Leah Macfadyen

Research Interests

Learning analytics
Social network analysis
Text analysis
Learning design
Transformative learning
Citizenship education
Online Learning
Culture and technology

Research Options

I am available and interested in collaborations (e.g. clusters, grants).
I am interested in and conduct interdisciplinary research.

Research Methodology

Data visualization/ visual analytics
Social Network Analysis
Text analysis
Qualitative and mixed methods


  • Developing institutional learning analytics 'communities of transformation' to support student success (2017)
    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, , 498-499
  • Overcoming Barriers to Educational Analytics: How Systems Thinking and Pragmatism Can Help (2017)
    Educational Technology, 57 (1), 31-39
  • What does a learning analytics practitioner need to know? (2017)
    CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1915
  • LAK failathon (2016)
    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 25-29, 509-511
  • Questions, not answers: boosting student participation in MOOC forums (2016)
    Proceedings of the Third Annual Learning with MOOCs Conference (LWMOOCs16), Being and Learning in a Digital Age, October 6-7, 2016, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States,
  • Using EventFlow and CoCo to explore classroom activity patterns and learner performance. (2016)
    Proceedings, Putting Temporal Analytics into Practice: The 5th International Workshop on Temporality in Learning Data. University of Edinburgh, Scotland, April 25th 2016.,
  • Whose feedback? A multilevel analysis of student completion of end-of-term teaching evaluations (2016)
    Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 41 (6), 821-839
  • Evaluating the relationship between course structure, learner activity, and perceived value of online courses (2015)
    L@S 2015 - 2nd ACM Conference on Learning at Scale, , 385-388
  • Embracing big data in complex educational systems: The learning analytics imperative and the policy challenge (2014)
    Research & Practice in Assessment, 9, 17-28
  • Setting Learning Analytics in Context: Overcoming the Barriers to Large-Scale Adoption (2014)
    Journal of Learning Analytics, 1 (3), 120-144
  • Mediated Intercultural Communication Matters: Understanding New Media, Dialectics, and Social Change. (2012)
    P. Cheong, J. Martin and L. P. Macfadyen (Eds.), New Media and Intercultural Communication: Identity, Community and Politics (pp. 1-16). New York: Peter Lang.,
  • New media and intercultural communication : identity, community and politics (2012)
    Peter Lang,
  • Numbers are not enough. Why e-learning analytics failed to inform an institutional strategic plan (2012)
    Educational Technology and Society, 15 (3), 149-163
  • Using technology to encourage self-directed learning: The Collaborative Lecture Annotation System (CLAS) (2012)
    ASCILITE 2012 - Annual conference of the Australian Society for Computers in Tertiary Education,
  • How the earth moved. Difference and transformative learning in an online course on global citizenship (2011)
    Digital Differences: Perspectives on Online Education. Rotterdam: Sense, , 83-100
  • Perils of parsimony: The problematic paradigm of 'national culture' (2011)
    Information Communication and Society, 14 (2), 280-293
  • Using social network metrics to assess the effectiveness of broad based admission practices (2011)
    Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 27 (1), 16-27
  • From neural to social: Medical student admissions criteria and engagement in a social learning environment (2010)
    ASCILITE 2010 - The Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education, , 292-301
  • Learner Interaction Monitoring System (LiMS): Capturing the Behaviors of Online Learners and Evaluating Online Training Courses. (2010)
    Proceedings, 6th International Conference on Data Mining, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 12-15, 2010., , 106-111
  • Mining LMS data to develop an "early warning system" for educators: A proof of concept (2010)
    Computers and Education, 54 (2), 588-599
  • Using LiMS (the learner interaction monitoring system) to track online learner engagement and evaluate course design (2010)
    Educational Data Mining 2010 - 3rd International Conference on Educational Data Mining, , 301-302
  • Being and learning in the online classroom: Linguistic practices and ritual text acts (2009)
