Mark Turin

Associate Professor

Research Classification

Research Interests

Cultural Institutions (Museums, Libraries, etc.)
Lexicography and Dictionaries
Language Contact and Linguistic Changes
Language Rights and Policies
Language Interactions
Political Culture, Society and Ideology
Bella Bella
First Nations

Relevant Thesis-Based Degree Programs



Mark Turin (PhD, Linguistics, Leiden University, 2006) is an anthropologist, linguist and occasional radio presenter, and an Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia. From 2014-2018, Dr. Turin served as Chair of the First Nations and Endangered Languages Program and from 2016-2018, as Acting Co-Director of the University’s new Institute for Critical Indigenous Studies. Before joining UBC, he was an Associate Research Scientist with the South Asian Studies Council at Yale University, and the Founding Program Director of the Yale Himalaya Initiative. He continues to hold an appointment as Visiting Associate Professor at the Yale School Forestry & Environmental Studies. Prior to Yale, Dr. Turin worked a Research Associate at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology at the University of Cambridge. At UBC, Dr. Turin is an Associate Member of the Department of Asian Studies an Affiliate Member of the Institute of Asian Research.

Research Methodology

Language Revitalization


Master's students
Doctoral students
Postdoctoral Fellows
Any time / year round
I support public scholarship, e.g. through the Public Scholars Initiative, and am available to supervise students and Postdocs interested in collaborating with external partners as part of their research.
I support experiential learning experiences, such as internships and work placements, for my graduate students and Postdocs.

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  • Compose an error-free and grammatically correct email addressed to your specifically targeted faculty member, and remember to use their correct titles.
    • Do not send non-specific, mass emails to everyone in the department hoping for a match.
    • Address the faculty members by name. Your contact should be genuine rather than generic.
  • Include a brief outline of your academic background, why you are interested in working with the faculty member, and what experience you could bring to the department. The supervision enquiry form guides you with targeted questions. Ensure to craft compelling answers to these questions.
  • Highlight your achievements and why you are a top student. Faculty members receive dozens of requests from prospective students and you may have less than 30 seconds to pique someone’s interest.
  • Demonstrate that you are familiar with their research:
    • Convey the specific ways you are a good fit for the program.
    • Convey the specific ways the program/lab/faculty member is a good fit for the research you are interested in/already conducting.
  • Be enthusiastic, but don’t overdo it.
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These videos contain some general advice from faculty across UBC on finding and reaching out to a potential thesis supervisor.

Great Supervisor Week Mentions

Each year graduate students are encouraged to give kudos to their supervisors through social media and our website as part of #GreatSupervisorWeek. Below are students who mentioned this supervisor since the initiative was started in 2017.


Mark is an absolutely exceptional supervisor.  Never in my academic or professional career have I felt so supported by a supervisor.  I have no doubts that Mark constantly has my best interests at heart and he works tirelessly to support my scholastic, professional, and personal development.  Words fall short as I try to articulate how grateful I am to study under the guidance of such a person.  Perhaps the best way for me to describe him is as a dreamweaver, as I truly feel that this is his intention and capacity. 

Patrick Dowd (2019)


Graduate Student Supervision

Doctoral Student Supervision

Dissertations completed in 2010 or later are listed below. Please note that there is a 6-12 month delay to add the latest dissertations.

Voicing the lineage: orality, writing and the transmission of Tibetan Buddhism (2024)

The full abstract for this thesis is available in the body of the thesis, and will be available when the embargo expires.

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Neither Tibetan nor Chinese : the politics of authentic identities on the Sino-Tibetan Borderland (2023)

The full abstract for this thesis is available in the body of the thesis, and will be available when the embargo expires.

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Master's Student Supervision

Theses completed in 2010 or later are listed below. Please note that there is a 6-12 month delay to add the latest theses.

