Department of Urologic Sciences

Established in 2006, the Department of Urologic Sciences (DUS) falls under the umbrella of UBC’s Faculty of Medicine. DUS is focused on the development of programmes of excellence and collaborations across departments, faculties, schools and industrial partners. With strong and comprehensive educational programs, residents from across Canada, Masters and PhD students comprise the next generation of urology stars.


Research Supervisors

Name Research Interests
Afshar, Kourosh Genital reconstruction and pediatric renal transplant
Black, Peter Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (especially equality rights); Canadian human rights legislation
Cherkasov, Artem Drug design; Bioinformatics, Molecular modeling; Proteomics; Artificial intelligence; Antibiotics
Chew, Ben how kidney stones form and in particular intestinal absorption of minerals that can form kidney stones (calcium and oxalate); genetically modifying bacteria normally used to make yogurt to express a naturally occurring enzyme that breaks down oxalate, thus preventing its absorption into the body where it can combine with calcium to form kidney stones.
Collins, Colin translational genomics where mathematics, genomics, computer science, and clinical science converge in diagnostics and therapeutics
Cox, Michael genetic testing, experiences of hereditary risk, social and ethical implications of genetics, interpersonal and family communication, qualitative research, narrative and story, Prostate cancer
Daugaard, Mads Cancer progression and metastasis; Mechanisms of carcinogenesis; Cancer Diagnosis and Detection; Cancer biology; Cancer diagnostics; Cancer therapy; Cell Signaling and Cancer; Cell Therapy of Cancer; Chemotherapy; DNA damage response pathways; glycobiology; Immunotherapy; Radiotherapy; Cell stress and Cancer; Cell stress signalling in cancer
Dong, Xuesen Cancer progression and metastasis; Gene and molecular therapy; Prostate Cancer; Drug development; RNA splicing and Gene Regulation; Hormone Dependent Cancers; Endocrine Regulation
Flannigan, Ryan evaluating genetic and molecular mechanisms contributing to non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA)
Forbes, Connor Urology; Other basic medicine and life sciences; Drug discovery, design and delivery; Endourology; Minimally Invasive Surgery; Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia; Kidney stones; Translational research
Gleave, Martin Infectious diseases, interdisciplinary oncology, prostate
Goldenberg, S Larry prostate cancer, men’s health issues
Gourlay, William renal transplantation
Hach, Faraz Cancer; Algorithms and computational genomics; Computational Genomics; biomolecular sequence analysis
Harriman, David Kidneys and Urinary System
Lack, Nathan late-stage prostate cancer
Lallous, Nada Cancer drug development and therapeutics; Cancer progression and metastasis; Cancer molecular targets; Biochemistry; Biophysics; Cancer biology; Therapeutics; Protein research; Drug resistance; transcription factors
Lange, Dirk Ureteral stents; antifouling coatings; antimicrobial coatings; device complications
MacNeily, Andrew Evidence to Innovation; Care of children with urological conditions
Mannas, Miles prostate cancer, novel techniques for real-time pathologic tissue analysis utilizing artificial intelligence
Nappi, Lucia Drug discovery, Identification of new biomarkers - genitourinary malignancies, Genitourinary tumors
Nguan, Christopher Urology; Computer engineering; Civil engineering, n.e.c.; Biomedical instrumentation (including diagnostics); Medical devices; Artificial tissues engineering; Biomedical robotics; Image guided surgery systems; Applied immunology (including antibody engineering, xenotransplantation and t-cell therapies); Transplantation immunology; kidney transplantation; patient reported outcomes; medical apps for mobile health; machine learning analytics of medical imaging; machine learning analytics of complex medical data outcomes; Robotics; quality in healthcare; environmental impact of healthcare; Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare; planetary health intersection with healthcare
Ong, Christopher Prostate cancer growth; Treatment resistance; Cell signalling pathways; SEMA3C
Paterson, Ryan medical and surgical management of kidney stone disease, laparoscopic urologic surgery, and the surgical treatment of benign prostatic enlargement
So, Alan study of development of novel therapeutics for bladder cancer and determination of the functional role of GLI1/2 in the progression of prostate cancer to its lethal stage of androgen independence; discovery and development of novel agents to treat bladder cancer as well as development of the mechanisms of treatment resistance in renal cell carcinoma.
Somasekharan, Syam Cancer, n.e.c.; Cell biology, n.e.c.; RNA Biology; Cell Biology; molecular biology; Biomolecular Condensates; Nucleolus; mRNA Translation; Liquid-liquid Phase Separation
Teichman, Joel Endourology and interstitial cystitis; Kidney stones; Holmium:YAG lithotripsy; Development of optical fibers; Laser lithotripsy; Femtosecond laser ablation
Wang, Yuzhuo Clinical oncology; Prostate Cancer; Modeling the Progression of Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer; Tumor dormancy; Anti-Cancer Drug Development
Wyatt, Alexander Medical, health and life sciences; Prostate Cancer; Circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA); Bladder cancer; Precision oncology; Clinical trials; Bioinformatics; Cancer Genomics; Cell-Free DNA (cfDNA); Correlative science; Liquid biopsy
Zoubeidi, Amina Drug resistance in prostate cancer, androgen receptor activity, phenotypic plasticity, enzalutamide

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