbial diversity, microbiome, protists
Pauly, Daniel Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) World fisheries; Marine life; Global catch; Management of fisheries; Fish growth and ecophysiology
Ramankutty, Navin Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Natural environment sciences; Public administration; Public policy; Public security policy; Agriculture; Climate Changes and Impacts; Climate impacts; Environment and Society; Global food security; Land use change; Sustainable agriculture
Richards, Jeffrey Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Adaptive significance of the mechanisms coordinating cellular responses to stress
Rieseberg, Loren Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Bioinformatics; Genomics; Plant biology; adaptation; crops; invasive plants; plant evolutionary biology; speciation; weeds
Sayer, Jeffrey Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Forestry sciences; biodiversity; Communities and Livelihoods; Forest policy; Forest conservation in Indonesia; Land-use Change; Reconciling conservation and development in tropical forest landscapes; sustainability; Tropical Landscapes and Livelihoods; Tropical forest conservation
Schluter, Dolph Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Biological adaptation; Speciation (evolutionary processes); Natural selection and sexual selection; evolution; Origin of species; evolutionary genetics; Adaptive radiation
Schwartz, Naomi Beth Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Social and economic geography; community ecology; Ecosystem Services and Conservation Policy; Environmental Change; GIS; remote sensing; Tropical forest landscapes
Srivastava, Diane Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) biodiversity, tropics, Costa Rica, insects, mites, food webs, habitat loss, Community ecology, conservation, how species loss from food webs can affect the way ecosystems function
Suttle, Curtis Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Bioinformatics; Fisheries sciences; Immunology; Microbiology; Oceanography; Plant biology; Biological Oceanography; Environmental Virology; Marine Environment; Marine Microbiology; Microbial Diversity; Phage; Viral Discovery; Viruses
Trites, Andrew Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) marine mammals, seals, sea lions, whales, dolphins, fisheries competition, population biology, ecology, Marine mamals research centre, biology of marine mammals, population dynamics, bioenergetics, fisheries
Williams, Jennifer Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Population ecology; Evolutionary ecology; Ecological mathematical and statistical models; Population Ecology; Ecological and evolutionary processes
Wittman, Hannah Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Sociology and related studies; Farming systems research; food sovereignty; Sustainable agriculture; socio-ecological systems; Agroecology
Wolkovich, Elizabeth Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Forestry sciences; biodiversity; climate change; Conservation science; Global change; Plant communities; Plant invasions; Population and ecosystem ecology; Temporal ecology; Winegrapes