Master of Science
The Department of Mathematics at UBC is one of the very strongest mathematics departments in Canada. Our international reputation for excellence is not only well-established, but also rising during this exciting expansion period of our research and training programs.
Research interests in the department cover a strikingly broad array of areas, with our recent department review citing an excellent balance of pure and applied mathematics. The areas include Algebraic Geometry, Algebraic Topology, Asymptotic Analysis, Combinatorics, Differential Geometry, Dynamical Systems, Fluid Mechanics, Geometric Topology, Graph Theory, Harmonic Analysis, Industrial Applied Mathematics, Information Theory, Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Finance, Mathematical Modelling, Mathematical Physics, Number Theory, Numerical Analysis, Optimization, Partial Differential Equations, and Probability Theory. Faculty, postdocs, visitors, grad students, and undergraduates all contribute to the vibrant research community in UBC math.
Name | Research Interests |
Shmerkin, Pablo | Metric and fractal geometry; fractal geometry; Harmonic Analysis; ergodic theory; Connections with additive combinatorics and probability |
Silberman, Lior | Mathematics and statistics; Mathematics; Analysis on manifolds; Automorphic forms; Group Theory; Homogenous dynamics; Metric geometry; Number theory; Representation Theory; Topology |
Slade, Gordon | Renormalisation, Lace explansion, self-avoiding walk, scaling limits |
Solymosi, Jozsef | Additive Combinatorics, Discrete and Computational Geometry, Graph theory, and Combinatorial Number Theory |
Tsai, Tai-Peng | Differential equations and integral equations in pure mathematics; Partial Differential Equations; Mathematical physics |
van Willigenburg, Stephanie | Combinatorics and discrete mathematics; algebraic combinatorics; Coxeter group; quasisymmetric function; Schur functions and generalizations; chromatic symmetric function |
Vatsal, Vinayak | Canonical periods, congruence formula, elliptic curve, Iwasawa invariants, Heegner points, L-functions |
Wachs, Anthony | Fluidization and fluid mechanics; Process control and simulation in chemical engineering; Numerical computation; Fluid mechanics; Particle-laden flows; Non Newtonian flows; Heat and mass transfer; Numerical simulation; High performance computing; Multi-scale modelling |
Ward, Michael Jeffrey | Applied analysis, singular perturbations, reaction-diffusion theory, mathematical modeling and scientific compution, nonlinear dynamics and applied partial differential equations |
Watson, Liam | Topology; Low-dimensional topology; Khovanov homology; Heegaard Floer homology |
Wetton, Brian | Scientific computing, fluid mechanics |
Williams, Ben | Topology; Algebra; Algebraic topology; Motivic homotopy theory; A1 homotopy theory |
Yavicoli, Alexia | fractal geometry; Harmonic Analysis; geometric measure theory; Number theory; ergodic theory |
Yilmaz, Ozgur | Mathematical problems related to analog-to-digital conversion, blind source separation, sparse approximations and compressed sensing, and applications in seismic signal processing |
Zahl, Joshua | Combinatorics and discrete mathematics; Lie groups, harmonic and Fourier analysis; Harmonic Analysis; Combinatorics; Discrete and Combinatorial Geometry |