LINCing language to critical multiculturalism : pursuing translingual pedagogies in English instruction for newcomers to Canada (2023)

Many newcomers to Canada experience significant difficulties as they adjust to life in their new community, with few being more challenging than their journey to become English speakers. While Canada’s espousal of a welcoming, multicultural national identity, as well as its federally funded Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) program, suggest cohesive social integration, the historical consequences of the discourse of neoliberal multiculturalism and language ideologies of monolingualism and standardization that inform the LINC program have only served to assimilate and marginalize newcomers. The disruptions that COVID-19 brought to LINC classes only further complicated and exacerbated many of the issues that newcomers were already facing. However, despite these challenges, the incorporation of digital technologies into the LINC class as a way to adjust to the reality of the pandemic has created a new space outside of the class, yet still within the LINC community, through which a transformative, translingual pedagogy has the potential to take root. With appropriate guidance, the adoption of a translingual pedagogy has the potential to both work against the problematic discourses perpetuating within Canada, as well as improve the students’ English language learning outcomes by providing increased opportunities for digital literacy socialization.

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George does not exist: strategic silencing and methodical colonialism (2018)

In this thesis, I investigate the silenced histories of Indigenous peoples who have been written out of collective memory, official documents and, in some cases, their own family histories. I show how the actions of colonists can be explained through a colonial-Marxist lens of historical materialism and how this methodologically creates space for colonialism which, consequently, strategically silences and erases Indigenous lives. I focus my research on a family who has searched for answers for over sixty years, the Beier family, to aid them in the search for the life story of George Ralph McKenzie, an Indigenous man who served in the Canadian military and who was erased from his family’s history. I gathered data, including but not limited to, birth and death certificates, photographs and documents to compile a probable or possible record of McKenzie’s existence. I exhausted available archival, historical, religious, genealogical, public, private, professional and governmental databases and resources. Knowledge and interactions of Indigenous presences in areas coveted by European governments, during first-contact, provoked a need to design strategies to be used during interactions with Indigenous peoples. The Church has also been an integral part of many European governments and the alterations of interpretations and editing of religious texts have been used as a tool for maintaining public control for millenniums. Silencing Indigenous peoples through education was a deliberate and methodical form of colonization used to dominate Indigenous societies. During the wars in which Canada participated Indigenous peoples were, often, not accurately recorded. This is due to a systemic and structural type of diversion and Indigenous peoples were still considered to be dispensable at the time. Erasure cultivates within families, due to systemic and systematic racism and oppression of cultures and heritages. In 2017, Canada is oppressing and silencing Indigenous voices. Canada is using terms such as multiculturalism and diversity to boast about its acceptance and compassion for others while ignoring the needs of Indigenous peoples. Reconciliation will involve the decolonization or dismantling of an entire system of colonialism that is entrenched in the relationships, personal lives, politics, laws, and governments in Canada.

