Erik Skarsgard


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Dr. Erik Skarsgard is the chief of surgery at BC Children’s Hospital and professor of surgery at the University of British Columbia. He is a graduate of the UBC School of Medicine and received training in general surgery at UBC, pediatric surgery at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children and fetal surgery at the University of California San Francisco.

A major focus of his research is the short and long term functional outcomes following neonatal treatment of structural birth defects. Study of these rare and complex birth defects has been facilitated by the Canadian Pediatric Surgery Network (CAPSNET) and Data Registry. Founded in 2006 with CIHR operating grant support, and maintained continuously since with CIHR funding, CAPSNet has enabed the publication of >40 peer reviewed manuscripts. Recent knowledge translation efforts of the Network have focused on practice standardization for gastroschisis and congenital diaphragmatic hernia using available best practice evidence. CAPSNet’s Annual Report provides benchmarked, risk-adjusted outcomes data for each of its 17 participant centres, which are used to guide site-based targeted practice improvement.


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