    GoodfellowR. LamyM.-N.(Eds.), Learning cultures in online education. UK: Continuum Press., , 93-112
  • Learning or performance: Predicting drivers of student motivation (2009)
    ASCILITE 2009 - The Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education, , 184-193
  • Reciprocal Peer Observation of Teaching: Networking Across Disciplines (2009)
    Proceedings, Improving University Teaching 2009, July 14-17, Vancouver, Canada.,
  • A scottish person supporting England is an impossibility: Reflections on world cup mania and scottish national identity (2008)
    International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 3 (6), 185-191
  • Constructing ethnicity and identity in the online classroom: Linguistic practices and ritual text acts (2008)
    Networked Learning Conference 2008,
  • Diaspora and Denial? Holocaust Accounts of a Polish Community in Exile. (2008)
    International Journal of the Humanities, 6 (5), 57-64
  • The perils of parsimony." National culture" as red herring? (2008)
    F. Sudweeks, H. Hrachovec and C. Ess (Eds.), Proceedings, Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, Nimes, France, June 2008. Murdoch University: Perth, Australia.,
  • In a world of text, is the author King? The revolutionary potential of wiki (open content) technologies (2006)
    Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication,
  • Virtual ethnicity: The new digitization of place, body, language, and memory (2006)
    Electronic Magazine of Multicultural Education, 8 (1), 29-43
  • From the Spoken to the Written: The Changing Cultural Role of Folk and Fairy Tales (2005)
    Journal of Graduate Liberal Studies, X (1), 143-153
  • Internet-mediated communication at the cultural interface (2005)
    Encyclopedia of Human Computer Interaction, , 373-380
  • Soutien du corps professoral dans une initiative denseignement avec les technologies de linformation et de la communication à lUniversité de Montréal (2005)
    International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 2 (1), 59-61
  • The culture(s) of cyberspace (2005)
    Encyclopedia of Human Computer Interaction, , 143-149
  • The language of cyberspace (2005)
    Encyclopedia of Human Computer Interaction, , 396-403
  • The prospects for identity and community in cyberspace (2005)
    Encyclopedia of Human Computer Interaction, , 471-478
  • A Handbook of Best Practices in the Integration of Learning Technologies into Higher Education. Illustrated with case studies from innovative institutions in Canada and around the world (2004)
    , 90 pp
  • Communicating across Cultures in Cyberspace (2004)
    , 205pp
  • Falling Through the Cultural Gaps? Intercultural communication challenges in cyberspace. (2004)
    Cultural Attitudes to Technology and Communication,
  • Negotiating cultures in cyberspace: Participation patterns and problematics (2004)
    Language Learning and Technology, 8 (2), 88-105
  • Expanding Access to International Education: The Online Way (2003)
    , 20pp
  • Intercultural and International Education via the Internet: Success Stories from Canada. (2003)
    UNESCO Conference on International and Intercultural Education,
  • International Education Online? A Report on Six Canadian Case Studies (2003)
  • Matches and Mismatches in Intercultural Learning: Designing and Moderating an Online Intercultural Course. (2003)
    UNESCO Conference on International and Intercultural Education,
  • Polyploid cells in the mouse ovary (2003)
    Journal of Anatomy, 202 (6), 563-571
  • Intercultural Challenges in Networked Learning: Hard Technologies Meet Soft Skills (2002)
    Networked Learning 2002, 7 (8)
  • Competence development by Haemophilus influenzae is regulated by the availability of nucleic acid precursors (2001)
    Molecular Microbiology, 40 (3), 700-707
  • Regulation of competence development in Haemophilus influenzae: Proposed competence regulatory elements are CRP-binding sites (2000)
    Journal of Theoretical Biology, 207 (3), 349-359
  • A 3',5' cyclic AMP (cAMP) phosphodiesterase modulates cAMP levels and optimizes competence in Haemophilus influenzae Rd (1998)
    Journal of Bacteriology, 180 (17), 4401-4405
  • Life in mucus: Sugar metabolism in Haemophilus influenzae (1996)
    Research in Microbiology, 147 (6-7), 541-551
  • Regulation of competence development and sugar utilization in Haemophilus influenzae Rd by a phosphoenolpyruvate:fructose phosphotransferase system (1996)
    Molecular Microbiology, 21 (5), 941-952

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