Rehabilitation Sciences

The Master of Science in Rehabilitation Science (MSc) is designed to prepare individuals to conduct research independently and in collaboration with other scientists. Students will investigate an area of research relevant to rehabilitation through critical analysis of problems related to basic sciences, clinical practice, or to development of theory.

The Master of Rehabilitation Science (MRSc) is designed for working health professionals and to enhance interdisciplinary practice. Unlike traditional thesis-based research master’s programs, the MRSc is a combination of courses and a work- or practice-based research project. The MRSc allows you to obtain a master’s degree without interrupting your work.

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) focuses on the discipline of rehabilitation sciences, the study of providing treatment and education to persons with temporary or permanent disability to return them to maximum function, well-being and personally-satisfying levels of independence.


Faculty Members in Rehabilitation Sciences

Name Research Interests
Ajjawi, Rola learning environments that support health professional trainees to succeed, workplace learning
Ardern, Clare Electronic health (e-Health); Mobile health (mHealth); Patient and citizen engagement research; Health equity; Physical therapy; Sports medicine; Knowledge translation and implementation science in health; Orthopedics; Sex and gender-based analysis; musculoskeletal conditions; Digital health; eHealth; orthopaedics; sports medicine; rehabilitation; meta-science; peer review; research impact
Barbic, Skye Occupational therapy; Rehabilitation medicine; assessment; community integration; health and well-being; Implementation Science; Individual Placement Support; measurement; Mental Health and Society; mental health; metrology; Patient Engagement; Rasch Measurement Theory; recovery; Supported Employment; youth
Boyd, Lara Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Physical therapy; Rehabilitation medicine; Learning; Learning and Memory; Motor System; Motor learning; Neurophysiology; Physiology; Plasticity / Neuronal Regeneration; stroke
Camp, Pat Physical therapy; Rehabilitation medicine
Campbell, Kristin Clinical oncology; Physical therapy; Rehabilitation medicine; Biomarkers; Breast Cancer; Exercise Physiology; oncology; physical function; Physiology; Quality of Life and Aging; rehabilitation
Eng, Janice Medical, health and life sciences; Stroke Rehabilitation; Implementation Science; Wearable sensors; Recovery of walking after stroke; Recovery of upper extremity function after stroke
Forwell, Susan Neurological conditions and their impact on chosen occupations
Glegg, Stephanie Child Development; Children's Health; Developmental Disabilities; Exercise for Children; Health services research; Opioid Abuse and Addiction; rehabilitation; Translational Medical Research; Knowledge translation
Guenette, Jordan Respiratory diseases; Other biological sciences; Clinical exercise physiology; Cardiorespiratory physiology; Mechanisms and management of breathlessness and exercise intolerance; Chronic respiratory diseases
Henderson, Julia
Holsti, Liisa Medical, health and life sciences; premature infants; neurodevelopment; stress; pain; measurement; technology transfer; sucrose; rehabilitation; pediatrics
Hunt, Michael Physical therapy; Rehabilitation medicine; Arthritis / Osteo-Arthritis; biomechanics; exercise; Joints (Articulations); musculoskeletal; Musculoskeletal Deformation; Neuromuscular Diseases; Orthoses and Prostheses; Physical Activity; rehabilitation
Huot, Suzanne Occupational therapy; Human geography; asylum seekers; bilingualism; community-engaged research; critical theory; francophone minority communities; francophones; french; Gender; immigration; intersectionality; Migration Studies; Migrations, Populations, Cultural Exchanges; occupational science; Qualitative research; refugees; social inclusion; social integration; Platform economy
Jarus, Tal Occupational therapy; Rehabilitation medicine; Disciplinary education; art-based research; disabled practitioners;; Disabled students;; diversifying health and human service professions; Justice and equity in health professions
Li, Linda Knowledge translation and implementation science in health; Patient and citizen engagement research; Patient-centered care; Mobile health (mHealth); Health counselling; Health promotion and disease prevention; Physical therapy; Care
Liu-Ambrose, Teresa Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Physical therapy; Rehabilitation medicine; Healthy Aging; exercise; Fall prevention; Cognitive Aging; Randomized Controlled Trials; Physical Activity; Mobility; Neuroimaging; Sleep
Miller, William Occupational therapy
Mortenson, Ben Occupational therapy; Rehabilitation medicine; Accessibility; Assistive technology; Caregiving; Mobility; Outcome measures; Quality of Life and Aging; rehabilitation; Robotics; Social Aspects of Aging; Social participation; Spinal cord injury
Nimmon, Laura Health sciences; Qualitative research; medical education; Health Professions Education; Social network analysis; Human connection; Interdependence; Social theories; Social power; Palliative Care
Pollock, Courtney Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Physical therapy; Rehabilitation medicine; impact of neurological changes associated with aging, disease and injury on motor control; motor control of walking balance and balance reactions
Sakakibara, Brodie Clinical medicine; Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy; Gerontology; rehabilitation; Physical Activity; Physical Rehabilitation; Stroke Rehabilitation; Chronic disease self-management and prevention; Telehealth in people with stroke and cardiovascular disease; Complex behavioural intervention development; Clinical trial methodologies; Participatory and patient-oriented research
Schmidt, Julia Occupational therapy; Trauma / Injuries; cognition; Neurological diseases; Cognitive impairment; neuroscience; rehabilitation; Self-awareness; Self-identity; Traumatic Brain Injury
Scott, Alexander Physical therapy; Rehabilitation medicine; musculoskeletal; Musculoskeletal Lesions and Repair; orthopaedics; physical therapy; physiotherapy; sports medicine
Virji-Babul, Naznin Concussion/mild traumatic brain injury, Developmental disabilities (Down’s syndrome), Developmental neuroscience (mirror neurons, perception-action coupling)
Whittaker, Jacqueline Physical therapy; Exercise counselling; Exercise therapy; Health care; Kinesiology; Knee injuries; Knee osteoarthritis; Low back pain; Osteoarthritis prevention; Physical Activity; physical therapy; rehabilitation; Sport injury prevention; sports medicine; Sports/exercise; Ultrasound Imaging; Wearable activity tracker; youth
Zwicker, Jill Occupational therapy; Rehabilitation medicine; Brain development; developmental coordination disorder; Infant / Child Development; Learning Disorders in Children; Motor System; neuroplasticity; Prematurity; rehabilitation

Student & Alumni Stories in Rehabilitation Sciences

Sabrina Cao

Master of Science in Rehabilitation Sciences (MSc)

Jill Zwicker

Doctor of Philosophy in Rehabilitation Sciences (PhD)

Amy Kirkham

Doctor of Philosophy in Rehabilitation Sciences (PhD)

Reid Mitchell

Doctor of Philosophy in Rehabilitation Sciences (PhD)

Gordon Tao

Doctor of Philosophy in Rehabilitation Sciences (PhD)

Justin Turner

Doctor of Philosophy in Rehabilitation Sciences (PhD)

Holly Reid

Doctor of Philosophy in Rehabilitation Sciences (PhD)

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