Occupational and Environmental Hygiene

The program's major research themes include acoustics, noise and vibration; exposure assessment; analytical methods development using immunological, biological, chemical and microsensor methods; occupational and environmental epidemiology; and risk assessment and translation of research to policy.


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Faculty Members in Occupational and Environmental Hygiene

Name Research Interests
Brauer, Michael Environmental and occupational health and safety; Health sciences; Public and population health; air pollution; built environment; Community Health / Public Health; environmental health; environmental epidemiology; healthy cities; remote sensing
Davies, Hugh William Environmental and occupational health and safety; Health sciences; Public and population health; Antineoplastic drug hazards; Community Health / Public Health; environmental health; Exposure Assessment; Noise and Health; Occupational Health; Occupational Safety and Health
Kalua, Khumbo Population health interventions; Infectious diseases; Global health; Epidemiology (except nutritional and veterinary epidemiology); Neglected Tropical Eye Diseases; Global Eye Health; Cluster Randomized Trials; Implementation Science; International Global Health; Community Based Research; Clinical trials
Koehoorn, Mieke Occupational health, injury, compensation policies, Worksafe BC, Gender Work and Health
Komparic, Ana Other medical sciences; Applied ethics; Public Health Ethics; Applied Ethics; Professional Ethics; Ethics and Public Policy; Empirical Approaches to Bioethics; Public health; Pharmacare; Health Insurance; Health Policy; Health Technology Assessment (HTA); Codes of Ethics
McLeod, Christopher occupational heath and the social epidemiology of the working life course.
Poon, Brenda Population-level early identification and early intervention for children with special needs; Complex systems of coordinated service delivery and supports; Family-centered services; Integrated child health information systems; Community-based research regarding social determinants of children
Yassi, Annalee occupational health, health of health workers, international health, global health, community-based research, capacity building, Latin America, evidence-based best practices, workplace injury and illness prevention, HIV and TB prevention and care for health workers, South Africa

Student & Alumni Stories in Occupational and Environmental Hygiene

Michelle Lu

Master of Science in Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (MSc)

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