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  • ‘This Is Who I Am’ (2022)
    Book 2.0,
  • Editorial (2022)
    Book 2.0,
  • Heritage languages and language as heritage: the language of heritage in Canada and beyond (2022)
    International Journal of Heritage Studies,
  • Multi-hazard susceptibility and exposure assessment of the Hindu Kush Himalaya (2022)
    Science of the Total Environment, 804
  • Nepal triptych (2022)
    Book 2.0,
  • Teaching Indigenous Language Revitalization over Zoom (2022)
    KULA: Knowledge Creation, Dissemination, and Preservation Studies,
  • Word by Word: The Secret Life of Dictionaries. KoryStamper. New York: Vintage Books, 2018. xiii + 300 pp. (2022)
    Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 32 (1), 239--241
  • From Orality to Open: Innovations in Multimedia Monograph Publishing in the Humanities (2021)
    Pop! Public. Open. Participatory,
  • Global Pandemic, Translocal Medicine (2021)
    Asian Medicine,
  • Interview between Elaine Gold and Mark Turin (2021)
    Book 2.0, 11 (1-2), 125--137
  • Literacy (2021)
    Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology,
  • Living Language, Resurgent Radio: A Survey of Indigenous Language Broadcasting Initiatives (2021)
    Language Documentation & Conservation, 15, 75-152
  • Locating criticality in the lexicography of historically marginalized languages (2021)
    History of Humanities, 6 (1), 237-259
  • Mapping Urban Linguistic Diversity in New York City: Motives, Methods, Tools, and Outcomes (2021)
    Language Documentation and Conservation, 15, 458-490
  • Mobilizing and Activating Haíɫzaqvḷa (Heiltsuk Language) and Culture Through a Community-University Partnership (2021)
    KULA: Knowledge Creation, Dissemination, and Preservation Studies,
  • Rádios Indígenas: Brazil’s Indigenous Language Broadcasting Landscape (2021)
    Journal of Radio & Audio Media,
  • The Digital Himalaya Project: Collection, Protection & Connection (2021)
    Visualizing Objects, Places, and Spaces: A Digital Project Handbook,
  • Who Will Care for the Care Worker? The COVID-19 Diaries of a Sherpa Nurse in New York City (2021)
    Issues Journal,
  • "Langscapes" and Language Borders: Linguistic Boundary-Making in Northern South Asia (2020)
    Eurasia Border Review,
  • 15. Indigenous Language Resurgence and the Living Earth Community (2020)
    , 171--184
  • Blanket Toss Under Midnight Sun: Portraits of Everyday Life in Eight Indigenous Communities (2020)
    History of Photography, 44 (1), 68--70
  • Photography and Tibet (2020)
    History of Photography, 44 (4), 320--322
  • Temporal concepts and formulations of time in tibeto-burman languages (2020)
    Journal on Asian Linguistic Anthropology, 2 (3), 39-76
  • 6. Concluding Thoughts on Language Shift and Linguistic Diversity in the Himalaya: The Case of Nepal (2019)
    , 163--176
  • Cree language use in contemporary children's literature (2019)
    Book 2.0,
  • Editorial (2019)
    Book 2.0, 37 (1), 2
  • Ḵ̓a̱ḵ̓otł̓atła̱no’x̱w x̱a ḵ̓waḵ̓wax̱’mas: Documenting and reclaiming plant names and words in Kwak̓wala on Canada’s west coast (2019)
    Language Documentation & Conservation,
  • Revisiting the morphophonology of Thangmi: a Tibeto-Burman language of Nepal (2019)
  • Speaking Chone, Speaking 'Shallow': Dual Linguistic Hegemonies in China's Tibetan Frontier (2019)
    The Politics of Language Contact in the Himalaya,
  • Thangmi Wedding Ritual Texts (2019)
    Ritual Speech in the Himalayas: Oral Texts and Their Contexts,
  • The changing landscape of publishing in Nepal: Interview with Bidur Dangol (2019)
    Book 2.0,
  • Translation and interpretation of the United Nations Mission in Nepal (2019)
    Nepalese Translation,
  • Using technology to help revitalize indigenous languages (2019)
    OUP Blog,
  • Colour Terms in Tibeto-Burman Languages (2018)
    Rocznik Orientalistyczny/Yearbook of Oriental Studies,
  • On Linguistic Borders: Official Language Policy in Settler-Colonial Nations (2018)
    Border Bites 8,
  • Orality and Mobility: Documenting Himalayan Voices in New York City (2018)
    Verge: Studies in Global Asia,
  • Seeing Heiltsuk Orthography through Unicode: A Case Study using Covertextract (2018)
