Hal Bradbury
Assistant Professor
Research Classification
Research Interests
Isotope geochemistry
Chemical Oceanography
Reactive Transport Modelling
Carbon cycle
Marine Sedimentary Environments
Early Diagenesis
Biogeochemical Cycles
marine Carbon Dioxide Removal
Relevant Thesis-Based Degree Programs
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I am interested in and conduct interdisciplinary research.
I am interested in working with undergraduate students on research projects.
Master's students
Doctoral students
Postdoctoral Fellows
Any time / year round
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- Address the faculty members by name. Your contact should be genuine rather than generic.
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- Highlight your achievements and why you are a top student. Faculty members receive dozens of requests from prospective students and you may have less than 30 seconds to pique someone’s interest.
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- Convey the specific ways the program/lab/faculty member is a good fit for the research you are interested in/already conducting.
- Be enthusiastic, but don’t overdo it.
Attend an information session
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These videos contain some general advice from faculty across UBC on finding and reaching out to a potential thesis supervisor.
- A compilation of published pyrite sulfur isotopic compositions from the past 165 million years (2024)
PANGAEA, - A compilation of published pyrite sulfur isotopic compositions from the past 165 million years (2024)
PANGAEA, - Calcium isotope fractionation by intracellular amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) forming cyanobacteria (2024)
Geobiology, - Carbonate chimneys at the highly productive point Dume methane seep: Fine‐scale mineralogical, geochemical, and microbiological heterogeneity reflects dynamic and long‐lived methane‐metabolizing habitats (2024)
Geobiology, - Experimental constraints on barium isotope fractionation during adsorption–desorption reactions: Implications for weathering and erosion tracer applications (2024)
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, - Revisiting the relationship between the pore water carbon isotope gradient and bottom water oxygen concentrations (2024)
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, - The sulfur isotopic composition of Cenozoic pyrite is affected by methane content and depositional environment (2024)
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, - A comparative study of cave system Ca isotope ratios with rainfall, δ13C, and trace element data: Implications for quantitative reconstructions of paleorainfall from speleothems (2023)
- Al/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3) (2023)
PANGAEA, - An emulation-based approach for interrogating reactive transport models (2023)
Geoscientific Model Development, - B/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Ba/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Ba/Ca XRF ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X2) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Barium and strontium isotope fractionation by cyanobacteria forming intracellular carbonates (2023)
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 356, 165-178 - Bi/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Cave measurements made during the field campaign in April and October 2006, including δD and δ18O from cave drip water, a nearby pond, and rainwater (Table X4) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Cl/Ca XRF ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X2) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Co/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Cr/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Cu/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Dharamjali speleothem trace elements and stable isotopes (2023)
PANGAEA, - Fe/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Fe/Ca XRF ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X2) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Glacial retreat driving enhanced methane emissions in the high Arctic (2023)
- Groundwater springs formed during glacial retreat are a large source of methane in the high Arctic (2023)
Nature Geoscience, - High resolution δ13C stable isotopes of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X1) (2023)
PANGAEA, - High resolution δ18O stable isotopes of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X1) (2023)
PANGAEA, - K/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Li/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Low resolution δ13C stable isotopes of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X1) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Low resolution δ18O stable isotopes of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X1) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Mg/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Mn/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Mo/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Na/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Ni/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Pb/Ca XRF ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X2) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Pb207/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Pb208/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Recurring summer and winter droughts from 4.2-3.97 thousand years ago in north India (2023)
Communications Earth & Environment, - S/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3) (2023)
