Division of Marketing and Behavioural Science

The Marketing and Behavioural Science Division at UBC Sauder School of Business is a recognized leader in Canada in the discipline of marketing. We are a dynamic group of scholars and business professionals with expertise in a variety of fields including marketing channels, marketing research, pricing and promotions, services, social marketing, and consumer behaviour. 

We are a highly productive research group, ranking number one in Canada in publications in major marketing journals. 


Open Research Positions

This list of possible research projects is non-exhaustive. It only shows positions that are specifically advertised in the G+PS website.


Research Supervisors

Name Research Interests
Aquino, Karl Organizational behavior
Ba, Wenjia understanding sequential interactions; Machine Learning; revenue management; probability theory
Cavanaugh, Lisa Emotions, Relationships, Self and Identity, Social Influence, Prosocial Consumption
Chandrashekaran, Murali Management education, customer satisfaction, mergers and acquisition, innovation, international collaborations in education, Integration and professional development, strategic management of customer relationships, shareholder value, subsidiary performance, satisfaction strength, customer loyalty
Cornil, Yann Social sciences; Food marketing; sustainability; Sensory Perception
Dahl, Darren Consumer behaviour, new product development, social marketing, affect and emotion, creativity in business, Marketing
Griffin, Dale Consumer decision making, risk assessment and risk communication, managerial decision making, behavioural finance, forecasting, branding and consumer satisfaction, research methods and statisitcs
Hardisty, David Marketing; consumer behaviour; sustainability; decisions about the future; product attribute framing
Hoegg, Jo Andrea Social influence, consumer-brand relationships, consumer response to product design, sensory marketing
Ning, Eddie Information Acquisition; Consumer Search; Dynamic Pricing; Bargaining; Continuous-time Games; Emerging Technologies
Oblander, Shin Marketing; quantitative marketing; Causal inference; customer relationship management; probabilistic machine learning; bounded rationality; representation learning
Park, Jen Marketing; Judgment and Decision-Making; Framing & Context Effects; Digital Interfaces & Information Processing; Prosocial & Pro-environmental Behavior
Qian, Yi Economics of Intellectual Property Rights; Counterfeiting and Brand Management; Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Marketing Analytics
Sirwani, Deepak Numbers; Time; Morality; decision making
Wang, Yanwen Economics and business administration; Marketing; financial decision making; Public health; Public Policy; technology
White, Katherine Social sciences; sustainability, social influence and consumer behaviour, the self and consumer behaviour
Wu, Chunhua Structural Modeling; Internet Advertising; Social Networks; CRM

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