Department of Psychiatry
Vision: to transform care for people with mental disorders and addictions through innovations in research, education and partnerships.
Mission: the department is committed to realizing its vision by investing in the people and the infrastructure that will drive cutting-edge research programs and knowledge creation, which will translate into life-changing clinical care for ever-growing populations suffering from mental illnesses and addictions in BC and across Canada.
Research Supervisors
Name | Research Interests |
Austin, Jehannine | Clinical genetics (except cancer genetics); genetic counseling; genetics services; mental health |
Beasley, Clare Louise | identify changes in the brains of individuals with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder that may elucidate the etiology of these disorders and provide clues to novel treatments; white matter pathology and inflammation; effects of antipsychotic medications on the brain |
Brotto, Lori | Human reproduction and development sciences; Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Clinical psychology; mindfulness; Sexual Dysfunctions; sexual desire; treatment of sexual concerns; women's sexual health; asexuality; digital health interventions |
Chakrabarty, Trisha | Cognitive dsyfunction; Virtual reality cognitive retraining; Bipolarity; Psychotherapy approaches for mood disorders |
Craig, Ann Marie | Excitatory and inhibitory synapses, Synapse development and plasticity, Synapse organizing proteins, Neurotransmitter receptors, Autism and schizophrenia |
Diamond, Adele | executive functions; prefrontal cortex; dopamine; working memory; self-control; self-regulation; cognition; COMT gene; Sex differences; stress; ACEs (adverse childhood experiences); ELS (early life stress); resilience; social determinants of health; ADHD; depression; PTSD; Physical Activity; the arts; mindfulness |
Frangou, Sophia | the study of the human brain in health and disease |
Geller, Josie | Eating Disorders |
Holt, Robert | Immunogenetics, Metagenomics - Infectious agents in Cancer, Cancer Genomes, Neurobiology, DNA Sequencing |
Honer, William | Brain disorders, risk factors for disease |
Kealy, David | Consciousness, Subjectivity and Personal Identity; Mental Health and Society; Affective and Emotional Development; Psychotherapy; mental health; Personality; Emotional functioning |
Keramatian, Kamyar | early intervention in bipolar disorder, Mental Health & Addictions |
Krausz, Reinhard | addiction, complex concurrent disorders, E -Mental Health, Internet based healthcare, vulnerable urban populaton, Psychosis, opiate addiction, e-mental health, internet based healthcare, vulnerbale urban population, trauma, homelessness and mental health |
Lam, Raymond | Psychiatry (including psychotherapy); depression; Biomarkers; light therapy; cognition; digital technologies; bipolar disorder; antidepressants; global mental health |
MacVicar, Brian | Brain Research, epilepsy, astrocyte, glia, dendrites, synapse, imaging, two photon laser scanning microscopy, neurophysiology, Role of calcium, regulation of neurons, cell death |
Michalak, Erin | bipolar disorder; quality of life; stigma, community based research; depression; mental health; ehealth; self-management, Bipolar disorder, quality of life, stigma, community based research, depression, mental health, ehealth, self-management |
Murphy, Timothy | Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Autism; brain imaging; depression; Neuronal Systems; stroke |
Ogrodniczuk, John | Mental Health and Society; Psychodynamic Psychotherapy; Personality Disorders; Group Psychotherapy; Men’s Mental Health; Alexithymia; Athletes |
Panenka, William | Brain, Behaviour & Development |
Pavlidis, Paul | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Engineering and technology; genomics; Bioinformatics; cellular and molecular neuroscience; Genetics; disorders of the nervous system; single-cell genomics; Computational Biology; Gene regulation |
Phillips, Anthony | Addictions Psychiatry, Basic Neurosciences |
Raymond, Lynn | Huntington's Disease |
Schuetz, Christian | Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects |
Seamans, Jeremy | Schizophrenia, attention deficit disorder and addiction |
Snutch, Terrance Preston | Medical biotechnology, n.e.c.; Brain Disorders; Animal models; genomics; Drug discovery & development |
Stewart, Evelyn | Genetic, phenotypic, and developmental aspects of childhood neuropsychiatric disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder |
Taylor, Steven | Anxiety disorders, stress, posttraumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, health anxiety, hypochondriasis, psychotherapy, cognitive-behavior therapy, mental disorders, psychiatric diagnosis |
Vanderwal, Tamara | Functional Neuroimaging; child psychiatric disorders; depression in youth |
Vigo, Daniel | Burden of disease estimation; Service improvement; Health systems assessment; global mental health; Psychiatric epidemiology; Psychopharmacology; Psychotherapy; E-mental health |
Vila-Rodriguez, Fidel | Psychiatry (including psychotherapy); Medical devices; Interventional Brain Medicine; Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation; Electroconvulsive Therapy; Magnetic Seizure Therapy; Low-Intensity Focused Ultrasound; Deep Brain Stimulation; Neuroimaging |
Woodward, Todd | Cognitive neuropsychiatry and functional neuroimaging |
Yatham, Lakshmi | Mood & Anxiety Disorders |