PANGAEA, - S/Ca XRF ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X2) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Se/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Si/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Si/Ca XRF ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X2) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Sr/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Sr/Ca XRF ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X2) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Th/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Ti/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Ti/Ca XRF ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X2) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Tl/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3) (2023)
PANGAEA, - U-series dating of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X5) (2023)
PANGAEA, - U/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Y/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Zn/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3) (2023)
PANGAEA, - Zn/Ca XRF ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X2) (2023)
PANGAEA, - δ44Ca modern cave measurements for the host rock, drip water, and modern carbonate forming (Table X4) (2023)
PANGAEA, - δ44Ca stable isotopes of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X1) (2023)
PANGAEA, - A method for a fast and economical in situ collection of pore water in sandy sediments (2022)
Frontiers in Marine Science, - Abundance of Uvigerina spp. from IODP Site 339-U1385 (2022)
PANGAEA, - An emulation-based approach for interrogating reactive transport models (2022)
- Barium/Aluminium ratio of IODP Site 339-U1385 (2022)
PANGAEA, - Changes in North Atlantic deep-water oxygenation across the Middle Pleistocene Transition. (2022)
Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository, - Determination of stable isotopes of IODP Site 339-U1385 (2022)
PANGAEA, - Gaussian interpolated Δδ13C of IODP Site 339-U1385 (2022)
PANGAEA, - MIS 27-21 of IODP Site 339-U1385 (2022)
PANGAEA, - Northwest Indian stalagmite shows evidence for recurring summer and winter droughts after 4.2 ka BP (2022)
- Phosphorus/Aluminium ratio of IODP Site 303-1308 (2022)
PANGAEA, - Reconstructed paleo-oxygen concentration, stable isotope measurements and Gaussian interpolated Δδ13C obtained from the IODP Site 339-U1385 for the past 1.5 Ma, including trace element analyses and Uvigerina spp. abundance over MIS 27-21 (2022)
PANGAEA, - Revisiting the relationship between the pore water carbon isotope gradient and bottom water oxygen concentrations (2022)
Elsevier BV, - Sediment mineralogy influences the rate of microbial sulfate reduction in marine sediments (2022)
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, - Supplementary material to "An emulation-based approach for interrogating reactive transport models" (2022)
- Transect-Core Top data (2022)
PANGAEA, - Assessing Sedimentary Boundary Layer Calcium Carbonate Precipitation and Dissolution Using the Calcium Isotopic Composition of Pore Fluids (2021)
Frontiers in Earth Science, - Controls on the Precipitation of Carbonate Minerals Within Marine Sediments (2021)
Frontiers in Earth Science, 9 - Modelling the Effects of Non-Steady State Transport Dynamics on the Sulfur and Oxygen Isotope Composition of Sulfate in Sedimentary Pore Fluids (2021)
Frontiers in Earth Science, 8 - Semiquantitative Estimates of Rainfall Variability During the 8.2 kyr Event in California Using Speleothem Calcium Isotope Ratios (2021)
Geophysical Research Letters, 48 (3) - Testing for ocean acidification during the Early Toarcian using δ44/40Ca and δ88/86Sr (2021)
Chemical Geology, 574, 120228 - The Carbon-Sulfur Link in the Remineralization of Organic Carbon in Surface Sediments (2021)
Frontiers in Earth Science, 9 - Calcium isotope fractionation during microbially induced carbonate mineral precipitation (2020)
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 277, 37--51 - Calcium isotopes in deep time: Potential and limitations (2020)
Chemical Geology, 544, 119601 - The calcium isotopic composition of carbonate hardground cements: A new record of changes in ocean chemistry? (2020)
Chemical Geology, - Calcium isotopes as a record of the marine calcium cycle versus carbonate diagenesis during the late Ediacaran (2019)
Chemical Geology, 529, 119319 - Creek Dynamics Determine Pond Subsurface Geochemical Heterogeneity in East Anglian (UK) Salt Marshes (2019)
Frontiers in Earth Science, - Local and Regional Indian Summer Monsoon Precipitation Dynamics During Termination II and the Last Interglacial (2019)
American Geophysical Union (AGU), - Reevaluating the carbon sink due to sedimentary carbonate formation in modern marine sediments (2019)
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 519, 40--49 - Calcium isotope fractionation in sedimentary pore fluids from ODP Leg 175: Resolving carbonate recrystallization (2018)
Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository, - Lithium isotopic composition of benthic foraminifera: A new proxy for paleo-pH reconstruction (2018)
Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, - Mineralogy, early marine diagenesis, and the chemistry of shallow-water carbonate sediments (2018)
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 220, 512--534 - The Calcium Isotope Systematics of the Late Quaternary Dead Sea Basin Lakes (2018)
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, - Diagenesis in salt dome roof strata: Barite - calcite assemblage in Jebel Madar, Oman (2017)
Marine and Petroleum Geology, - Diagenesis in salt dome roof strata: Barite-calcite assemblage in Jebel Madar, Oman (2017)
Marine and Petroleum Geology, 86, 408--425 - Diagenesis of phosphatic hardgrounds in the Monterey Formation: A perspective from bulk and clumped isotope geochemistry (2015)
Bulletin, 127 (9-10), 1453--1463
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