    Proceedings of the LREC 2018 Workshop “CCURL 2018 – Sustaining Knowledge Diversity in the Digital Age,
  • Thangmi Cosmogony & Ethnogenesis (2018)
    Folklore Foundation, India,
  • Time, Oral Tradition, and Technology (2018)
  • What Next for Digital Himalaya? Reflections on Community, Continuity, and Collaboration (2018)
    Verge: Studies in Global Asias,
  • Afterword: Sharing Located (2017)
    Searching For Sharing: Heritage and Multimedia in Africa,
  • Language Revitalization (2017)
    Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics,
  • Long Narrative Songs from the Mongghul of Northeast Tibet: Texts in Mongghul, Chinese, and English (2017)
    Open Book Publishers,
  • Ownership and Cutlural Heritage (2017)
  • Preface (2017)
    Long Narrative Songs from the Mongghul of Northeast Tibet: Texts in Mongghul, Chinese, and English.,
  • Review Article (2017)
    Language in Society,
  • Searching for Sharing: Heritage and Multimedia in Africa (2017)
    Open Book Publishers,
  • Situating language, recognizing multilingualism: Linguistic identities and mother tongue attachment in Northeast India and the region (2017)
    Geographies of Difference; Explorations in Northeast Indian Studies,
  • Uplifting Voices (2017)
    Reflections of Canada: Illuminating Our Opportunities and Challenges at 150+ Years,
  • Digital Access for Language and Culture in First Nations Communities (2016)
    Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada,
  • Cracked Earth: Indigenous Responses to Nepal's Eathquakes (2015)
    Langscape, Volume 4, Issue 2,
  • Devil in The Digital: Ambivalent Results in an Object-Based Teaching Course (2015)
    Museum Anthropology, 38 (2), 123-132
  • Devil in the Digital: Ambivalent Results in an Object-Based Teaching Course (2015)
    Museum Anthropology, Volume 38, Issue 2,
  • My Life - Dreaming Aloud (2015)
  • People (2015)
    Nepal: And introduction to the natural history, ecology and human environment of the Himalayas,
  • The Unexpected Afterlives of Himalayan Collections: From Data Cemetary to Web Portal (2015)
    The Anthropology of Expeditions: Travel, Visualities, Afterlives,
  • Book 2.0: Digital Humanities, 4 (1 & 2) (2014)
  • Mother Tongues and Language Competence: The Shifting Politics of Linguistic Belongings in the Himalayas (2014)
    Facing Globalization in the Himalayas: Belonging and the Politics of the Self: Governance, Conflict and Civil Action, Volume 5,
  • Niko Thangmi Kham: Kaksha Nis (Our Thangmi Language : Class Two) (2014)
  • Orality and Technology, or the Bit and the Byte: The Work of the World Oral Literature Project (2014)
    Oral Tradition, Volume 28, Number 2,
  • Perspectives on Social Inclusion and Exclusion in Nepal (2014)
    Tribhuvan University,
  • After the Return: Digital Repatriation and the Circulation of Indigenous Knowledge (2013)
    Museum Worlds: Advances in Research, Volume 1.,
  • After the Return: Special Issue of Museum Anthropology Review, 7 (1-2) (2013)
  • How to Read a Folktale: The 'Ibonia' Epic from Madagascar (2013)
    Open Book Publishers,
  • Introduction: After the Return (2013)
    Museum Anthropology Review, 7(1-2),
  • Oral Literature in the Digital Age: Archiving Orality and Connecting with Communities (2013)
  • Storytelling in Northern Zambia: Theory, Method, Practice, and Other Necessary Fictions (2013)
    Open Book Publishers,
  • Voices of vanishing worlds: Endangered languages, orality and cognition (2013)
    Análise Social, 205, XLVII (4.0), 47 (4), 846-869
  • Xiipúktan (First of All): Three Views of the Origins of the Quechan People (2013)
    Open Book Publishers,
  • Nepal and Bhutan in 2011 (2012)
    Asian Survey, Vol. 52, No. 1,
  • Nepal and Bhutan in 2011: Cautious optimism (2012)
    Asian Survey, 52 (1), 138-146
  • Oral Literature in Africa (2012)
    Open Book Publishers,
  • Results from the linguistic survey or sikkim: mother tongues in education (2012)
    Buddhist Himalaya: Studies in Religion, History and Culture, Volume II,
  • Salvaging the records of salvage ethnography: The story of the Digital Himalaya Project (2012)
    Book 2.0, Vol. 1, No. 1,
