Master of Science
The Botany Department is one of the largest and strongest Botany Departments in North America, offering a wide range of research and educational programs. Specializations range from the organismal to the molecular level.
Name | Research Interests |
Adams, Keith | Molecular evolution, genome evolution, and gene expression |
Angert, Amy | Plant biology; Zoology; Biodiversity and Biocomplexity; biogeography; biological responses to climate change; Conservation Biology; Ecological and Ecophysiological Processes; evolutionary ecology; population biology |
Ashraf, Mohammad Arif | Cell division; plant development; drug discovery |
Bohlmann, Joerg | plant biochemistry, forestry genomics, forest health, conifers, poplar, bark beetle, mountain pine beetle, natural products, secondary metabolites, terpenes, floral scent, grapevine, Conifer genomics Forest health genomics Mountain pine beetle, fungus, pine interactions and genomics Chemical ecology of conifer, insect interactions |
Cronk, Quentin Charles | Plant biology; botany; taxonomy; systematics; genomics |
Davies, Jonathan | Phylogenetics & Biodiversity. Development and application of phylogenetic methods in ecology and conservation biology |
Fast, Naomi | Genomics, single-celled organisms |
Fischer, Monika | Mycology; mycology; fire-adapted fungi; fungal community ecology; fungal genetics & development; fungal metabolism |
Gaynor, Kaitlyn | behavioral responses of animals to human presence; effects of anthropogenic disturbance on predator-prey and other species interactions; socio-ecological dynamics of conservation and coexistence |
Graham, Sean | Plant phylogenetics; Plant systematics; Plant evolution; Organelles; Phylogenomics; Land plants; Mycoheterotrophs |
Jetter, Reinhard | Chemical sciences; Plant biology; Analytical Chemistry; Biological Chemistry; Molecular Genetics; Plant Biochemistry; Plant Ecophysiology |
Keeling, Patrick John | Molecular evolution and cell biology of eukaryotes |
Leander, Brian | Plant biology; Zoology; Comparative organismal biology; Evolutionary morphology; Evolutionary protistology; Marine biodiversity; Marine invertebrate zoology; Phylogenetic biology; Species discovery |
Li, Xin | Molecules in plants, plants defence against pathogen infection, plant genes |
Mansfield, Shawn | plant metabolism, cellulose biosynthesis, lignin biosynthesis, wood formation, wood quality, cell wall biochemistry, tree biotechnology, transgenics, Tree biotechnology |
Martone, Patrick | Plant biology; Protist; Plants; Physiology; Taxonomy and Systematics; Ecology and Quality of the Environment; Evolution and Phylogenesis; Biomaterials; Solid Mechanics; Fluid mechanics; biomechanics; Ecology; evolution; Intertidal Zone; Macroalgae; Phycology |
Michaletz, Sean | Plant physiological ecology; Plant biology; Surface processes; Natural hazards; Ecophysiology; Ecosystem ecology; climate change; macroecology; Geophysics; Scaling; Fire |
Moore, Alex | Community ecology (except invasive species ecology); Plant-animal interactions; Global change biology; Ecological restoration (except bioremediation); Applied community and ecosystem ecology; impact of predator-prey interactions on the health and functioning of coastal wetland ecosystems; role of cultural values and knowledge in ecosystem restoration conservation; Global change impacts on coastal environments |
Parfrey, Laura | Microbial ecology, microbial diversity, microbiome, protists |
Rieseberg, Loren | Bioinformatics; Genomics; Plant biology; adaptation; crops; invasive plants; plant evolutionary biology; speciation; weeds |
Rosado Rey, Abel | Plasma membrane repair mechanisms in plants |
Samuels, Anne Lacey | Plant biology; plant cell biology; plant cell walls |
Song, Liang | Plant genomics; Environmental stresses; Seed development; Gene Expression |
Suttle, Curtis | Bioinformatics; Fisheries sciences; Immunology; Microbiology; Oceanography; Plant biology; Biological Oceanography; Environmental Virology; Marine Environment; Marine Microbiology; Microbial Diversity; Phage; Viral Discovery; Viruses |
Todesco, Marco | Plant biology; Quantitative genetics (including disease and trait mapping genetics); Biological adaptation; Developmental genetics (including sex determination); Genomics; Population, ecological and evolutionary genetics; Paleogenomics; Genetics engineering; Genetic and molecular basis of adaptation; Plant genomics; Chromosomal structural variation; Crop improvement and bioengineering; Wild sunflowers ecology and evolution; Cannabis diversity and domestication |
Tortell, Philippe | Biological / Chemical Oceanography, Climate-active Trace Gases, Primary Productvity, Polar Marine Ecosystems |
Tseng, Michelle | Population ecology; Community ecology (except invasive species ecology); Evolutionary impacts of climate change; Biological adaptation; Ecological impacts of climate change; Insect & plankton ecology; Community and evolutionary ecology; Community responses to warming; Urban biodiversity |
Wasteneys, Geoff | Plant biology; Cell signaling; Hormones and Growth Factors; Molecular Genetics; Cellulose Biosynthesis; Microtubule Dynamics and Organization; Plant Cell Walls in Cell Shape and Tissue Function; Plant Growth and Development; Plant Responses to Abiotic Stress; Trafficking of Membrane Receptors and Transporters |
Whitton, Jeannette | Speciation (evolutionary processes); Plant developmental and reproductive biology; Plant evolutionary ecology; Evolution of asexuality; Evolution and consequences of polyploidy; Speciation/ diversification; Species at risk in Canada; Conservation policy |