  • Born Archival: The Ebb and Flow of Digital Documents from the Field (2011)
    History and Anthropology, Volume 22, Number 4, 22 (4), 445-460
  • Collect, Protect, Connect: Innovation and Optimism in Language and Cultural Documentation Projects (2011)
    Histories from the North: Environments, Movements, and Narratives,
  • Himalayan Languages and Linguistics (2011)
  • Himalayan Languages and Linguistics: Studies in Phonology, Semantics, Morphology and Syntax (2011)
  • Languages of the Greater Himalayan Region, Volume 6: A Grammar of the Thangmi Language (2 vols) (2011)
  • Silent Witness (2011)
    The Himalayan Journal, Volume 66,
  • Editors' Preface (2010)
    Language Documentation and Description, Volume 8, Special Issue: Oral Literature and Language Endangerment,
  • Language Documentation and Description, Volume 8, Special Issue: Oral Literature and Language Endangerment (2010)
    EL Publishing,
  • Nepal's Two Polities: A View from Dolakha (2010)
    In Hope and Fear: Living Through the People's War in Nepal,
  • Grounding Knowledge/Walking Land: Archaeological Research and Ethno-historical Identity in Central Nepal (2009)
    Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research,
  • Gaiko Thangmi Kham : Kaksha Di (My Thangmi Language : Class One) (2008)
  • Mount Everest (2008)
    Oxford: Oxford University Press,
  • Nepal (2008)
    Oxford: Oxford University Press,
  • Sikkim (2008)
    Oxford: Oxford University Press,
  • The Digitization of Naga Collections in the West and the Return of Culture (2008)
    Changing Local Cultures in the Northeast of India,
  • A Multitude of Mountain Voices: Language Diversity in the Himalayas (2007)
  • Darjeerling Milestones Pocket Guide (2007)
  • Indigenous Languages of Nepal: A critical analysis of the linguistic situation and contemporary issues (2007)
    The Indigenous Languages of Nepal (ILN): Situation, Policy Planning and Coordination,
  • Linguistic Diversity and the Preservation of Endangered Languages : A Case Study from Nepal (2007)
    International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development,
  • Sikkim Milestones Pocket Guide (2007)
  • Bulletin of Tibetology: Culture, History and Language in Sikkim, Volume 41, Number 2 (2006)
  • Digitizing and Distributing Visual Footage from the Himalayas (2006)
    Nepali Aawaz, Volume 2, Number 19,
  • Minority language policies and politics in Nepal (2006)
    Lesser-Known Languages of South Asia: Status and Policies, Case Studies and Applications of Information Technology,
  • Rethinking Tibeto-Burman: Linguistic identities and classifications in the Himalayan periphery (2006)
    Tibetan Borderlands,
  • Revisiting Ethnography, Recognizing a Forgotten People: The Thangmi of Nepal and India (2006)
    Studies in Nepali History and Society (SINHAS), Volume 11, Number 1,
  • Seeking the tribe: Ethnopolitics and in Darjeerling and Sikkim (2006)
    Himal Southasian, Volume 18, Number 5,
  • Anthropological and Other Ancestors: Notes on Setting up a Visual Archive of the Discipline (2005)
  • Language endangerment and linguistic rights in the Himalayas: A case study from Nepal (2005)
    Mountain Research and Development (MRD), Volume 25, Number 1, 25 (1), 4-9
  • Tales of Kathmandu: Folktales from the Himalayan Kingdom of Nepal (2005)
  • The morphophonology of Thangmi: A Tibeto-Burman Language of Nepal (2005)
    Contemporary Issues in Nepalese Linguistics,
  • Current ethnolinguistic concerns among the overlooked Thangmi of Nepal (2004)
    Language and Identity,
  • Kesar Lall: A Homage on the Occasion of his Buraa Janko (2004)
    Kathmandu: Marina Paper,
  • Nepali - Thangmi - English Dictionary (2004)
    Martin Chautari,
  • Nepali-English and English-Nepali Glossary (2004)
    Department of Asian Studies, Cornell University,
  • Nepali: A Beginner's Primer, Conversation, and Grammar (2004)
    Department of Asian Studies, Cornell University,
  • Newar-Thangmi lexical correspondences and the linguistic classification of Thangmi (2004)
    Journal of Asian and African Studies (JAAS), No. 68,
  • Thangmi kinship terminology in comparative perspective (2004)
    Himalayan Languages,
  • Thangmi, Thami, Thani? Remembering a forgotten people (2004)
    Niko Bacinte Smarika,
  • The path to Jan Sarkar in Dolakha district: towards an ethnography of the Maoist movement (2004)
    Himalayan 'People's War': Nepal's Maoist Rebellion,
  • The phonology of Thangmi: a Tibeto-Burman language of Nepal (2004)
    Journal of Asian and African Studies (JAAS), No. 67,
  • A geolinguistic analysis of historical writings on the Thangmi people and language of Nepal (2003)
    Geolinguistics, Volume 29,
  • Adam Stanton's cultural observations: A plant hunter in the Himalayas (2003)
    IIAS Newsletter, Number 31,
  • Conference report on The Agenda of Transformation: Inclusion in Nepali Democracy (2003)
  • Conference report on Tibet and Her Neighbours (2003)
  • Ethnobotanical notes on Thangmi plant names and their medicinal and ritual uses (2003)
    Contributions to Nepalese Studies, Volume 30, No. 1,
  • Mountains of Literature (2003)
    Himal South Asian, Volume 16, Number 2,
  • Returning footage to the Himalayas (2003)
    Viewfinder: The Magazine of the British Universities Film and Video Council (BUFVC), Number 50,
  • The Gauri Shankar Trekking Area (2003)
    Kathmandu: Eco Himal and Mandala Book Point,
  • Themes in Himalayan Languages and Linguistics (2003)
    Kathmandu: South Asia Institute (SAI) Heidelberg and Tribhuvan University,
  • Call me uncle: an outsider's experience of Nepali kinship (2002)
    Contributions to Nepalese Studies, Volume XXVIII, No. 2,
  • Digital Himalaya: an ethnographic archive in the digital age (2002)
  • Ethnonyms and other-nyms: linguistic anthropology among the Thangmi of Nepal (2002)
    Territory and Identity in Tibet and the Himalayas,
  • Haimendorf's laptop: An ethnographic archive in the digital age (2001)
    IIAS Newsletter, Number 26,
  • Nepali Voor Beginners (2001)
  • Preliminary etymological notes on Thangmi clan names and indigenous explanations of their provenance (2001)
    Journal of Nepalese Literature, Art and Culture, Vol 3, No. 2,
  • From Cambridge to Leiden (2000)
    Sense of Place: Promoveren bij Letteren in Leiden,
  • From offset to offline: new digital media in Nepal (2000)
    IIAS Newsletter, Number 23,
  • Learning Nepali the SOAS way (2000)
    Contributions to Nepalese Studies, Vol. XXVI, No. 1,
  • Report on the 5th Himalayan Languages Symposium, from September 13 to 15 in Kathmandu (2000)
    CNWS Newsletter, Number 19,
  • Shared words, shared history? The case of Thangmi and late classical Newar (2000)
    (Newâh Vijñâna) The Journal of Newar Studies, No. 3,
  • The changing face of language and linguistics in Nepal: some thoughts on Thangmi (2000)
    Janajati: Journal of Nationalities of Nepal, Year 2, Vol. 1,
  • Time for a true population census: the case of the miscounted Thangmi (2000)
    Nagarik (Citizen), Vol. II, No. 4,
  • By way of incest and the golden deer: how the Thangmi came to be and the pitfalls of oral history (1999)
    Journal of Nepalese Studies, Vol.3, No. 1,
  • The Chenchu of the Indian Deccan (1999)
    Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
  • Whence Thangmi? Historical ethnography and comparative morphology (1999)
    Topics in Nepalese Linguistics,
  • The Thangmi verbal agreement system and the Kiranti connection (1998)
    Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, Vol. XXIC, No. 2, 61 (3), 477-491
  • In memory of Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf (1997)
    Himalayan Research Bulletin, Volume 17, Number 2,
  • Report on the seminar Grammatical Phenomena in Himalayan Languages, from June 11-18, 1997, at Leiden University (1997)
  • Thangmi: An overview of a Tibeto-Burman language and people of Nepal (1997)
    Himalayan Research Bulletin, Volume 17, Number2,
  • The films and photographs of Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf: The making of an archive (1997)
    Himalayan Research Bulletin, Volume 17, Number 2,
  • Too many stars and not enough sky: language and ethnicity among the Thakali of Nepal (1997)
    Contributions to Nepalese Studies, Vol. XXIV, No. 2,
  • Professor Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf: an Obituaty (1996)

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